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Everything posted by Logicwrath

  1. I looked for the API to reboot a phone and did not find it.  If you know it, can you please post a link or reference?
  2. This is something we all want.  We look bad when we can't configure this to automatically happen.  Especially, as we port numbers away from competitors who are doing this for them already.  I believe we had some discussion on this during one of the re-seller calls.
  3. Will the new carrier and number features in 4.0 allow us to update the CNAM name on phone number ourselves?
  4. Will 4.0 allow us to specify a fail-over landline numbers so we can properly configure an account to automatically fail-over to a cell phone or landline?  I know we talked about this on one of the re-seller calls and some ideas were discussed.  I would like to have all of my accounts pre-configured for fail-over so the customer does not have to tell us things aren't working and rely on us to do manual work to enable forwarding.
  5. Will 4.0 allow us to copy and paste device configurations in advanced provisioner or tier account BLF configurations?
  6. With more recent BLF issues I have put in some time figuring out how to reboot phones for a specific client.  I wanted to share the information here. This information is only for Yealink phones. First, it seems like small Internet outages (1-2 minutes) are worse than larger outages (> 5 minutes).  The way I understand it, the phone might "re-subscribe" to BLF if it detects an Internet outage.  However, if the outage is in between registrations and the phone does not detect it because the outage is small, it might not do that and BLF can break and stop working.  We have seen this behavior even if the OUT DIALOG BLF setting is enabled.  This setting is supposed to allow the phone to accept NOTIFY updates even if they are out of sequence. Since we don't have a way to reboot phones on a schedule I needed to write a script. First, in order to allow the Yealink phones to accept remote control commands you need to configure the following setting: ## Enable or Disable "Allow Remote Control" prompt on phone: features.show_action_uri_option=0 I am not sure if this is available in the GUI, if you find it in the GUI, please update this thread.  You may only be able to set this option during provisioning.  We provision our phones privately first and then re-provision them with 2600's Advanced Provisioner.  This allows us to configure *required* settings that 2600 does not support. You could save the settings to a file and upload the file as a local configuration.  I think that would work as well. Next, you need to configure the Yealink phone to allow ActionURI commands to be accepted by your IP or subnet. ## Specifies the address(es) from which ActionURI will be accepted.features.action_uri_limit_ip=192.168.*.*,172.16.*.*,10.*.*.* The command above will allow ActionURI commands from any private IP subnet.  You could also set it to any or something specific. Once these settings are configured you can use the remote control features that Yealink provides including the "Reboot" command.  Here is an example: https://username:password@ip.address/cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?key=Reboot You can run that in a browser, use CURL, or some other method.  This will reboot the phone immediately.  If the user is on the phone, it will wait until the call is ended and then reboot immediately. In our case we configured a script in our firewall to reboot the phones every day at a specific time.  It also staggers the reboots by 30 seconds so the 2600 proxy does not think it is getting attacked. This is already having a positive effect for us.  Additionally, if we make any changes during the day, we can expect those changes to be applied within 24 hours.
  7. Are you using Yealink?  Did you have the Out Dialog BLF set to enabled on the handsets?  Were the presence value for users/lines or were they for "Call Park" DSS Keys?
  8. I believe this person is already using this phone with analog phone service: https://captioncall.com I suspect an ATA would work with it.  However, I would prefer something that would work with existing handsets or VoIP phones.  I would hate to lose features like hold and transfer.
  9. Hello, We had a question come in today about whether we can provide closed captioning for one phone/user.  We have been mostly using Yealink devices. What can we do about this?  I think he has a phone that works with analogue lines that already converts the speech to text.  Is there any kind of VoIP phone or device that we can look into to try and help this user?  It would be nice if existing SIP handsets had an adapter or output that worked with a screen etc.. Please let me know what you guys are aware of for this.  Thanks!
  10. I have had BLF issues in the past, however, the most recent reports I have received deal with BLF on the Call Park keys. I had the same user report the problem (light doesnt turn red) when a call is parked for two weeks in a row. When I go to the debugging tool I can see that there is no presence listed at all for any extensions or parking spaces.  If I reboot the users phone, then after reboot, I can see all the presence values showing up.  At that time I can flush the parking lot presence subscriptions. The interesting thing is that both times I had to look at this, all presence listing for this account were blank.  Rebooting the phone will get them to re-appear. I wish i had a better idea on how this works, so I could infer what the missing presence data means in the debugging tool 2600 give us.  Is it empty because of out of order packets and all the phones stop updating the cluster or subscribing?
  11. Yes, this works.  However, editing the device in "Advanced Callflows" to add the internal/external alert info will wipe out your device configuration in "Advanced Provisioner".  Be prepared to re-configure every single device in provisioner that you make this adjustment on. I opened a new thread about it recently and did not see a response.  I wish this would get fixed so I could implement it on accounts we already have configured and provisioned.
  12. In my case I only changed the alert info header fields.  I did not change anything else.
  13. Hello, I added the following Alert Info headers to my device in Advanced Callflows for internal and external calls. Internal Ringtones = <http://localhost>;info=Internal External Ringtones = <http://localhost>;info=External After doing this and saving the device, all of the Advanced Provisioner properties for it were reset back to defaults. Is this working as intended?  There are times where I would want to edit the device without breaking provisioning, if for example, I wanted to change CID info or ringtones etc.. I thought this might be a bug.
  14. I know Yealink has handsets that are certified for Microsoft Lync.  I have not purchased one so I can't speak to how else they are different.  However, I do believe they will show you the contact list and allow you to call contacts. Example: http://www.yealink.com/product_info.aspx?ProductsCateID=1312 It would be nice if someone could explain the difference in the firmware.  My distributor actually sells the Lync versions for $10 cheaper than the normal version of the phone.  If everything is the same and it only "adds" Lync/Skype support, then maybe I should start buying those versions instead since we sell a lot of Office 365.
  15. Hello, In the provisioner, we have a reboot option per device.  It would be nice if we had the following options above and beyond that. 1. Reboot single device at X time.  This way we can make a change and have the phone automatically reboot late at night when it is not in use. 2. Reboot single device at X time on schedule.  I have seen people complain about BLF issue and phone reboots.  In some cases rebooting a single phone on a schedule might help eliminate complaints. 3. Reboot all phones in an account. 4. Reboot all phones in an account at X time. 5. Reboot all phones in an account at X time on a schedule. --- At this time it would certainly be helpful if we could schedule reboots at night for when we make changes but don't want to reboot the phone because we don't know if it is in use.
  16. Is the Odoo integration something public/open or is there a link to more information somewhere?
  17. Hello, We would like to integrate the hosted Kazoo environment with a hosted CRM product.  We may consider doing some custom development in this area.  Are there any solutions already available?  Has anyone already reviewed the major CRMs with an API for this purpose?
  18. I assume if you switch the SIP signaling to TCP it would also include the BLF.  Although, TCP requires more overhead and is certainly not as good as UDP for real time audio.  I advise against using TCP. Getting a packet capture and trying to identify the problem is the best start.  I think the option you found about allowing out of order packets is a great start. You might also look into firewall, MTU, and datagram fragmentation type stuff.
  19. I wanted to post that I did open a request to get DTMF line keys put into provisioner for Yealink phones and sidecars.  Please consider voting for this and following the ticket progress: https://2600hz.atlassian.net/browse/KAZOO-5088
  20. I would go to help.2600hz.com and open a support ticket to get the PDF.  They can also open a porting ticket if required.
  21. Please do post an update if you try this again, without the list documents.  As I am only a hack programmer I would like to see a working example of using this, even if it means you have to attach the list as a child of the call flow and not store it in the database.
  22. The answer was that the ability to post lists in the SaaS environment is turned off.  However, it sounds like they are considering something. It was also suggested that the feature I was talking about might have been a community submitted module.  However, when I look at the link I posted originally: https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/callflow/doc/cf_dynamic_cid.md I thought it looked like standard functionality of the Dynamic CID module and not a community submission.  In any case, I wanted to try getting the list examples in the bottom of the above article to work.  Without being able to posts lists to Couch I suspect we will not be able to do this.
  23. Some uses cases include: 1. Client has multiple businesses running out of a single or multiple locations and needs to be able to change the caller ID depending on the call they are making. (Joes Catering, Joes Cleaning, etc.) 2. Client is an answering service for many DIDs in multiple locations throughout US/CAN and needs to be able to switch the caller ID depending on which state they are returning the call in.  In my use case this is scheduling but I could see this for sales type organizations as well.
  24. It appears that a ticket was opened related to this on the reseller call: https://2600hz.atlassian.net/browse/KAZOO-5100
  25. Here is a 3CX article that talks about the BLF handshake process: http://www.3cx.com/blog/voip-howto/busy-lamp-field/ Additionally, the Yealink handsets can create a pcap that you can open in wireshark, so if you have a recurring issue on a specific phone you can turn that on and then open the pcap in wireshark. Wireshark has some built in tools for checking the flow of SIP traffic.  Looks kind of like this: http://prntscr.com/cmnugv Again, I am not an expert.
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