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Ronney started following kazoo con webrtc and hangup cause reason Q850
l problema que enfrento es el siguiente: mi empresa desea contratar un troncal SIP para ofrecer servicios de PBX en la nube. Mi proveedor de troncales me ha indicado que debo compatibilizar mi sistema (Kazoo) con la tecnología que utilizan, que es un IMS de Huawei. El inconveniente surge al momento de manejar las causas de las llamadas colgadas. El IMS trabaja con ISUP o Q.850, en lugar de utilizar las causas SIP que provocaron la desconexión. Por ejemplo, cuando se realiza una llamada a un usuario que no responde, el sistema devuelve un 486 USER_BUSY en la causa SIP, pero siempre responde con Reason: Q.850;cause=16;text="NORMAL_CLEARING". Esto se repite en situaciones como llamadas rechazadas, usario no responde o usuarios ocupados. En todos estos casos, el proveedor me ha indicado que, debido a esta inconsistencia, no podian ofrecerme el troncal SIP. Esto se debe a que por ejmplo podia ofrcer un mal servicio a la red telefonica de la pstn `pr ejemplo si un número de la PSTN llama a un troncal asociado a un usuario en Kazoo que está ocupado, el IMS devuelve "NORMAL_CLEARING" (causa 16) en lugar de "USER_BUSY" (causa 17). Como resultado, el número que llama recibe una respuesta que indica que la llamada se ha colgado normalmente, en lugar de un mensaje que informe que el usuario está ocupado. He intentado resolver esto de manera parcial y me va adar el tronco sip pero fue que lo engañe utilizando una modificación en FreeSWITCH, pero esto ha afectado el funcionamiento general de Kazoo. Modifiqué el archivo ecallmgr_fs_bridge.erl en el código fuente y cambié la función spec pre_exec(kz_term:proplist(), atom(), kz_term:ne_binary(), channel(), kz_json:object()) -> kz_term:proplist(). para establecer continue_on_fail en false pues lo tenia en true y añadí {"application", "set sip_ignore_remote_cause=true"}. Esto hace que, si el puente falla, no continúe el plan de marcado y se ignore la causa remota de la desconexión. Sin embargo, esto ha generado un problema: si el usuario le activo el buzon de voz el funcionamiento real deberia ser no hizo el puente continua plan de marcado y llega a su buzon de voz sin embargo como continue_on_fail en false nunca se llega a la parte del puente, y no llega al buzon de voz. Aclara tambien que si el usuario no tiene ningun dispositivo registrado siemre siempre devuelve SIP/2.0 480 Temporarily Unavailable con la causa Q.850;cause=16;text="NORMAL_CLEARING". Cabe mencionar que otros errores, como "no route destination" o "incompatible destination", unallocated: number devuelven correctamente el Reason: Q.850 corres`pondiente ¿Podrías orientarme sobre cómo podría corregir esto para lograr una mejor compatibilidad y que Kazoo funcione adecuadamente? He observado en los logs de Kazoo y FreeSWITCH que el canal se cierra con exec: uuid_kill(UUID) y que, por defecto, esta API de FreeSWITCH siempre finaliza con causa 16 (normal clearing). Sin embargo, sé que si ejecutas exec: uuid_kill UUID, puedes especificar una causa, como 17, para cerrar el canal. No estoy seguro de cómo implementar esta opción y en qué parte podría mapear la causa para finalizar la llamada con la causa correcta. Agradezco de antemano cualquier orientación que puedas brindarme
- Last week
I have Alma8 Binaries for Kazoo 4.3 btw, Just need to go through testing
"it's dead, Jim"
Hey @mc_ we're days away from the end of Q1'25; any updates you can share on the Open Source availability? Thanks!!
Buenas noches desde hace tiempo vengo usando kazoo con muy buenos resultados en mi empresa usando telefonos sip y sophone en windows quiero dar el siguiente paso y usar webrtc para hacer llamada desde el navegador he usado la libreria original libwebphone-2.0.4 que esta en la comunidad y ahora estoy usando sip jssip-3.10.0 y todos dan el mismo resultado se me registra bien pero cuando llamo a algun servicio me da INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKa7a2.1245634a371c0d3d7c01317e5a030212.0;received=;rport=5062 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS hi3jkv7r679j.invalid;rport=61538;received=;branch=z9hG4bK3799494 Max-Forwards: 50 From: <>;tag=okt4tktasu To: <sip:*>;tag=8Sy9tFBS3ZF1D Call-ID: krpnrhu5bargo3oq0cq4 CSeq: 1759 INVITE Contact: <sip:*98@;transport=udp> User-Agent: Platel Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, OPTIONS, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE, REGISTER, REFER, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE Supported: timer, path, replaces Allow-Events: talk, hold, conference, presence, as-feature-event, dialog, line-seize, call-info, sla, include-session-description, presence.winfo, message-summary, refer Reason: Q.850;cause=88;text="INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION" Content-Length: 0 Remote-Party-ID: "*98" <sip:*>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=no este es es el log de kamailio cuando se registra 73(273) INFO: <script>: k9q5qojgrdiiu12u6lp4io|end|successful registered with contact : <sip:nkc4c4f3@gib1okmk1uqg.invalid;transport=ws>;;reg-id=1;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:7e0a7964-af05-4055-8c76-50822d53bd37>";expires=600 : 600 28(228) INFO: <script>: 17946b64-8137-123e-18ac-bc2411231458|start|received udp request NOTIFY y esto e slo que da freeswitch cuando realizo una llamada al buzon de voz *98 INVITE sip:* SIP/2.0 Record-Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=hm3uv6hkn9> Record-Route: <sip:;transport=ws;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=hm3uv6hkn9> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a6.799547413c3f4d1d7e2173fdaf53e5f7.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS gib1okmk1uqg.invalid;rport=61577;received=;branch=z9hG4bK2587480 Max-Forwards: 50 To: <sip:*> From: <>;tag=hm3uv6hkn9 Call-ID: 1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd CSeq: 7087 INVITE Contact: <;gr=urn:uuid:7e0a7964-af05-4055-8c76-50822d53bd37;alias=> Content-Type: application/sdp Session-Expires: 3600 Allow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,UPDATE,MESSAGE,OPTIONS,REFER,INFO,NOTIFY Supported: timer,gruu,ice,replaces,outbound User-Agent: JsSIP 3.10.0 Content-Length: 1884 X-AUTH-IP: X-AUTH-PORT: 61577 X-AUTH-Token: d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996@02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3 X-ecallmgr_Account-ID: 02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3 X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type: device X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID: d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996 X-ecallmgr_Username: 1003 X-ecallmgr_Realm: X-ecallmgr_Account-Realm: X-ecallmgr_Account-Name: admin X-ecallmgr_Presence-ID: X-ecallmgr_Owner-ID: 438430179e65eecd7d4a70ab7cff5cb0 v=0 o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-99.0 3805914362064822193 0 IN IP4 s=- t=0 0 a=sendrecv a=fingerprint:sha-256 AD:54:85:6E:ED:06:42:D0:FA:F2:C4:29:06:52:D9:C6:F8:19:2F:0B:FD:9F:97:DA:07:01:E9:7C:EE:43:C7:4F a=group:BUNDLE 0 a=ice-options:trickle a=msid-semantic:WMS * m=audio 64742 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 109 9 0 8 101 c=IN IP4 a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 64742 typ host a=candidate:1 1 UDP 2122187007 64743 typ host a=candidate:2 1 UDP 2122121471 64744 typ host a=candidate:3 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:4 1 TCP 2105458943 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:5 1 TCP 2105393407 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2122252542 64745 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 2122187006 64746 typ host a=candidate:2 2 UDP 2122121470 64747 typ host a=candidate:3 2 TCP 2105524478 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:4 2 TCP 2105458942 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:5 2 TCP 2105393406 9 typ host tcptype active a=sendrecv a=end-of-candidates a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level a=extmap:2/recvonly urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:csrc-audio-level a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=fmtp:109 maxplaybackrate=48000;stereo=1;useinbandfec=1 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ice-pwd:47cb04c53dd26bf935abfdb28c8d0a5e a=ice-ufrag:c31a746f a=mid:0 a=msid:{5f6c1aff-a6b3-4403-8ad3-6bc2fc7ed2f2} {d1cbddb8-b492-4b31-8978-fb45a7b8f254} a=rtcp:64745 IN IP4 a=rtcp-mux a=rtpmap:109 opus/48000/2 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000/1 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=setup:actpass a=ssrc:1244110417 cname:{df7e721e-1230-4b9e-9c6e-c2fa01cd1c93} a=oldmediaip: a=oldmediaip: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.531845001Z [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:1230 New Channel sofia/sipinterface_1/ [1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.532008284Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:587 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_NEW (Cur 1 Tot 15) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.532195765Z [DEBUG] sofia.c:10438 sofia/sipinterface_1/ receiving invite from version: 20.20.5 build 87 64bit 2025-03-21T16:38:35.532488696Z [DEBUG] sofia.c:10533 verifying acl "" for ip/port 2025-03-21T16:38:35.532538118Z [DEBUG] sofia.c:10562 IP Approved by acl "[]". Access Granted. 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533435150Z [DEBUG] sofia.c:7460 Channel sofia/sipinterface_1/ entering state [received][100] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533467580Z [DEBUG] sofia.c:7470 Remote SDP: v=0 o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-99.0 3805914362064822193 0 IN IP4 s=- t=0 0 a=sendrecv a=fingerprint:sha-256 AD:54:85:6E:ED:06:42:D0:FA:F2:C4:29:06:52:D9:C6:F8:19:2F:0B:FD:9F:97:DA:07:01:E9:7C:EE:43:C7:4F a=group:BUNDLE 0 a=ice-options:trickle a=msid-semantic:WMS * m=audio 64742 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 109 9 0 8 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:109 opus/48000/2 a=fmtp:109 maxplaybackrate=48000;stereo=1;useinbandfec=1 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000/1 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 64742 typ host a=candidate:1 1 UDP 2122187007 64743 typ host a=candidate:2 1 UDP 2122121471 64744 typ host a=candidate:3 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:4 1 TCP 2105458943 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:5 1 TCP 2105393407 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2122252542 64745 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 2122187006 64746 typ host a=candidate:2 2 UDP 2122121470 64747 typ host a=candidate:3 2 TCP 2105524478 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:4 2 TCP 2105458942 9 typ host tcptype active a=candidate:5 2 TCP 2105393406 9 typ host tcptype active a=end-of-candidates a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level a=extmap:2/recvonly urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:csrc-audio-level a=extmap:3 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid a=ice-pwd:47cb04c53dd26bf935abfdb28c8d0a5e a=ice-ufrag:c31a746f a=mid:0 a=msid:{5f6c1aff-a6b3-4403-8ad3-6bc2fc7ed2f2} {d1cbddb8-b492-4b31-8978-fb45a7b8f254} a=rtcp:64745 IN IP4 a=rtcp-mux a=setup:actpass a=ssrc:1244110417 cname:{df7e721e-1230-4b9e-9c6e-c2fa01cd1c93} a=oldmediaip: a=oldmediaip: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533622655Z [DEBUG] sofia.c:7873 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State Change CS_NEW -> CS_INIT 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533642195Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:606 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State NEW 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533648782Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:587 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_INIT (Cur 1 Tot 15) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533716762Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:630 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State INIT 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533755540Z [DEBUG] mod_sofia.c:94 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SOFIA INIT 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533791858Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:40 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Standard INIT 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533798530Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:48 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State Change CS_INIT -> CS_ROUTING 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533805402Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:630 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State INIT going to sleep 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533935971Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:587 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_ROUTING (Cur 1 Tot 15) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.533952194Z [DEBUG] switch_channel.c:2415 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Callstate Change DOWN -> RINGING 2025-03-21T16:38:35.534631401Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:646 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State ROUTING 2025-03-21T16:38:35.534716975Z [DEBUG] mod_sofia.c:161 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SOFIA ROUTING 2025-03-21T16:38:35.534730904Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:236 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Standard ROUTING 2025-03-21T16:38:35.534771058Z [INFO] mod_dialplan_xml.c:637 Processing 1003 <1003>->*98 in context context_2 send 407 bytes to udp/[]:5062 at 16:38:35.534748: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a6.799547413c3f4d1d7e2173fdaf53e5f7.0;received=;rport=5062 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS gib1okmk1uqg.invalid;rport=61577;received=;branch=z9hG4bK2587480 From: <>;tag=hm3uv6hkn9 To: <sip:*> Call-ID: 1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd CSeq: 7087 INVITE User-Agent: Platel Content-Length: 0 2025-03-21T16:38:35.535031014Z [DEBUG] kazoo_fetch_agent.c:246 Sending dialplan XML request (7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372) to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.1756.0> 2025-03-21T16:38:35.535431230Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1610 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.1756.0> 2025-03-21T16:38:35.537378648Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1109 exec: kz_uuid_setvar_multi(1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd ecallmgr_Call-Interaction-ID=63909808715-8d3e5e18) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.538391093Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1610 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.8663.0> 2025-03-21T16:38:35.561809062Z [DEBUG] kazoo_fetch_agent.c:317 Received dialplan XML (7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372) after 39ms: <document type="freeswitch/xml"><section name="dialplan" description="Route Park Response"><context name="context_2"><extension name="park"><condition><action application="log" data="NOTICE log|${uuid}|kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo won call control"/><action application="export" data="ecallmgr_Ecallmgr-Node=kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo"/><condition field="${ecallmgr_Bridge-ID}" expression="^$"><action application="export" data="ecallmgr_Bridge-ID=${UUID}" inline="true"/></condition><action application="set" data="ringback=%(2000,4000,440,480)"/><action application="set" data="transfer_ringback=%(2000,4000,440,480)"/><action application="kz_multiset" data="^^|ecallmgr_Username=1003||ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number=false|ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name=false||ecallmgr_Owner-ID=438430179e65eecd7d4a70ab7cff5cb0|ecallmgr_Fetch-ID=7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372|ecallmgr_Call-Interaction-ID=63909808715-8d3e5e18|ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type=device|ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID=d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996||ecallmgr_Account-Name=admin|ecallmgr_Account-ID=02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3|ecallmgr_CallFlow-ID=27af2d60c6efb99cba9c08dbd9cdb36d|ecallmgr_Channel-Authorized=true"/><action application="multiunset" data="^^;sip_h_X-AUTH-IP;sip_h_X-AUTH-PORT;sip_h_X-AUTH-Token;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Username;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Realm;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-Realm;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-Name;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Presence-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Owner-ID"/><action application="park"/></condition></extension></context></section></document> Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ parsing [context_2->park] continue=false Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Absolute Condition [park] Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action log(NOTICE log|${uuid}|kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo won call control) Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action export(ecallmgr_Ecallmgr-Node=kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo) Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action set(ringback=%(2000,4000,440,480)) Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action set(transfer_ringback=%(2000,4000,440,480)) Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action kz_multiset(^^|ecallmgr_Username=1003||ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number=false|ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name=false||ecallmgr_Owner-ID=438430179e65eecd7d4a70ab7cff5cb0|ecallmgr_Fetch-ID=7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372|ecallmgr_Call-Interaction-ID=63909808715-8d3e5e18|ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type=device|ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID=d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996||ecallmgr_Account-Name=admin|ecallmgr_Account-ID=02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3|ecallmgr_CallFlow-ID=27af2d60c6efb99cba9c08dbd9cdb36d|ecallmgr_Channel-Authorized=true) Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action multiunset(^^;sip_h_X-AUTH-IP;sip_h_X-AUTH-PORT;sip_h_X-AUTH-Token;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Username;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Realm;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-Realm;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-Name;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Presence-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Owner-ID) Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action park() |--- Dialplan: Processing recursive conditions level:1 [park_recur_1] require-nested=TRUE |--- Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Regex (PASS) [park_recur_1] ${ecallmgr_Bridge-ID}() =~ /^$/ break=on-false |--- Dialplan: sofia/sipinterface_1/ Action export(ecallmgr_Bridge-ID=${UUID}) INLINE EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ export(ecallmgr_Bridge-ID=1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562278541Z [DEBUG] switch_channel.c:1394 EXPORT (export_vars) [ecallmgr_Bridge-ID]=[1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562392884Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:287 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State Change CS_ROUTING -> CS_EXECUTE 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562404345Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:646 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State ROUTING going to sleep 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562575611Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:587 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_EXECUTE (Cur 1 Tot 15) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562795507Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1610 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.8664.0> 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562851832Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:653 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State EXECUTE 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562876660Z [DEBUG] mod_sofia.c:216 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SOFIA EXECUTE 2025-03-21T16:38:35.562887870Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:329 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Standard EXECUTE EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ log(NOTICE log|1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd|kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo won call control) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.563381231Z [NOTICE] mod_dptools.c:1867 log|1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd|kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo won call control EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ export(ecallmgr_Ecallmgr-Node=kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.564312656Z [DEBUG] switch_channel.c:1394 EXPORT (export_vars) [ecallmgr_Ecallmgr-Node]=[kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo] EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ set(ringback=%(2000,4000,440,480)) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.565190759Z [DEBUG] mod_dptools.c:1673 SET sofia/sipinterface_1/ [ringback]=[%(2000,4000,440,480)] EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ set(transfer_ringback=%(2000,4000,440,480)) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566034133Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1109 exec: kz_uuid_setvar_multi(1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd ^^ 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566126758Z [DEBUG] mod_dptools.c:1673 SET sofia/sipinterface_1/ [transfer_ringback]=[%(2000,4000,440,480)] EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ kz_multiset(^^|ecallmgr_Username=1003||ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number=false|ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name=false||ecallmgr_Owner-ID=438430179e65eecd7d4a70ab7cff5cb0|ecallmgr_Fetch-ID=7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372|ecallmgr_Call-Interaction-ID=63909808715-8d3e5e18|ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type=device|ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID=d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996||ecallmgr_Account-Name=admin|ecallmgr_Account-ID=02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3|ecallmgr_CallFlow-ID=27af2d60c6efb99cba9c08dbd9cdb36d|ecallmgr_Channel-Authorized=true) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566869875Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Username]=[1003] => [1003] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566919754Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Realm]=[] => [] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566952347Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number]=[false] => [false] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566984920Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name]=[false] => [false] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566990534Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [presence_id]=[] => [] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.566995140Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Owner-ID]=[438430179e65eecd7d4a70ab7cff5cb0] => [438430179e65eecd7d4a70ab7cff5cb0] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567003429Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Fetch-ID]=[7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372] => [7b77afc9-b85f-4f4a-a07b-764edd8a2372] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567008804Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Call-Interaction-ID]=[63909808715-8d3e5e18] => [63909808715-8d3e5e18] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567016194Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type]=[device] => [device] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567025364Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID]=[d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996] => [d9f9854380fda4c7875b7d61a8ee2996] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567030218Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Account-Realm]=[] => [] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567033820Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Account-Name]=[admin] => [admin] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567037760Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Account-ID]=[02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3] => [02bbed535679643e00c0ef75c85ecce3] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567041686Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_CallFlow-ID]=[27af2d60c6efb99cba9c08dbd9cdb36d] => [27af2d60c6efb99cba9c08dbd9cdb36d] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567045600Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Channel-Authorized]=[true] => [true] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.567067731Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1610 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.8664.0> EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ multiunset(^^;sip_h_X-AUTH-IP;sip_h_X-AUTH-PORT;sip_h_X-AUTH-Token;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Username;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Realm;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-Realm;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Account-Name;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Presence-ID;sip_h_X-ecallmgr_Owner-ID) EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ park() 2025-03-21T16:38:35.591890796Z [NOTICE] kazoo_node.c:449 log|1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd|executing kz_multiset ^^~effective_caller_id_name=1003 1003~effective_caller_id_number=1003~ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name=false~ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number=false 2025-03-21T16:38:35.592907703Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1610 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.8678.0> 2025-03-21T16:38:35.602205861Z [NOTICE] kazoo_node.c:449 log|1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd|executing answer 2025-03-21T16:38:35.603197857Z [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1610 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@kazoo.kazoo <3.8678.0> 2025-03-21T16:38:35.608926938Z [DEBUG] switch_ivr.c:632 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Command Execute [depth=0] kz_multiset(^^~effective_caller_id_name=1003 1003~effective_caller_id_number=1003~ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name=false~ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number=false) EXECUTE [depth=0] sofia/sipinterface_1/ kz_multiset(^^~effective_caller_id_name=1003 1003~effective_caller_id_number=1003~ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name=false~ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number=false) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.609175028Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [effective_caller_id_name]=[1003 1003] => [1003 1003] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.609189881Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [effective_caller_id_number]=[1003] => [1003] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.609193998Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Name]=[false] => [false] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.609197356Z [DEBUG] kazoo_dptools.c:218 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SET [ecallmgr_Privacy-Hide-Number]=[false] => [false] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.609674742Z [DEBUG] switch_ivr.c:632 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Command Execute [depth=1] answer() EXECUTE [depth=1] sofia/sipinterface_1/ answer() 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611169192Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [opus:109:48000:20:0:2]/[opus:116:48000:20:0:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611186281Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5708 Audio Codec Compare [opus:116:48000:20:0:1] ++++ is saved as a match 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611190395Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [opus:109:48000:20:0:2]/[PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611192960Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [opus:109:48000:20:0:2]/[PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611198715Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [G722:9:8000:20:64000:1]/[opus:116:48000:20:0:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611201347Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [G722:9:8000:20:64000:1]/[PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611203643Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [G722:9:8000:20:64000:1]/[PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611207546Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1]/[opus:116:48000:20:0:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611210041Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1]/[PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611212511Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1]/[PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611218311Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5708 Audio Codec Compare [PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1] ++++ is saved as a match 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611223762Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1]/[opus:116:48000:20:0:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611225975Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1]/[PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611228318Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5708 Audio Codec Compare [PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1] ++++ is saved as a match 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611230042Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5653 Audio Codec Compare [PCMA:8:8000:20:64000:1]/[PCMU:0:8000:20:64000:1] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611232059Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5569 Set telephone-event payload to 101@8000 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611369355Z [DEBUG] mod_opus.c:613 Opus encoder: set bitrate to local settings [120000bps] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611495389Z [DEBUG] mod_opus.c:613 Opus encoder: set bitrate to local settings [120000bps] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611559231Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:3873 Set Codec sofia/sipinterface_1/ opus/48000 20 ms 960 samples 0 bits 2 channels 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611572299Z [DEBUG] switch_core_codec.c:111 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Original read codec set to opus:116 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611911188Z [WARNING] switch_core_media.c:4296 NO candidate ACL defined, Defaulting to 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611927503Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4347 Save audio Candidate cid: 1 proto: UDP type: host addr: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611940715Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4347 Save audio Candidate cid: 1 proto: UDP type: host addr: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611955772Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4347 Save audio Candidate cid: 1 proto: UDP type: host addr: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611965759Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4347 Save audio Candidate cid: 2 proto: UDP type: host addr: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611969386Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4347 Save audio Candidate cid: 2 proto: UDP type: host addr: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611973096Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4347 Save audio Candidate cid: 2 proto: UDP type: host addr: 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611979734Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4392 Searching for rtp candidate. 2025-03-21T16:38:35.611990622Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4392 Searching for rtcp candidate. 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612000050Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4439 Look for Relay Candidates as last resort 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612005564Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4392 Searching for rtp candidate. 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612009674Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4392 Searching for rtcp candidate. 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612013735Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:4445 sofia/sipinterface_1/ no suitable candidates found. 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612027981Z [DEBUG] switch_core_media.c:5970 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Set 2833 dtmf send payload to 101 recv payload to 101 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612064610Z [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:4082 Hangup sofia/sipinterface_1/ [CS_EXECUTE] [INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.612363961Z [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:2949 sofia/sipinterface_1/ skip receive message [APPLICATION_EXEC_COMPLETE] (channel is hungup already) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.613378978Z [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:2949 sofia/sipinterface_1/ skip receive message [APPLICATION_EXEC_COMPLETE] (channel is hungup already) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.613389477Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:653 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State EXECUTE going to sleep 2025-03-21T16:38:35.613394118Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:587 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_HANGUP (Cur 1 Tot 15) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614012255Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:850 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Callstate Change RINGING -> HANGUP 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614141794Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:852 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State HANGUP 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614166651Z [DEBUG] mod_sofia.c:460 Channel sofia/sipinterface_1/ hanging up, cause: INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614487783Z [DEBUG] mod_sofia.c:605 Responding to INVITE with: 488 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614560803Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:60 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Standard HANGUP, cause: INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614574222Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:852 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State HANGUP going to sleep 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614585674Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:622 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State Change CS_HANGUP -> CS_REPORTING 2025-03-21T16:38:35.614705563Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:587 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_REPORTING (Cur 1 Tot 15) send 992 bytes to udp/[]:5062 at 16:38:35.614674: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a6.799547413c3f4d1d7e2173fdaf53e5f7.0;received=;rport=5062 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS gib1okmk1uqg.invalid;rport=61577;received=;branch=z9hG4bK2587480 Max-Forwards: 50 From: <>;tag=hm3uv6hkn9 To: <sip:*>;tag=4p2Zc52UjSZcj Call-ID: 1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd CSeq: 7087 INVITE Contact: <sip:*98@;transport=udp> User-Agent: Platel Accept: application/sdp Allow: INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, OPTIONS, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE, REGISTER, REFER, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE Supported: timer, path, replaces Allow-Events: talk, hold, conference, presence, as-feature-event, dialog, line-seize, call-info, sla, include-session-description, presence.winfo, message-summary, refer Reason: Q.850;cause=88;text="INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION" Content-Length: 0 Remote-Party-ID: "*98" <sip:*>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=no 2025-03-21T16:38:35.615256588Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:938 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State REPORTING recv 318 bytes from udp/[]:5062 at 16:38:35.615426: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACK sip:* SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a6.799547413c3f4d1d7e2173fdaf53e5f7.0 Max-Forwards: 50 To: <sip:*>;tag=4p2Zc52UjSZcj From: <>;tag=hm3uv6hkn9 Call-ID: 1na8ose8sc80kt1fcibd CSeq: 7087 ACK Content-Length: 0 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616192981Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:174 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Standard REPORTING, cause: INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616206855Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:938 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State REPORTING going to sleep 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616587239Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:613 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State Change CS_REPORTING -> CS_DESTROY 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616607796Z [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:1778 Session 15 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Locked, Waiting on external entities 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616621035Z [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:1797 Session 15 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Ended 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616640768Z [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:1801 Close Channel sofia/sipinterface_1/ [CS_DESTROY] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.616818888Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:741 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ Running State Change CS_DESTROY (Cur 0 Tot 15) 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617339757Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:751 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State DESTROY 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617356789Z [DEBUG] mod_sofia.c:371 sofia/sipinterface_1/ SOFIA DESTROY 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617376499Z [DEBUG] mod_opus.c:719 Opus decoder stats: Frames[0] PLC[0] FEC[0] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617386486Z [DEBUG] mod_opus.c:734 Opus encoder stats: Frames[0] Bytes encoded[0] Encoded length ms[0] Average encoded bitrate bps[0] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617466358Z [DEBUG] mod_opus.c:719 Opus decoder stats: Frames[0] PLC[0] FEC[0] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617491382Z [DEBUG] mod_opus.c:734 Opus encoder stats: Frames[0] Bytes encoded[0] Encoded length ms[0] Average encoded bitrate bps[0] 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617551292Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:181 sofia/sipinterface_1/ Standard DESTROY 2025-03-21T16:38:35.617558337Z [DEBUG] switch_core_state_machine.c:751 (sofia/sipinterface_1/ State DESTROY going to sleep Como soluciono el error
- Earlier
Michael W started following Kazoo Community / Kazoo v4.3 Keep-Alive Efforts
Karl Stallknecht started following Kazoo Community / Kazoo v4.3 Keep-Alive Efforts
Kazoo Community / Kazoo v4.3 Keep-Alive Efforts
Mooseable replied to Mooseable's topic in General OS Kazoo Questions
You've always been a great help @mc_, through here and IRC. When I first started learning Kazoo 2600hz what, 10+years ago, you answered a lot of my dumb arse questions :) -
Kazoo Community / Kazoo v4.3 Keep-Alive Efforts
mc_ replied to Mooseable's topic in General OS Kazoo Questions
Speaking personally, I think this is fantastic and I hope this will bolster my case internally for why we should be opening 5 up. -
Mooseable started following Kazoo Community / Kazoo v4.3 Keep-Alive Efforts
I hope this is allowed and seen as a positive movement. If the mods don't want this here, feel free to remove it. With the delayed release of v5, a group of hard working individuals have gathered to update Kazoo v4.3 to support newer operating systems. We are in the final stretches, in the testing and documentation phase. Once the testing and documentation is complete, I'll go back to developing educational content and adding functionality to the platform. I still hope for a release of v5, as I'd rather put this communities efforts towards improving that over the older v4.3. If 2600hz would like to help us in any way, even if it's to answer some questions about some of Kazoo's functionality in the open source version, please reach out. Info on the repos, discord, or if you want to help contribute, can be found here:
As many of you know, 10DLC Campaigns are required for using SMS/MMS. These Campaigns have an extensive list of requirements and can be quite involved. We've done our best to document all of this for our customers, but a lot of our guidance is spread amongst several documents, forum posts, and other resources. So, I'm using this post as a way to make it easier for you to find that information and provide some additional guidance. Enabling SMS The Campaign Registry 10DLC Registration Best Practices New Vetting Requirements Effective November 6, 2024, there will be updated requirements for several fields when submitting 10DLC campaigns. In order to ensure the most success for vetting, please make sure your campaigns follow these new requirements. What do I need to do? Ensure that your campaigns have the following new elements: Campaign and Content Attributes Subscriber Opt-in: Provide the opt-in keywords if applicable. The Opt-in Message is required and must contain the following details: Brand name, message frequency disclosure, "message and data rates may apply" disclosure, HELP information, STOP information. Subscriber Opt-Out: Provide the opt-out keywords. The Opt-out Message is required to contain the following details: Brand name and confirmation the consumer will receive no further messages. Subscriber Help: Provide the Help keywords. The Help Message must contain the following details: Brand name and an email address, phone number, or website link the consumer can use for assistance. Campaign Description Messaging frequency needs to be disclosed. If donations are collected, it must be clearly stated. Message Flow/Call to Action (CTA) (Opt-In) Provide the specific link, written form, or screenshot of the opt-in form. Use the “CTA (Call-to-Action), Privacy Policy and/or Terms and Conditions Multimedia Upload” field to attach the screenshot, if applicable. If Verbal Opt-in is collected, please add the script that describes the opt-in flow. The script must contain the following disclosures: “Brand name, types of messages being sent, message frequency disclosure, “message and data rates may apply” disclosure, HELP information, STOP/opt-out information, and a link to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions” Phone Numbers cannot be a required field on the website where opt-in is collected. The only way it can be required if text messaging opt-in is the only use of the form. Please note the campaign vetting review will be on the Call to Action/Message Flow field AND the Call-to-Action disclosure provided at the actual opt-in collection. Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions Provide the Privacy Policy URL in the Privacy Policy Link field. Provide the Terms and Conditions URL in the Terms and Conditions Link field. If you do not have your Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions accessible via a public URL, please upload a PDF or document version of these files in the CTA (Call-to-Action), Privacy Policy and/or Terms and Conditions Multimedia Upload. Privacy Policy must include a disclaimer that no mobile opt-in will be shared with third parties for marketing purposes. Terms of Service must have an SMS disclosure that includes the brand name, types of messages consumers can expect to receive, message frequency disclosure, “message and data may apply” disclosure, privacy policy links, and opt-out instructions. Sample Messages Sample Messages must correspond to the registered use case. If a campaign is registered under multiple use cases (mixed), a sample message for each use case should be provided. For example, if you register under the marketing use case, state in the description the use of texts for promotional purposes and the sample message should reflect a typical marketing message you would send. Vetting Checklist Note: Requirements for opt-in may vary based on the use case (conversational, informational, or promotional). Brand Details If you have not included a website in your brand registration, please go back and add this in Brand Support Email Address domain should match Website/Online presence if possible Campaign and Content Attributes Subscriber Opt-In: Provide the opt-in keywords if applicable. The Opt-in Message is required and must contain the following details: Brand name Message frequency disclosure "Message and data rates may apply" disclosure HELP information and STOP information Example: "Thank you for opting in to receive recurring messages from [Company Name]. Msg frequency varies. Msg & data rates may apply. Reply HELP for help. Reply STOP to cancel." Subscriber Opt-out: Provide the opt-out keywords. The Opt-out Message is required to contain the following details: Brand name and confirmation the consumer will receive no further messages. Example: "You have successfully opted out of messages from [Company Name]. You will receive no further messages." Subscriber Help: Provide the Help keywords. The Help Message must contain the following details: Brand name Email address, phone number, or website link the consumer can use for assistance Example: "Thank you for reaching out to [Company Name]. Please call us at [phone number] or email us at [email address] for support. Reply STOP to opt-out." Number Pooling: This must be selected as "Yes" if the campaign is later submitted for a Number Pool (needing more than 49 TNs on the campaign). Direct Lending or Loan Arrangement: Must be checked "Yes" if the brand engages in lending, even if the messaging on the campaign is not related to the lending. Embedded Link: Indicates if the campaign will send embedded links in the messages. If selected "Yes", an embedded link must be included in at least one of the sample messages. Embedded Phone Number: Indicates whether the campaign will send embedded phone numbers in the messages (excluding providing a contact for HELP in the help response). If checked "Yes", an embedded phone number must be included in at least one of the sample messages. Age-Gated Content: Must be checked "Yes" if the content includes any age-gated materials. Terms & Conditions: Must be checked "Yes" and the Terms & Conditions link needs to be provided in the Terms and Conditions Link field. You can visit our Tips and Tricks article for an example Terms and Conditions. Campaign Details Campaign Description: This field is used to give a clear and detailed description of what the campaign will be used for. Ensure description aligns with registered use case (i.e., registered as 2FA campaign but campaign description references customer care messages would result in a rejection) If multiple use cases are registered, describe all use cases in the description (i.e., Low volume mixed campaign that includes 2FA and Marketing use cases. Both use cases should be mentioned in the campaign description.) If donations are collected, it must be clearly stated. Call to Action / Message Flow: This field is used to describe how a consumer opts-in to the campaign, therefore giving consent to the sender to receive their messages. The call-to-action must be explicitly clear and inform the consumer of the nature of the program. If multiple opt-in methods can be used for the same campaign, you must list them all. Clearly explains how the consumer agrees to receive text messages from the brand Provide a script, link, or attachment of the opt-in collection material (webform, physical form, verbal opt-in script, keyword marketing material, etc.). Attachments can be provided in the CTA (Call-to-Action), Privacy Policy and/or Terms and Conditions Multimedia Upload field. Note: the vetting review will include the call to action disclosure provided at the time of opt-in collection. This is not a field in TCR, but the disclosure given to the consumer when they opt-in. All opt-in methods (consumer-initiated, keyword, IVR, verbal, written forms, webforms, etc.) are required to contain the following disclosures: Brand name Types of messages being sent Message frequency disclosure “Message and data rates may apply” disclosure Help information Stop information Link to the Privacy Policy Link to the Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Link: Use this field instead of adding links to the CTA field Privacy Policy must include a disclaimer that no mobile opt-in will be shared with third parties for marketing purposes. Terms and Conditions Link: Use this field instead of adding links to the CTA field Terms and Conditions must have an SMS disclosure that includes the types of messages consumers can expect to receive, texting cadence, message and data rate notices, privacy policy links, HELP information, and opt-out instructions. Sample Messages Sample Messages must correspond to the registered use case. If a campaign is registered under multiple use cases (mixed), a sample message for each use case should be provided. Identify the brand in the message Provide at least one sample message that includes opt out language If Embedded Link was selected “Yes” under Campaign and Content Attributes, an embedded link must be included in at least one of the sample messages. Vetting Tips and Tricks 2600Hz aggregator vets all new 10DLC campaigns to ensure campaigns are compliant with the wireless carriers’ codes of conduct. In this article, we'll provide more clarity and insight into them so you can register your campaigns successfully and as smoothly as possible. Common rejection reasons Call to Action (CTA) Opt-out message SHAFT-C content Lack of a website or online presence Non-compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions Campaign and Content attributes Sole Proprietor campaign Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Call to Action We often see campaigns rejected for an insufficient Call to Action/Message Flow (CTA) section. There are two portions of the Call-to-Action review when it comes to vetting for 10DLC. First, the vetting aggregator will review the Call to Action/Message Flow field in the campaign registration. This section should contain a clear and concise description of how an end user signs up to receive messages. Opt-in must be 1 to 1, can't be shared with third parties, specific for text messaging, and can't be implied. It must be clear, conspicuous, and can't be obscured within the terms & conditions and/or other agreement(s). Examples of how to get users to opt in: Entering a phone number through a website Example: Customers opt-in by visiting and adding their phone number. They then check a box agreeing to receive text messages from the example brand. Note: If using a website to collect opt-in, please provide a direct link to the submission form in the CTA/Message Flow field. If this is missing, the campaign will be rejected. Clicking a button on a mobile webpage Note: Please provide a website link in the CTA/Message Flow field if this is where the opt-in is being collected. Sending a message from the consumer’s mobile device that contains an advertising keyword Example: Consumers opt-in by texting START to (111) 222-3333. Important: You will need to explain how the consumer/recipient is informed to text the keyword/initiate the text messaging conversation. Acceptable explanations of how the consumer is informed include: a link to a webpage where the keyword opt-in is advertised an attached screenshot of the keyword opt-in advertisement Signing up at a point of sale (POS) or another message sender on-site location If the opt-in is collected verbally, you must provide a copy of the opt-in script read to the consumer Opting in over the phone using interactive voice response (IVR) technology Secondly, the vetting aggregator will review the actual Call-to-Action disclosure shared with the consumer/recipient during the opt-in collection. This disclosure is the language provided to the consumer/recipient informing them that they are opting in. This disclosure must contain the following information: Brand name Types of messages being sent Message frequency disclosure (Msg frequency varies, 2/msgs per week, etc.) "Message and data rates may apply" disclosure HELP information (text HELP for help) STOP/opt-out information (text STOP to stop) Link to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions This information must be provided regardless of the opt-in collection method. Here are some examples of different types of opt-in: Website/Online opt-in: "By submitting this form and signing up for texts, you consent to receive marketing text messages (e.g. promos, cart reminders) from [Company Name] at the number provided, including messages sent by autodialer. Consent is not a condition of purchase. Msg & data rates may apply. Msg frequency varies. Unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP or clicking the unsubscribe link (where available). Reply HELP for help. Privacy Policy [link] & Terms [link]." Keyword Opt-in: "By texting START to [phone number], you consent to receive marketing text messages from [Company Name]. Consent is not a condition of purchase. Msg & data rates may apply. Msg frequency varies. Unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP or clicking the unsubscribe link (where available). Reply HELP for help. Privacy Policy [link] & Terms [link]." Consumer-Initiated Messaging: "By starting a text conversation with [Company Name] by texting [phone number] you are agreeing to receive conversational messages from [Company Name]. Msg & data rates may apply. Msg frequency varies. Unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP or clicking the unsubscribe link (where available). Reply HELP for help. Privacy Policy [link] & Terms [link]." Verbal opt-in: "[Company name] will be collecting opt-in verbally from their customers. The customers will be able to opt in to receive messages either in person at their physical location, or over a phone call if the customer calls. When a customer is registered for the first time, they are asked to provide the phone number, and staff is trained to ask If the customer would like to opt in to SMS-based billing notifications. They will be verbally informed that "Message and data rates may apply", "Message frequency may vary", and they can "text HELP for support or more information and STOP to unsubscribe at any time." They will also be informed that their phone number will not be shared with third parties for marketing or promotional purposes. Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions links must be added to the Call to Action/Message Flow field in the campaign registration via TCR. Additional notes about CTAs: All traffic on behalf of a business, entity, or organization must have prior opt-in/consent. If the CTA mentions the opt-in collected on a website, the website must be provided. If it's not provided, the campaign will be declined. If donations are a part of the campaign, the Call-to-Action disclosure shared at the consent collection should reflect that. Example: "By submitting this form and signing up for texts, you consent to receive marketing, donation asks, and informational messages from [Company Name]. Msg & data rates may apply. Msg frequency varies. Unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP or clicking the unsubscribe link (where available). Reply HELP for help. Privacy Policy [link] & Terms [link]." Opt-out message Acceptable opt-out language must include at least one of the following words: END, STOP, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL. If you’re using an opt-out phrase, it must be separated by spaces (i.e., STOP2END is not acceptable; it should be STOP 2 END). Please make sure that at least one of your sample messages shows your opt-out. Example: "[Insert Business Name:] You have an appointment for Tuesday at 3:00 PM, reply YES to confirm, NO to reschedule. Reply STOP to unsubscribe." SHAFT-C content The following types of content are prohibited on 10DLC: CBD, Cannabis, Sex, Hate, Alcohol*, Firearms, and Tobacco*. It’s also not allowed to be on the customer's website at all. *Alcohol and Tobacco can be supported with robust age-gating and proper opt-in. Example: If a chiropractor's office has CBD oils on its website, the campaign will be denied even if it's not directly related to CBD marketing. Lack of a website or online presence Please make sure to include any website or online presence the customer has. Even if the customer avoids putting their website, our aggregator will still search to see if there's one associated with them. If there’s prohibited content on their website, the campaign will be rejected. If they do not have a website, we recommend providing any form of online presence in the Brand Details (social media page, Google search link, etc.). They can attach the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions in the registration if they are not found online. Non-compliance with Know Your Customer guidelines Please follow proper Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines for the campaign. The brand needs to reflect who will be sending the message to the customer, not the software behind the delivery. Remember that the brand is the message sender. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) and company information should reflect the message sender, not you as the reseller. Campaign and content attributes Please confirm that your campaign and content attributes are correct when setting up your campaign. Subscriber Opt-in: Provide the opt-in keywords if applicable. The Opt-in Message is required and must contain the following details: Brand name, message frequency disclosure, "message and data rates may apply" disclosure, HELP information, STOP information. Example: "Thank you for opting in to receive recurring messages from [Company Name]. Msg frequency varies. Msg & data rates may apply. Reply HELP for help. Reply STOP to cancel." Subscriber Opt-Out: Provide the opt-out keywords. The Opt-out Message is required to contain the following details: Brand name and confirmation the consumer will receive no further messages. Example: "You have successfully opted out of messages from [Company Name]. You will receive no further messages." Subscriber Help: Provide the Help keywords. The Help Message must contain the following details: Brand name and an email address, phone number, or website link the consumer can use for assistance. Example: "Thank you for reaching out to [Company Name]. Please call us at [phone number] or email us at [email address] for support. Reply STOP to opt-out." Number Pooling: This must be selected as "Yes" if the campaign is later submitted for a Number Pool (needing more than 49 TNs on the campaign). Direct Lending or Loan Arrangement: Must be checked "Yes" if the brand engages in lending, even if the messaging on the campaign is not related to the lending. Embedded Link: Indicates if the campaign will send embedded links in the messages. If selected "Yes", an embedded link must be included in at least one of the sample messages. Embedded Phone Number: Indicates whether the campaign will send embedded phone numbers in the messages (excluding providing a contact for HELP in the help response). If checked "Yes", an embedded phone number must be included in at least one of the sample messages. Age-Gated Content: Must be checked "Yes" if the content includes any age-gated materials. Terms & Conditions: Must be checked "Yes" and the Terms & Conditions link needs to be provided in the Terms and Conditions Link field or the Call to Action/Message Flow field. You can scroll down to see an example of Terms & Conditions. Sole Proprietor campaign Not all carriers accept these campaign types, so they’ll be automatically rejected. You’ll then be charged the $15 fee and need to resubmit them later, so please hold off on submitting any new Sole Proprietor campaigns until 2600Hz provides further notice. Privacy Policy All message senders must have an acceptable Privacy Policy when registering 10DLC campaigns. The most important aspect of the Privacy Policy mandates clearly describing how consumer data will be used and shared (if applicable), and how consumers can contact the message sender. A compliant Privacy Policy for 10DLC messaging should include the points below to help ensure that campaign registration and vetting are successful. Please also ensure you are linking to your privacy policy and terms and conditions in the Campaign Details section when registering your campaign. This will allow for quicker location of these items resulting in a more streamlined vetting process. Consent When a campaign is being vetted, the language presented in a sender's Privacy Policy is heavily scrutinized to ensure the message sender doesn't improperly claim to have the consumer’s consent to share end-user data with third parties for marketing purposes. While it's permissible for a business to share end-user data essential for business operations, the fundamental practice of sharing data to sell consumer information (leads) to third parties is a prohibited campaign type and will be rejected. Privacy Policies are reviewed during vetting to ensure consumer data isn't transferred among various organizations. To successfully address these requirements, we recommend adopting and including a process in the Privacy Policy that demonstrates senders will refrain from sharing information consumer data. Example: "Mobile information will not be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties." Opt-out instructions Message senders are required to acknowledge the consumer's right to opt out of a messaging campaign to ensure that message recipients’ consent remains intact. The Privacy Policy must also include instructions on how to opt out of future communications. Example: “If you wish to be removed from receiving future communications, you can opt out by texting STOP, QUIT, END, REVOKE, OPT OUT, CANCEL, or UNSUBSCRIBE.” 2600Hz strongly suggests that each brand create a personalized Privacy Policy with accompanying SMS disclosures as discussed above. 2600Hz cannot provide guidance on what is legally required within a Privacy Policy. It's the responsibility of the message sender and their provider to research and ensure the Privacy Policy meets TCPA laws, as well as, individual carrier compliance requirements. For new, non-established brands entering the messaging space, there are online resources that can help you develop the required operational processes and Privacy Policy templates that will fit the unique needs of your business. Note: If you're using online resources, your Policy, Practices, and Procedures must still include the above SMS disclosures and functions. Failure to adopt these practices may result in receiving a registration and vetting rejection (i.e., “805 - Compliant privacy policy is required on website”). Terms & Conditions All message senders must have compliant Terms & Conditions made available to their consumers/recipients. This document must be provided as a part of the campaign registration. Often, the Terms & Conditions are found on a brand's website. If the brand does not have a website, you can attach a hard copy as a PDF in the campaign registration. The Terms & Conditions page must contain the following details: Brand name Types of messages the consumer can expect to receive Message frequency disclosure "Message and data rates may apply" disclosure Customer care contact information (Text HELP for help, contact [email address] for support, etc.) Opt-out information (Text STOP to cancel) An example might look like this: "Messaging Terms & Conditions You agree to receive informational messages (appointment reminders, account notifications, etc.) from [Company Name]. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. For help, reply HELP or email us at [email address]. You can opt out at any time by replying STOP."
Hello, my name is Heriberto, and I am with Firebyte Technologies, an MSP company expanding our offerings with 2600Hz
Watching the thread over here.. just in case...
I meant that their releasing anything open source is a "side gig" since it's not integral to their business at this point.
I have been aware it has been completed, but they also mentioned waiting on the Marketplace to be completed. Sounds like a different team working on it. I would think even less time to complete that. In addition it's not a "side gig." They offer hosting for it, as well selling a deal with OneBill for a billing system.
LOL -- I'm working with some companies on projects that are taking even longer than that. But the thing is, Kazoo v5 is completed and has been in production for several years. It's just the open source release of it that has been delayed. Now, that's not to say that they _couldn't_ have released it sooner if things were planned/managed better. But the thing is, they run a business, and releasing the open source code is only a "side gig" thing and isn't actually a huge benefit to the business side of things (it is some, but not nearly as much as people think). Clearly the open source release isn't their "priority" or it would have already been released, but that doesn't mean it isn't an important thing on their list; and that is why this amount of time, although painful to all the persons waiting on it, isn't unreasonable.
It does not take six years to complete a project with a team. Even a single person being paid full time could have it completed.
He's just speculating. Most people don't understand the complexities of a large project like Kazoo, so it's very common for many to assume that multiple delays == cancellation. When in reality that isn't the case. I don't have any inside information on it, but having worked on some large projects myself before, 2600Hz/Ooma's timeline for bringing it out, although disappointing and frustrating so far, isn't a clear indication of Kazoo v5.x staying closed source.
There is an old saying which goes something like Actions speak louder than words.