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Karl Stallknecht

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Posts posted by Karl Stallknecht

  1. DNS records are all independent of each other so you can have multiple of the same name with different types without causing conflicts or duplicates.

    As a result, what you need to do is setup a wildcard MX record which is just "*.sip.cleartrunk.com" and then set a priority of 1 with an address of fax.zswitch.net - off the top of my head I can't remember the exact syntax for GoDaddy for the first part, and I don't even know 100% that GoDaddy supports wildcards so don't quote me on that :-)

    This record won't affect the CNAME that you setup since it's totally separate.
  2. So default Freeswitch does not have outbound call recording?

    Also, are you saying that we could get around this by doing a blind transfer of an outbound call to an extension that ultimately points back to the user who initiates the blind transfer? This method would work as a way to start/stop it, but it wouldn't work for just 100% automatic outbound recording.
  3. Hi Aaron,

    This makes a lot of tasks very tedious still though, such as adding BLF keys. If we have a customer with 30 of the exact same phones who wants 6 parking spots, that's 120 manual additions versus adding in 6 times at the account level.

    I understand the issue with different phones, but what about if the customer has all of the same phones? Allowing mass configuration on the account level would make things a million times easier.
  4. Hi Anthony,

    The correct method uses CNAMES. Set your "domain name" in the branding all to whatever you want to use (full URL...for example: portal.mycompany.com) and then go into GoDaddy and setup a CNAME in the DNS editor for mycompany.com. The suffix should be portal and the location it points to should be ui.zswitch.net (at least in this example with these specifics)
  5. FYI Rick what we were doing until the reseller accounting app was available was going back and looking at how much credit the client had used each month, calculating (used dollar amount divided by 2600hz toll free rate) and then resetting their account to a set number every month. This worked, but the issue was that we weren't REALLY sure that we were billing for toll free, since that opened the account up to let international charges take place. We weren't risking going into the negative that way, but we were potentially under billing our clients if they had international calls.

    That being said, when we started doing this years ago, the restriction to stop international calls didn't work and we were told the only real way to prevent them was by unchecking the box that allows clients to incur any charge-related calls.

    An API like you mentioned would be fantastic though. It's annoying to do all of this manual billing every month.
  6. Richard,

    We use webhooks as a temporary workaround until websockets are released. Here is some data we would like webhooks to pass that it currently does not:

    - account_id (currently we just add this as custom data since it's static, but it would be nice not to have to worry about adding it in each time) / also, realm would suffice too if you'd rather do this instead of account_id...either or works for us

    - call duration passed on channel_destroy events (we can calculate this on our end, but it's significantly increasing server load when we test it with a high volume of calls so we would really prefer if the data is just passed directly)

    - device_id passed on all applicable devices (currently we have to use owner_id)

    I would also like to see https support and some form of authentication support.
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