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Everything posted by fmateo05

  1. Which Youtube video did you watch?
  2. I dont think so. on my kazoo install i have also Other and it works by dialing any on-net number. Try the global carrier setting on the account and dial again
  3. You can set up the carrier module on the number to "other" and it will disable the force_outbound and route calls on-net
  4. until

  5. until

  6. You have blackhole available. Also webhooks. If pivot has the mentioned limitations, so is 'not great'.
  7. That is related to dns resolution on the node. Check /etc/hosts and exec hostname (also hostname -f)
  8. I have this video as workaround for provisioning phones using settings from another third party pbx. I already read some threads in this forum before regarding this, few years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrpSRpP8N3c
  9. I believe you can use the internal kamailio IP instead
  10. This is a video edition explaining the install: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA55nkQkxCI
  11. When executing 'sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance add_fs_node freeswitch@zoneA.somedomain.com 'false'' Does it requires multiple zone additions? Or is it one freeswitch per ecallmgr zone? I am reading the 2600h's docs (and also another third party doc that assign all existing ecallmgr zones to each freeswitch)
  12. These are Video Tutorials about Kazoo Open Source's 2 Zones installation using Linux Containers, ZeroTier and IPTables For the newcomers or newbies this would be a suitable Demo
  13. They are two pivots, the first one requests the second one (and vice-versa) . And also there is a collect DTMF with record_call callflow action . Then, the second pivot plays the previously recorded audio file using the URL with another children pivot module that requests the first one again. The ecallmgr system_config document has the use_shout = true . On the first pivot the playback terminator is the # sign (on collect DTMF).
  14. I am going to give details about how it works. When the number is dialed outbound, it will ask the user to dial two digits. These two digits are split by the first one as the carrier to select, and the second one, the DID number selected as the caller ID on that carrier. The code is wrote to split the carrier by required flags, so when adding your resources, you must specify a flag in the second pivot script and also set that same on the carrier to be configured. If adding another different carrier you must add the function like: function myothercarrier($digitspl) { $myothercarrier = array("1929XXXXXXX", "+1561XXXXXXX", "1786XXXXXXX", "1862XXXXXXXX"); header('content-type:application/json'); ?> { "module": "dynamic_cid", "data": { "action": "static", "caller_id" : { "name": "<?= $myothercarrier[$digitspl]; ?>", "number": "<?= $myothercarrier[$digitspl]; ?>" } }, "children": { "_": { "module":"resources", "data": { "use_local_resources": false , "outbound_flags": ["myothercarrier"], "to_did": "<?= $calleeid ; ?>" }, "children": {} } } } <?php } And also add some code, so the function must be executed, this one must be just below of the last similar one like: if($digitspl['0'] === '8' ){ signalwire($digitspl['1']); } Note that the value is '8' and must be increased by one on each carrier addition (if there were seven, then you add digit 8. The numbers must be added on e164 or 1+NPA+NXX format, depending of how the carrier supports it. Settings that are required: The resource flags with require_flags: true , and also the flag value set. The list of DID's on that carrier (if they are 7 for example, you add them separated by commas on the array, i recommend to add the first DID twice, because the array counts from zero) The "use_local_resources" setting if you desire to use local resources or global (boolean).
  15. Hey Tested the new spanish prompts officially from 2600hz. They are excellent. Going to create another account on my cluster to test the other ones (es-es)
  16. Hi. I have edited the previous post for easy understanding and how to know how are the first or the second pivot script. The URL posted is an example, and you should set it to the site where your pivot scripts are hosted (it basically calls the second script with file named 'resource-cid-select.php') The Caller ID would be chosen depending of the dialed digit. If you dial (1)(1) after the prompt: First Digit: Carrier #1 or Carrier #2 Second Digit: Caller ID in full format on kazoo
  17. First Pivot Script: <?php header('content-type:application/json'); ?> { "module":"tts", "data":{ "text": "Please select your Provider and CallerID", "engine": "flite" }, "children": { "_": { "module": "collect_dtmf", "data": { "max_digits": 3, "collection_name": "custom_name" }, "children": { "_": { "module": "pivot", "data": { "voice_url": "http://portal.example.com/pivot/resource-cid-select.php" }, "children": {} } } } } } Second Pivot Script: <?php function signalwire($digitspl) { $signalwire = array("1631XXXXXXX", "1786XXXXXXX", "+1929XXXXXXX", "1848XXXXXXX", "1716XXXXXXX"); $calleeid = '+' . $_REQUEST['To']; header('content-type:application/json'); ?> { "module": "dynamic_cid", "data": { "action": "static", "caller_id" : { "name": "<?= $signalwire[$digitspl]; ?>", "number": "<?= $signalwire[$digitspl]; ?>" } }, "children": { "_": { "module":"resources", "data": { "use_local_resources": false , "outbound_flags": [ "signalwire" ], "to_did": "<?= $calleeid ?>" }, "children": {} } } } <?php } function bulkvs($digitspl) { $bulkvs = array("1929XXXXXXX", "+1561XXXXXXX", "1786XXXXXXX", "1862XXXXXXXX"); header('content-type:application/json'); ?> { "module": "dynamic_cid", "data": { "action": "static", "caller_id" : { "name": "<?= $bulkvs[$digitspl]; ?>", "number": "<?= $bulkvs[$digitspl]; ?>" } }, "children": { "_": { "module":"resources", "data": { "use_local_resources": false , "outbound_flags": ["bulkvs"], "to_did": "<?= $calleeid ; ?>" }, "children": {} } } } <?php } $digitsel = $_REQUEST['Digits']; $digitspl = $digitsel['custom_name']; if($digitspl['0'] === '1' ){ signalwire($digitspl['1']); } elseif($digitspl['0'] === '2') { bulkvs($digitspl['1']) ; } else { $calleeid = '+' . $_REQUEST['To']; header('content-type:application/json'); ?> { "module":"resources", "data": { "use_local_resources": false , "to_did": "<?= $digitspl ?>" }, "children": {} } } <?php } These pivot scripts can help as a quick method. For example, if you dial 12, it would choose the assigned provider as first digit and the third callerid as the second one. First digit: > 1. 'Signalwire' < 2. Bulkvs Second digit: 1. 1631XXXXXXX 2. 1786XXXXXXX > 3. '1929XXXXXXX' <
  18. I was practicing the feature code (*2) combining dynamic_cid with cb_lists. I got it working as per the example as expected. That setting is on the API level.
  19. I also use it via API on call flows. On Pivot you can select the caller id inside an Array (for example) and set it on the dynamic caller id with static option https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/callflow/doc/dynamic_cid.md That can be configured as above on pivot also.
  20. Hi again. This could be an old post. On my region is very hard to find or migrate some customers to kazoo or freeswitch related. Because they rely on asterisk in some cases. Currently i am offering to them Customized FreePBX.
  21. You must set-up the device configuration on zoiper like: Username: <device username> Hostname: <Realm> Password: <device password> Outbound Proxy: <server ip address>:7000
  22. host=<proxy-ip-address> from-domain=20201126085320.sip.XXXX.com Register string: register => sip-user@20201126085320.sip.XXXX.com:password@<proxy-ip-address>
  23. @Shah I sent you a DM.
  24. Check this out: https://upcloud.com/compare/azure/ https://upcloud.com/pricing/
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