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Everything posted by fmateo05

  1. Are you trying the register for use as Normal SIP phone? or to use it as trunking?
  2. For inbound you must add the numbers on the account on full format mode (E.164), then add the carriers ip address to the acls. After that you should assign the numbers to any user or devices (on SmartPBX or Call-flows) For outbound calling you should use the resources API, they can be global (to all accounts) or local to the account. https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/doc/resources.md
  3. execute: ss -ln | egrep "7000|5060" it seems that kamailio's IP address is set to on MY_IP_ADDRESS kamailio variable (local.cfg)
  4. You must start up kamailio, kamailio listens on those ports and freeswitch is the media server.
  5. Update: Added option 9 (not yet specified on the voice menu) related to read Real-time DTMF (Each key pressed are played back once).
  6. I think you can set up IP based authentication, also you should use DNS service with SRV/NAPTR records for the SBC's IP addresses
  7. It s a good idea to create a post-install script using the dialog command line tool. i am going create one and do some quality tests.
  8. Frequently, i give some information to asterisk users, in their forums about the existence of Kazoo as an excellent alternative, typically when they have issues on their asterisk installs. Most of them don't know about Kazoo Platform and they resist thinking about a new learning curve. On some of those forums they forbid me to talk about alternatives, may be to avoid losing customers and so on. Anyway i am finding out some other methods and also would give them a tour about migrating to kazoo platform.
  9. Done. Reduced the 2 seconds silence before start. Update: Added option 8 (not yet specified on the voice menu) related to show current date and time (UTC). Update 2: Now the option 8 is set with the audio macro instead of tts and specified in the main menu.
  10. Ok, done with the Say media type for options 2 and 7. Now i am finding out how to perform the option 1
  11. I changed the scheme in the pivot to this one: https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/callflow/doc/audio_macro.md The options involved are the callerid and DTMF. I am going to check the other options like milliwatt and the recording
  12. Thanks for let me know. I am going to review and correct those details. Some of the options uses the pivot application and i could change them to use the signalwire LaML or relay for the digits; before that i am going to check if the tts module can be changed to read as digits and also slower.
  13. Hi all. Just now i have implemented a test call website (it should be a contest to TheTestCall). It is named: TestyourCall (https://testyourcall.blogspot.com). The difference here is that TestyourCall is based on kazoo platform and the first one (older) is based on asterisk. It took me only about 2 hours to complete it and get it running. This is the first step stage, The POTS numbers are from Signalwire (i suggest you to test but please make briefly calls because i need to wait few days for adding more $$ to the space account). What is your opinion? Test and let me know
  14. Hi all. This is my last post on the community forum. It was a great experience to interact with the staff an all the members that work on each day to make Kazoo a great product. Anyway i am going to research and use Kazoo as my preferred platform, i would collaborate externally on the other social media and will be pending to the new Kazoo 5.x release. Again, thanks to everyone
  15. Ok, there is another way to make it work on the custom_sip_headers section (resources) you can use P-Preferred-Identity Header, it will override the default one (P-Asserted-Identity).
  16. check out this link https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/core/kazoo_endpoint/doc/formatters.md
  17. Just now, i created a pull request on 2600hz/kazoo-sounds .
  18. Uploaded a newer archive with the corrections. Hope it works as expected (i am also testing here).
  19. Excellent. Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to create a new upcoming revision considering these things. It would take some time but i will improve the quality. The last file that I uploaded, i had included some more prompts that were left (when comparing the prompts.txt from english and spanish). On English, the prompts.txt list are complete, i am going to translate from that one.
  20. I am available to any kind of comment regarding improvements or corrections to the prompts.
  21. How is it going?? Anyone interested for testing?
  22. Hi all. I am currently testing kazoo prompts on Spanish language. I have recorded them and i want some of you to test the prompts using this language. By the moment i consider it on testing stage. kazoo-prompts-es-2020-06-12.tar.gz 'removed older files' Kazoo-prompts-es.tar.gz Kazoo-prompts-es.tar.gz
  23. Does that softphone use outbound proxy setting? If the realm is not resolved through DNS, you must use Realm and IP address to register Domain: The account's realm Outbound proxy: The server's ip address
  24. Thats excellent!! Thanks all for the hard work and to make it possible! I am going to explore them
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