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Watching the thread over here.. just in case...
I meant that their releasing anything open source is a "side gig" since it's not integral to their business at this point.
I have been aware it has been completed, but they also mentioned waiting on the Marketplace to be completed. Sounds like a different team working on it. I would think even less time to complete that. In addition it's not a "side gig." They offer hosting for it, as well selling a deal with OneBill for a billing system.
LOL -- I'm working with some companies on projects that are taking even longer than that. But the thing is, Kazoo v5 is completed and has been in production for several years. It's just the open source release of it that has been delayed. Now, that's not to say that they _couldn't_ have released it sooner if things were planned/managed better. But the thing is, they run a business, and releasing the open source code is only a "side gig" thing and isn't actually a huge benefit to the business side of things (it is some, but not nearly as much as people think). Clearly the open source release isn't their "priority" or it would have already been released, but that doesn't mean it isn't an important thing on their list; and that is why this amount of time, although painful to all the persons waiting on it, isn't unreasonable.
It does not take six years to complete a project with a team. Even a single person being paid full time could have it completed.
He's just speculating. Most people don't understand the complexities of a large project like Kazoo, so it's very common for many to assume that multiple delays == cancellation. When in reality that isn't the case. I don't have any inside information on it, but having worked on some large projects myself before, 2600Hz/Ooma's timeline for bringing it out, although disappointing and frustrating so far, isn't a clear indication of Kazoo v5.x staying closed source.
There is an old saying which goes something like Actions speak louder than words.
Did someone say that officially or are you just speculating based on the fact they keep pushing back further and further?
To quote Doctor McCoy, "It's dead, Jim."
@mc_ Has there been any updated target dates discussed yet on this?
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Andres Gomez started following Implementing STIR/SHAKEN or SECSIPIDX
Matrixdz2002 started following Product Discussion
Matrixdz2002 started following Implementing STIR/SHAKEN or SECSIPIDX
Hello Kazoo Community, I’m currently facing a challenge with outbound SIP calls being rejected by multiple SIP trunk providers. Although I’m sending the P-Asserted-Identity header, the calls are still being rejected due to the absence of an Identity header. I understand that implementing STIR/SHAKEN or using SECSIPIDX might be necessary to resolve this issue, but I’m unsure of the best approach to achieve this. Here are a few details about my setup: 1. I need to generate and insert the Identity header dynamically for outbound calls. 2. I’m looking for guidance or examples of implementing STIR/SHAKEN or SECSIPD (Session Border Controller support, etc.) with Kazoo. Questions: • What tools or modules are recommended for generating the Identity header in Kazoo? • Are there any community-developed plugins or configurations I can use to simplify STIR/SHAKEN integration? • Can SECSIPD be integrated effectively in the Kazoo environment for this purpose, and how? • Any specific configurations or code snippets that might help to ensure compliance with STIR/SHAKEN requirements? Your insights, experiences, or links to documentation/tutorials would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help! Best regards, Nabil
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Skunkbeard started following Yealink RPS - Device Removal
Yealink has changed how you go about removing a device that is already registered to RPS. Before you could create a ticket with their support. Now you need an RPS account or a Yealink Cloud Management Service account. RPS Can be setup here: Once Logged in to RPS portal. Navigate to "Device" From there in the top right is Release Occupied Device. Select Release Occupied Device and enter MAC and SN. Now the device has been removed from RPS and can now be added to kazoos for registration.
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Migration from BigCouch to CouchDB 3.x
RuhNet replied to Mark McDonald's topic in General OS Kazoo Questions
No need to search for other occurrences of Iterator() — unless you have custom stuff that uses it, the Trunkstore view is the only place it appears in the Kazoo v4.3 codebase. Nice replication script—I use a simple one written in Bash but yours is more informative. One thing you can do is add some delay (minutes) between replication requests which can keep from overwhelming a server. I’ve found that if I just machine-gun style replicate a bunch of DBs sometimes RAM and CPU get slammed. Also, if worse comes to worse and you have too many issues letting Couch replicate itself, what you can do is a manual clone—in other words instead of writing a script to tell Couch what DBs to replicate, you write something that pulls each doc individually and creates it on the target machine. This way takes longer of course, but can be useful if there’s corrupted data or some other issue preventing a normal replication from succeeding fully, and you also get an internal reset of revisions on the target, since although the data is the same, it is a “new” document on the target side, and doesn’t have all the previous revision tombstones hanging around. Also, although you aren’t doing this, for the benefit of other readers, you can upgrade Bigcouch to CouchDB v3, BUT you must first upgrade to v2, and then from there to v3. -
We're in the process of migrating our database cluster from BigCouch to CouchDB 3.x and wanted to create a thread to document the changes required to keep a Kazoo 4.x cluster running and migration issues we've experienced. When running a replicate from BigCouch to CouchDB, we're getting a number of dropped connections that result in partially transferred databases. Re-running the replication will migrate more and more documents over until the replication is ultimately successful so we wrote a script to perform this (c# - see below). We've confirmed there are no network or firewall issues between clusters and they're even on the same subnet. Regardless, this script attached worked for us. using System.Net.Http.Json; using System.Web; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using NLog; using NLog.Config; using NLog.Targets; using NLog.Extensions.Logging; using NLog.Conditions; class Program { const string SourceHost = "x.x.x.x"; const string TargetHost = "x.x.x.x"; const string TargetUser = "username"; const string TargetPass = "password"; const int MaxReplicationAttempts = 50; static async Task<int> Main(string[] args) { // Set up a service collection var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection(); ConfigureServices(serviceCollection); // Build the service provider var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); // Get the logger var logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>(); var ListOfDatabases = new List<string>(); using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { try { var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"http://{SourceHost}:5984/_all_dbs"); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return 1; } var jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); ListOfDatabases = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(jsonString) ?? []; logger.LogInformation("Received {dbCount} database strings", ListOfDatabases.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error getting databases from source host: {sourceHost}", SourceHost); return 1; } } ListOfDatabases.Remove("_users"); ListOfDatabases.Remove("_replicator"); ListOfDatabases.Remove("_global_changes"); List<string> FailedReplications = []; int SuccessCount = 0; int FailureCount = 0; foreach (var Database in ListOfDatabases) { logger.LogInformation("----------------------------------------\n"); var handler = new HttpClientHandler { ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true }; using var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.ParseAdd("CouchDB-Replication-Tool/1.0"); // Add Basic Authentication header var authString = $"{TargetUser}:{TargetPass}"; var base64Auth = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(authString)); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", base64Auth); // Set the Accept header to accept all types httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("*/*")); var replicateUrl = $"http://{TargetHost}:5984/_replicate"; // Remove credentials from URL var DatabaseEncoded = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Database); var replicationRequest = new { source = $"http://{SourceHost}:5984/{DatabaseEncoded}", target = $"http://{TargetUser}:{TargetPass}@{TargetHost}:5984/{DatabaseEncoded}", create_target = true, }; bool ReplicationComleted = false; logger.LogInformation("Starting Replication of {Database} database from {SourceHost} to {TargetHost}", Database, SourceHost, TargetHost); var jsonContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(replicationRequest); var content = new StringContent(jsonContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); content.Headers.ContentLength = jsonContent.Length; int Attempts = 0; while(ReplicationComleted == false) { Attempts++; try { var response = await httpClient.PostAsync(replicateUrl, content); logger.LogInformation("Replicate request returned: {status}", response.ReasonPhrase); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { logger.LogWarning("Replicate request failed for {Database}", Database); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); // Add a 1 second delay between replication attempts } else { SuccessCount++; ReplicationComleted = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { FailureCount++; FailedReplications.Add(Database); logger.LogError(ex, "Error replicating {Database}", Database); break; } if(Attempts >= MaxReplicationAttempts) { FailureCount++; FailedReplications.Add(Database); logger.LogError("Max replication attempts reached for {Database}", Database); break; } } logger.LogInformation("Done replicating {Database}", Database); } logger.LogInformation("Replication completed with {successCount} successes and {failureCount} failures", SuccessCount, FailureCount); if(FailedReplications.Count > 0) { logger.LogWarning("Failed to replicate the following databases: {failedReplications}", string.Join("\n", FailedReplications)); } return 0; } static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); // Console Target var consoleTarget = new ColoredConsoleTarget("console") { Layout = "${level:uppercase=true}|${message} ${exception:format=tostring}", EnableAnsiOutput = true, }; consoleTarget.WordHighlightingRules.Add(new ConsoleWordHighlightingRule { Text = "INFO", Condition = ConditionParser.ParseExpression("level = LogLevel.Info"), ForegroundColor = ConsoleOutputColor.Green, IgnoreCase = false, WholeWords = true }); consoleTarget.WordHighlightingRules.Add(new ConsoleWordHighlightingRule { Text = "ERROR", Condition = ConditionParser.ParseExpression("level = LogLevel.Error"), ForegroundColor = ConsoleOutputColor.Red, IgnoreCase = false, WholeWords = true }); consoleTarget.WordHighlightingRules.Add(new ConsoleWordHighlightingRule { Text = "WARN", Condition = ConditionParser.ParseExpression("level = LogLevel.Warn"), ForegroundColor = ConsoleOutputColor.Yellow, IgnoreCase = false, WholeWords = true }); /* // Set colors for different log levels consoleTarget.RowHighlightingRules.Add(new ConsoleRowHighlightingRule( condition: ConditionParser.ParseExpression("level == LogLevel.Info"), foregroundColor: ConsoleOutputColor.Green, backgroundColor: ConsoleOutputColor.White)); consoleTarget.RowHighlightingRules.Add(new ConsoleRowHighlightingRule( condition: ConditionParser.ParseExpression("level == LogLevel.Error"), foregroundColor: ConsoleOutputColor.Red, backgroundColor: ConsoleOutputColor.White)); consoleTarget.RowHighlightingRules.Add(new ConsoleRowHighlightingRule( condition: ConditionParser.ParseExpression("level == LogLevel.Warn"), foregroundColor: ConsoleOutputColor.Yellow, backgroundColor: ConsoleOutputColor.White)); */ config.AddTarget(consoleTarget); config.AddRule(NLog.LogLevel.Trace, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal, consoleTarget); LogManager.Configuration = config; services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => { loggingBuilder.ClearProviders(); loggingBuilder.SetMinimumLevel(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Trace); loggingBuilder.AddNLog(config); }); } } In addition, CouchDB no longer listens on 5986 so an HAProxy redirect is required to keep that functioning. RuhNet helped with that and it's below: frontend couch-5986-admin-port bind default_backend couch-redir-node-admin-port backend couch-redir-node-admin-port balance roundrobin #HAProxy < 2.0 uncomment the following #reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /_node/_local/\2 #HAProxy 2.0 and above uncomment the following #http-request replace-uri ^/(.*) /_node/_local/\1 server couch1 check server couch2 check server couch3 check Lastly, CouchDB no longer supports the Interator function and needs to be replaced with .forEach. Per Ruhnet, the following needs to be done but we have yet to test this. We're writing a script that will look through all documents and check for occurrences of Iterator so they can be replaced. { "_id": "_design/trunkstore", "language": "javascript", "views": { "crossbar_listing": { "map": "function(doc) { if (doc.pvt_type != 'sys_info' || doc.pvt_deleted) return; emit(doc._id, {'realm': doc.account.auth_realm}); }", "reduce": "_count" }, "lookup_did": { "map": "function(doc) { if(doc.pvt_type != 'sys_info' || doc.pvt_deleted ) return; var realm = doc.account.auth_realm; if(doc.servers) { doc.servers.forEach(function(srv) { var auth_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(srv.auth)); auth_clone.auth_realm = realm; if (srv.options.enabled != false && srv.DIDs) { for (var did in srv.DIDs) { emit(did, { 'callerid_server': srv.callerid || '', 'callerid_account': doc.callerid || '', 'e911_callerid_server': srv.e911_callerid || '', 'e911_callerid_account': doc.e911_callerid || '', 'auth': auth_clone, 'DID_Opts': srv.DIDs[did], 'inbound_format': srv.inbound_format || 'npan', 'server': srv.options, 'account': doc.account}); } } }) } }" }, "lookup_user_flags": { "map": "function(doc) { if(doc.pvt_type != 'sys_info') return; var realm = doc.account.auth_realm; if(doc.call_restriction) { var call_restriction = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc.call_restriction)) }; if(doc.servers) { var acct_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc.account)); doc.servers.forEach(function(srv) { if (srv.auth) { var srv_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(srv)); srv_clone.auth.auth_realm = realm; emit([realm.toLowerCase(), srv_clone.auth.auth_user.toLowerCase()], {\"server\": srv_clone, \"account\": acct_clone, \"call_restriction\": call_restriction}); } }) }}" }, "lookup_did.old": { "map": "function(doc) { if(doc.pvt_type != 'sys_info' || doc.pvt_deleted ) return; var realm = doc.account.auth_realm; if(doc.servers) { var srvs = Iterator(doc.servers); for (var srv in srvs) { var auth_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(srv[1].auth)); auth_clone.auth_realm = realm; if (srv[1].enabled != false && srv[1].DIDs) { var DIDs = Iterator(srv[1].DIDs); for (var DID in DIDs) { emit(DID[0], { 'callerid_server': srv[1].callerid || '', 'callerid_account': doc.callerid || '', 'e911_callerid_server': srv[1].e911_callerid || '', 'e911_callerid_account': doc.e911_callerid || '', 'auth': auth_clone, 'DID_Opts': DID[1], 'inbound_format': srv[1].inbound_format || 'npan', 'server': srv[1].options, 'account': doc.account}); } } } } }" }, "lookup_user_flags.old": { "map": "function(doc) { if(doc.pvt_type != 'sys_info') return; var realm = doc.account.auth_realm; if(doc.call_restriction) { var call_restriction = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc.call_restriction)) }; if(doc.servers) { var acct_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc.account)); var srvs = Iterator(doc.servers); for (var srv in srvs) { if (srv[1].auth) { var srv_clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(srv[1])); srv_clone.auth.auth_realm = realm; emit([realm.toLowerCase(), srv_clone.auth.auth_user.toLowerCase()], {\"server\": srv_clone, \"account\": acct_clone, \"call_restriction\": call_restriction}); } } }}" } } }
Awesome, thank you! We've been migrating databases for the past 24 hours. For whatever reason the connection from BigCouch times out and we have to re-run the _replicate on it numerous times to finally get all the documents over. Have you seen anything like this? After running the same command a few (or a few dozen) times, everything eventually makes it over. We tried everything from connection timeout, waiting between replicates, etc with the same result. % curl -X POST http://user:pass@xx.xx.xx.xx:5984/_replicate \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "source": "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5984/anonymous_cdrs", "target": "http://user:pass@xx.xx.xx.xx:5984/anonymous_cdrs", "create_target": true, "connection_timeout": 1000000 }' {"error":"error","reason":"{http_request_failed,\"POST\",\n \"http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5984/anonymous_cdrs/_bulk_get?latest=true&revs=true&attachments=false\",\n {error,sel_conn_closed}}"}
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So about that change? Been over a couple of years, and if one is not logged in, still cannot see the forum at all.
Sure---and you are correct, it needs a redirect since the path has changed. All you need is something like this: frontend couch-5986-admin-port bind default_backend couch-redir-node-admin-port backend couch-redir-node-admin-port balance roundrobin reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /_node/_local/\2 #http-request replace-uri ^/(.*) /_node/_local/\1 server couch1 check server couch2 check server couch3 check If you are using a version of HAProxy v2.0 or later then comment out the `reqrep` line and uncomment the `http-request replace-uri` line.