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Michael D

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Everything posted by Michael D

  1. Hi, I'm testing the Press "X" etc routes off the Main number Virtual receptionist. For example I am testing Press "2" for technical Technical is a User group called Technical. The call routes to Technical after 20 seconds, the call is supposed to go to the Next Action "Main Menu (Open hours) " option the call hang up. Although, when you call the User group "8822" directly, it does ring the appropriate phones in the group AND goes to the Next action "Main Menu (Open hours) " option Any Ideas?
  2. CBV, just set this up with your method, works! Thank you
  3. Hi Kristin, So, I have a Main number setup in Monster. I cannot access that Call flow menu from the Advanced call flow module in Monster (this is where I could add the directory option) Is this by design, that you must create the call flow in advanced call flow editor, not the "main number" option in the GUI? can't see this in the advanced call flow app, only kazoo ui
  4. This may have been addressed previously, but is there a way to provide the Directory option as a route option from the Virtual Receptionist? (Entering characters of last name via touch tones) I went a step further and went to the Advanced Call Flow Module,
  5. Marie, did you delete the number from the numbers under smartPBX , or numbers manager?
  6. Has the Reporting Module been released yet for testing?
  7. Same here Rick
  8. We are in a similar position as Rick. Once the Branding App is released we will be using and testing Monster full force
  9. I'm not able to move the DIDs from a customer /sub account up to a parent account
  10. Is it possible to move DIDs/numbers/TNs from a Parent account to a sub account and vice versa in Number Manager?
  11. Hi, any updates on when the Branding App will be released?
  12. Yes, Yes, Yes
  13. Great, definitely interested in trying it out. thanks
  14. Karl A has mentioned Park Orbits a few times . I would like to test some of the functionality Thanks
  15. Good point, looking for ip address and registration details as well
  16. Is there a way to see if a phone is registered using Monster? ( Similar to using VoIP Services/Registrations in the Kazoo UI)
  17. ** BTW, had to use http not https for this to work
  18. Success-Got a Yealink T22P and a Polycom 550 up and Running using the Advanced Provisioner- Awesome work 2600hz team! :)
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