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For full outbound caller privacy the carrier Im using requires this:

From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
P-Asserted-Identity: "447700900123" <sip:447700900123@realm> 
Privacy: id

How do I configure Kazoo to do this when I set an account to:

"caller_id_options": { "outbound_privacy": "full" },


  • simonp22 changed the title to Full Outbound Caller Privacy
  • 7 months later...

Still trying to find a solution for this, 

Even after setting "default_asserted_identity" to true in system_config/callflow.resources kazoo still sends RPID,  rather than PAI.

Has anyone had this problem before?


Based on that link, it doesn't seem like I could do the following:

If the From header matches a regex expression e.g. ^\\*67(\\d{10})$

- Add Privacy: id header

- Add P-Asserted-Identity: "{FromCaptureGroup}" <sip:{FromCaptureGroup}@realm>


Or am I wrong? and if so, how could you do this?


Ok, there is another way to make it work

on the custom_sip_headers section  (resources) you can use P-Preferred-Identity  Header, it will override the default one (P-Asserted-Identity). 

  • 7 months later...


I'm curious as to whether or not you worked this out? I found this thread doing a google search, because I'm looking to do the exact same thing you were.

If you figured it out, please post!  Thanks!!



  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone! Stopping by to see if folks had had a chance to review the following documentation regarding Caller ID Privacy:


This was discussed at length internally, and while there are some details that may not apply, it was noted that another option for getting this to work was the following:

[...]one option is to set caller_id_options.privacy_method to sip on the carrier doc(s). This has only been verified in 5.x so far. 

I hope this helps, and I'll check back in to see what comes of that! 

  • 1 month later...

I just tried the system_configs setting on 4.3 and it worked, outbound call contained the right header:

P-Asserted-Identity: "Account Name" <sip:+$main_number@voip.domain.net.au>


PATCH {{ base_url }}/system_configs/callflow.resources

    "data": {
        "default": {
      "default_asserted_identity": true,
      "default_emit_account_id": false

It also set the Privacy: id header using the *67 feature code

  • 1 year later...

Hello all.

How can I achieve the same result in Kazoo 3.18? Looking at the code is seems that there is no option "caller_id_options": { "outbound_privacy": "full" } available in the user configuration.
In my specific case I want every call from a given user to have the aforementioned format:

From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
P-Asserted-Identity: "447700900123" <sip:447700900123@realm> 
Privacy: id

But I have no idea how to get that. Can I create a metaflow for the specific user adding the privacy module for every callflow?

Can anyone direct me for a resource/documentation that could enlighten me?

5 hours ago, brian said:

You really need to get yourself off 3.x ASAP. 

Unfortunately, at this moment, this is not an option.

Looking at the code, I've found a privacy module in the Kazoo I am working on. The default settings on it use the mode I am interested in (Privacy-Mode: full), so it seems like it is only a matter of somehow including the module in the callflow.

I have to associate this module to every outbound call for specific users in our system and I am trying to learn how to do that. Can anyone provide any direction? Examples I can have a look or something like that.

  • Administrators

To Brian's point, so much has changed between 3.18 (Aug 2015 last update) and 4.3 that I don't think it's worth anyone else's time to figure it out for you, tbh.

Depending on your size, I would consider standing up an independent 4.3 cluster and slowly move customers over vs upgrading from 3.18 at this point. And I would fetch the data from 3.18 via the API and send it to your 4.3 API versus copying databases over.

In 4.x you can set privacy expectations on the endpoint (device or user) instead of having to modify every callflow. You might find a concept called "preflow" that would run before every callflow where you could insert the privacy action if you want (and if preflow exists in that version).


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