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Karl Stallknecht

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Posts posted by Karl Stallknecht

  1. Just to confirm, saving even ONE template will cause everything for all sub-accounts to switch over? So basically, if I am going to change anything, I need to do it all in one sitting preferably after hours so customers don't have a brief period where they potentially receive 2600hz branding?
  2. I assume this is just so that when you create new accounts it defaults to whatever realm you use (in our case, *.sip.slable.com) - this versus Kazoo where you have to manually type in the entire realm each time you create a new account.

    I could be incorrect though, but I'm guessing this is it.
  3. I assume this is just so that when you create new accounts it defaults to whatever realm you use (in our case, *.sip.slable.com) - this versus Kazoo where you have to manually type in the entire realm each time you create a new account.

    I could be incorrect though, but I'm guessing this is it.
  4. If I go to add a new user (for any PBX) the timezone for the user under the "Options" tab shows "America/Havana" and we have to change it on each user we create. Sometimes we have to go back and change it after the user is created too as if it doesn't want to change to Eastern and keeps going back to Havana (see Zendesk ticket #13889)
  5. I've noticed that unlike Kazoo, I can't seem to stay logged into Monster for very long periods of time (i.e. if I log into Monster and then close the browser and try to go back in a few days, I have to sign in again as if the cookies are expiring incredibly fast). I haven't been able to find a specific interval since it's somewhat sporadic, but it seems as if I usually can't stay logged in for more than 24 hours. 

    I will say though Kazoo has this issue as well, but it's usually about a week or two and I will get a specific error that pops up ("Error loading account information") at which point it will take me back to the login screen with my username and account name already filled in, I just have to type the password.

    Monster does not exhibit the same behavior though and forces me to re-type all three fields.
  6. 1. Do you know what order the attachments send in if there are multiple PDFs? It becomes a bit tedious and more confusing for non technical people to merge PDF pages into one file and if they send in the wrong order, a cover page coming at the end or in between other faxes would be confusing.

    5. Agreed, but it's definitely confusing for clients to have to type in the gibberish (i.e. y89uhfpojwfoijwop), versus just fax.zswitch.net (or even better, fax.clientdomain.com)
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