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Everything posted by Mooseable

  1. @kazte, yes, what you are after is possible. You can have pre-paid or post-paid accounts. You can apply a limit to post-paid accounts too. In the event an account exceeds its limit, it will terminate calls. You simply need to set an account to be pre-post paid and set the limit. You also need to ensure the Jonny5 app is running. By default, limits are per-month (though you could use the API to "top up" an account or change its limit on a more frequent interval). Limits apply to resellers also. When an account underneath a reseller account makes a call, the reseller account is also charged for that call. Likewise the root/superadmin account by default is also charged for the resellers calls (charges all the way up the chain). Each account may be charged a different rate (based on their ratedeck). You can choose NOT to charge a specific account (useful for the root/superadmin account) by using "flat rate trunks". Ratedecks can be at the system, reseller or account level. Hotornot is the app in charge of figuring out how much to charge for a call (it does the call rating) Jonny5 enforces the limits (it does limiting). I personally do not know how often Jonny5 checks limits/credit.
  2. So getting 404 on whitelabel doesn't mean much, it just means you haven't set up whitelabelling (which is perfectly OK). Same with the braintree. You could also fork the install guide, update it then submit a PR to get it updated. You are correct that it no longer has the line "localhost" in the configJS, as it uses the request url AFAIK if it is not defined, which works if Monster and Kazoo Apps are installed on the same server. Otherwise, you need to set it up specific to your environment as per https://docs.2600hz.com/ui/docs/configuration/
  3. What are some of the more common errors and issues you run in to?
  4. Sure, what you put in there looks fine. I'll (try) to do a new video each month. I have no idea how bits will help me out, but thanks I guess Maybe I can donate them to those that keep helping me out like @lazedo and @mc_, can I buy them beer with bits? You should also look in to offering the closed-source apps to self-hosted solutions by running ONLY the apps nodes for those closed-source apps. This would help people like me who don't really have the client base yet to pay you for the full infrastructure stack, but am certainly willing to license/pay for the extra apps!
  5. If I go to the Downloads page, when I go to contribute, the only option is to upload a file (not submit a link) unless I'm missing something obvious @Emily R
  6. Apologies for the lateness. The training stream was great, but I wanted something a bit more concise so I re-recorded an AIO setup. This covers installing and configuring the associated services for an all-in-one server. I'll work on more expanded content, including creating a clustered setup as well as deep dives in to each of the services, setting up billing plans, creating carriers, etc.
  7. I will be running another stream next week, probably more US timezone friendly. I will combine it with todays stream for the cut down version. Australian internet failed me and installation from repos were going to take ~30 mins, which wasn't happening on my test yesterday. Good practice run and I will return with the all-in-one setup probably next week.
  8. I will try to contribute the edited down videos. Not sure if it matters, but I don't have access to that area personally.
  9. Well, I should have everything I need now. I will be running a stream at 11:00 UTC this Friday. I'll be doing via youtube live which you can view/set your reminder here; https://www.youtube.com/user/mooseable/live Open to feedback, suggestions for topics. Replay should be available post stream and I'll see if I can work on an edited down version for the time-starved individuals. I'm sure the first stream will be horrible as all new things are, but we can get there I will cover, briefly, the overview/architecture/design principals of 2600hz Kazoo from my understanding, then go on to build various lab environments, starting from an All In One server, to working on getting a cluster. Finally, this will be based on Kazoo 4. If any of the 2600hz team wishes to provide any input or advice, I'd be more than happy to chat.
  10. FYI, I am still planning on doing this, but lovely COVID delayed the delivery of some equipment I needed. It's all starting to arrive now, so I should have something out soon.
  11. Posting logs helps. do a search and replace for IP addresses, usernames, realm/domain names and node names ideally. Logs should show the device being looked up and found as well as an invite to the device in freeswitch.
  12. Probably just stream to Youtube (likely with zero viewers given my timezone) then release the edited VOD a couple days later via Youtube also. I will most likely go through from the start to end. Start with planning/architecture, go on to the individual components and how they integrate/communicate, then move in to the apps based on feedback, like provisioning, billing, pivots, etc I would like it to end up being a series that I can give to my team and new employees and they can then understand Kazoo.
  13. I'm wondering if there is community interest for a weekly stream showing Kazoo 2600hz covering; Architecture Overview Planning for Deployment Deploying each service (Kamailio, Freeshwitch, RabbitMQ, CouchDB, HAProxy, etc) Configuring services (Fax to email services, pivots, api integrations) Troubleshooting (Figuring out where a fault exists, common caveats, fixes) I do not work for 2600hz and have been using the community edition in production for about 3 years. I certainly don't understand EVERYTHING about kazoo, but I know how to get it all working, fix problems, etc. The stream will be live and I will work on providing an edited version for uploading to YouTube. I'm interested to see what topics people are most interested in and what timeslots work for them. I am in Australia, so the start times I can provide could be between any of the below, with a run time of about 2 hours. 11:00 Fridays (UTC) and 14:00 Fridays (UTC) 01:00 Saturday (UTC) and 12:00 Saturday (UTC)
  14. Instead of having a ruleset for when they are open (if the open hours go over midnight), define when they are closed. Then when the temporal rule is true, route to your voicemail/ivr/whatever. Then set all other times to go to your "Business Hours" route.
  15. You need hotornot and jonny5 running what is the output of kazoo-applications status When you run rates_for_did, you have to specify more than just the prefix. eg; if your prefix is "918708" then add at least one more digit to it (ex: sup hotornot_maintenance rates_for_did 9187080)
  16. Yes https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/doc/phone_numbers.md or https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/phone_numbers/ /v2/phone_numbers?prefix={PREFIX}&quantity={QUANTITY}&offset={OFFSET}&country={COUNTRY} should return numbers, and their status. Don't know if it shows who it is assigned to. Worst case, you could loop through accounts and use GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/phone_numbers Someone might know a better method, or you can look at how the number manager in monsterui does it.
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