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  1. Watching the thread over here.. just in case...
  2. until

    The link is not working for much time; Is there any update? or does it not exist anymore?
  3. From discord : In an effort to try and make things easier for people to test I've uploaded pre-built releases: kazoo-4.4: https://github.com/kageds/kazoo_applications/releases/download/0.1/kazoo-4.4.tar.gz and Freeswitch: https://github.com/kageds/freeswitch/releases/download/0.1/freeswitch.TGZ
  4. I am available here to contribute (IF you want!).
  5. Yes it is, and also assigned to the trunkstore
  6. Currently having issues with Kazoo with CouchDB 3 when using trunkstore / PBX Connector; It returns 686 PICNIC (FreeSWITCH) and behaves like the Number is not assigned to trunkstore. I am going to locate and post some kazoo logs regarding this. UPDATE: More below...
  7. Good to know... Currently doing an install for a customer.
  8. docs.2600hz.com looks down. going to check if cluster install is include on the github documentation
  9. Tried that before and no feedback/reply from the moderators.
  10. Excuse me about this off-topic It is possible carry out my user account? I decided to not continue with new posts and contributions here on this forum. What do you need from my end?
  11. After browsing the rpm repository i found some rocky 8 and 9 packages; but with the core not yet released https://packages.2600hz.com/rockylinux/8/
  12. The hyperlink is giving 404 error.
  13. Check with Doodle kazoo app : sup kapps_controller start_app doodle.
  14. Where did they previously cloned the monster-ui source on those clusters?
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