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Sergey K

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  1. Will be great to run it on Debian. +1
  2. How about Second Quarter of 2024 which was promised before? Will it be the same game year over the year again?
  3. You should check the logs tail /var/log/kamailio/kamailio.log Most likely you have regular kamailio started which prevent kazoo-kamailio to start properly. You can try to disable it: systemctl stop kamailio systemctl disable kamailio
  4. Run this: grep -r freeswitch-release /etc/yum.repos.d and remove/disable this repo. After you remove it: yum clean all yum update This should fix the issue. I was able to install 4.3 to my test cluster yesterday, and did not have any issue...
  5. Please check if the freeswitch repo is enable. If it is enable you need to disable it and try again.
  6. Is there any possibility to ask @Darren Schreiber and @lazedo be more active on this forum? I know that a lot of people need their help, but there are no way to reach people from the team since they are not in IRC or anywhere else in public community.
  7. Kazoo use legacy (very outdated) firebase push notification. Linphone removed legacy push notification from their SDK in 5.1 SDK. Latest linphone-android version which was able to use legacy notification was 4.5.6. The only hope that 2600hz team will implement Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) support in feature releases.
  8. The big issue in my opinion was that is no configuration changes backported to 4.3. For example, kamailio and freeswitch updating almost every week by Luis, and nothing released for 4.3 for a years. Centos 7 will be soon end of life and will not receive any critical patches anymore. I personally don't care about market place at the moment, will be nice to have it at some point, but for me is most important to get improvement in voice quality, stability and features. I'm pretty sure that freeswitch and kamailio get whole bunch of new features for last couple years. James is the only person who support us as much as he can and I appreciate it very much. Unfortunately I don't see other knowledgeable people from a team like JR or Lazedo in IRC or here . Just my 2 Cents...
  9. Will be nice to have an update on this topic...
  10. @DanH is there any updates on the billing part?
  11. Well, at least cover this particular area: https://github.com/2600hz/docs-sysadmin/blob/master/doc/kazoo/service-plans.md As you can see in this document - it was last updated back in Dec 13, 2017. I guess it was really outdated. Will be nice to have it covered as much as possible especially with latest changes and additions to Kazoo platform.
  12. Hi DanH, I will greatly appreciate if you can do a course for billing. The documentation for it is very outdated and make it very hard to make it work the right way. From what I can see - when 4.3 came out, billing stop working as it was working before and not much people can explain what to do with it now.
  13. Agree, this will be a huge PLUS.
  14. Is there any ETA when v5 will be available for general public?
  15. Wow! That would be great! I will be happy to see it! Billing and provisioning part is something which everyone need more information.
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