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Michael D

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Everything posted by Michael D

  1. Karl, I tried the method you mentioned, doesn't downgrade fully, gets stuck on "updating sip.id please wait "
  2. Hey Karl, im not sure if this phone ever pulled firmware from 2600hz. I tried to downgrade the firmware to force the phone to download the 2600hz load. I thought any 4.X firmware is supposed to work with advanced provisioner. is there a currently supported firmware load?
  3. Have been testing feature keys on a Polycom VVX 410. Software versions tested : and Buttons are not working for Speed dial /BLF Anyone else have this issue?
  4. Marie, Have you tried the Opus codec? May work better over 3G
  5. I didn't hear about this as a feature for the upcoming 4.0 release at KazooCon
  6. Thanks for the Update Katie
  7. Thanks Mark, invaluable info
  8. Mark, would you recommend the GXP2160 on 2600hz? Thanks for the info!!
  9. Hi guys, Can you please post what model and firmware rev? Thanks
  10. Hey Kristin, Looks good! Thanks
  11. I see the feautre tab now exists (thanks) How about assigning functions to the feature keys?
  12. Marie, is the Mitel PBX capable of sip trunking?
  13. Marie, I believe only phones with the SIP protocol work on the 2600hz hosted platform > Some vendors like Cisco and Avaya have IP Phones with proprietary protocols (SCCP, etc) Sometimes the phones can be loaded with SIP firmware (Cisco 7900 series phones) and can register as SIP MD
  14. Good Morning, I see that you can now add lines to line keys. But how about features (BLF, Park , etc)?
  15. Karl, do you have any other specifics on the .wav properties? Thanks for replying :)
  16. Hi, What is the recommended File format and specifications for High quality audio prompts? Have a customer that is asking. The legacy 2600hz wiki had this: https://2600hz.atlassian.net/wiki/dis... "For best best audio quality and lowest load times we recommend a wave with a sample rate of 1600khz, mono channel, and less than 5 megabytes." Any other info? MD
  17. My two cents would be: yes- no need for multiple main conference numbers, since you can branch off additional rooms/PINS from there yes- conference participants would be limited to the amount of trunks to the PSTN if it is a pstn participant, inter sub account participants should be unlimited in my opinion, but not sure if that is true) *if you use per minute for pstn , the trunks wouldnt matter, just bandwidth And of course, bandwidth availability applies in all scenarios (although not a concern on the 2600hz datacenter to the internet , more of a consideration of customer site to internet bandwidth availability) HTH
  18. Rick, Agreed this would be very useful
  19. Hey Anthony , Check this out https://getsatisfaction.com/2600hz/to... also, I have a done a conversion , can try to help with any specific questions MD
  20. Marie, Have you seen this link for provisioning the Cisco SPA? https://getsatisfaction.com/2600hz/to... Also, look at this: https://getsatisfaction.com/2600hz/to... MD
  21. Darren, I'm just curious if there is somewhere in either the advanced provisioner that sets the Polycom IP550 to 3 parties max. Polycom says they can have 4 . http://community.polycom.com/t5/VoIP/... By the way, adding manual participants beyond 3 is rare now, since most people figure out using the conference bridge is much better for multiple reasons Stick a fork in this thread. Thanks Katie, Darren MD
  22. Hi Katie, The question is regarding how many participants can be stacked manually on a phone (dial number, hit conference, dial number , hit conference, dial number , hit conference Thanks
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