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Posts posted by Tuly

  1. We've gotten quite a few complaints, after picking up a call from park it goes back into park automatically after about a minute, we've had those complaints for months, but I think lately I've heard more and more of those,

    Has anyone had this Behavior? Or can guide us in the right direction where I'm even starting to look?

  2. Most clients asking those features I already pushed to voicemail to email, but there are quite a few that are reluctant to let their secretaries have the voicemail in an email they want to keep it the old way, or they told me, we have enough emails I don't need more,

    And for them this feature is basic basic, they cannot understand how it's possible we don't have that,
  3. I think this was
    already discussed but I can't find it,

     we have 2 frequently requested features, 

    1)    Someone listen to a voicemail on the phone, they should be able to call back the personal who left the voicemail by pressing a key, almost every company that has voicemail even cell phones have this feature, 

    2)    Also when you listen to a voicemail is it possible to see the caller ID on the screen?

  4. on Yealink when you set to zero, the phone will lookup the SRV and go based on the SRV port, (the SRV port on the 2600hz DNS is port 7000)

    Darren said in the last webinar that they will do 1 webinar for Phone failover, i think it's very useful for questions like, will the phone failover when the proxy not down completely down? only issues with call routing etc..

    How long does it usually take for a phone to fail over to a different proxy, 

    After failing over do we need to restart in order for BLF to work?

    How can we test failover so  when we really need it, we should be confident that it's working
  5. A new potential client is asking us for call screening,
    (a call comes in, the caller will state their name, and then the extension that picks up, has the option either to send the call to voicemail or to accept the call)
    I was looking for it I couldn't find that option, is there such an option right now?

    Thanks all,
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