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  1. Click the link below to download a .pdf file 2600Hz-Callthru-Overview_18Nov19.pdf
  2. General Information and Features What is the CallThru.us app? The CallThru.us app enables users to access their office PBX system using their Android or iOS devices. Incoming and outgoing calls can be routed through their office system and are included in the PBX system reports. Locally users can access Call histories, contacts, voice mail and recordings without needing to log in from a desktop. Can we white label CallThru.us? We have provided the option to add your branding information to the desktop version of CallThru.us. The listing agreements with Apple and Google however do not let us “white label” the mobile application and branding – each instance would require a new listing and fee. Aside from the license notes we have made minimal reference to 2600hz in the actual app to keep it as agnostic as possible for our resellers. How does the call routing work? See the diagram below for an overview of how a call is routed. Can I use this app to send and receive text messages? This is not available in the current release. We are working on this feature and hope to provide it in our next update. Is there a STEP reference guide for CallThru.us? Yes! We are working on several support documents for this application. A STEP guide has been posted for configuring both Android and iOS devices, here. Configuring devices from your desktop User Portal app. I don’t have a mobile phone associated with my App Store/Play Store to download from the link in the app. Do I need one? No, you can simply go directly into the App Store/Play Store directly on your phone to download. If I say “no” during the original setup to accessing my phone contacts, can I change my mind and allow this later? Yes, the settings are accessible from your device OS. Android devices will prompt you to allow access and change that setting anytime you try to access your address book. iOS devices If you have an iOS device, you can change the permissions under the phone settings screen. Look for the CallThru.us app in your list, and toggle Contacts on. My Call Thru device shows as “unregistered” in my User Portal currently – is this a problem? No, since your device is not a device on the account, the lack of registration on the system is not a problem. This appearance may be change in future revisions My Call Thru device does not show as a device in SmartPBX – Will my app still work? The device is listed under devices in the SmartPBX portal, however there is not yet an icon for it. Look for a blank listing under the devices column. When you click on that you will see it is tagged as a callthru.us device. Making and receiving calls with your device When I dial a phone # the app shows a different number than I am dialing. What is this? When you make a call, CallThru.us routes your call through a series of access numbers managed by your PBX. It then forwards to the number you called. So the number you see on your phone is the access number. Your call history will display the actual phone number you called. The recipient of your call will see a caller ID based on your settings in your PBX system If there is no setting then it will display as Anonymous If you have assigned a caller ID to your originating phone number that will display I can make outgoing calls but for some reason I’m not seeing incoming calls To set up incoming call routing, add a device in the Callthru.us app that is assigned to you as a user. It will ring all your devices including forwarding the call to your cell. If you are not receiving calls, check the following settings in your SmartPBX account Make sure the setting is assigned to ring the user, not the device. Check the Find Me Follow Me settings for the device. It should show the ringer unchecked. View the STEP guides for more information and troubleshooting for this. When I call a landline I get a message that the "callee is not accepting calls from numbers with Caller ID blocked" This type of message has become more common now with the SPAM filters phone carriers have implemented for land lines due to new laws protecting consumers. If you receive this message, it's likely your user Caller-ID privacy setting in SmartPBX includes a "HIDE" selection, either "Hide Number Only, Name Only, or Name and Number". To ensure your calls will be accepted by landlines, go to your SmartPBX User settings and set the privacy option to either "Default" or "Hide Nothing." See the screen shot below. Settings features on your device What settings can I control with CallThru.us from my device? This version of CallThru.us app supports the following settings: Enable Call Forwarding This allows you to identify a different phone number to forward calls to. Additionally, you can request the originating caller ID is maintained. Send Voicemail to email Here you can choose to send your voicemail notification to an email address. NOTE: Since the "from" field will show a cryptic string, your email filter may forward it automatically to Junk. If you don't receive any notices, check your Junk mailbox. Do Not Disturb If turned on, the device listed will not ring. Note all the devices listed under your user name in SmartPBX will be listed and allow being turned off. Reset Application Use this if you want to reset the application. It will delete all your data related to the app, including the associated phone number. If you are having trouble receiving incoming calls, it's possible the phone number you entered was not paired correctly with your phone. As noted below, this is a last effort to resolve this. Your CallThru.us Faxbox I am not receiving fax notices on my phone In order to receive faxes and notifications on your phone, you must have a fax box assigned to your user setting in SmartPBX. Ask your administrator to set this up and verify the fax number you wish to be a receiver for. You can check the following settings on your phone to confirm your phone is configured correctly: On the faxes page, review the phone number listed under your Faxbox Heading. Under settings, make sure the toggle for Do Not Disturb is OFF for your fax listing Check in the User Portal Faxes (on your desktop, if you don't have access ask your admin) to see if the faxes have registered there. Check your email inbox (and junk mailbox). If your settings enable the "copy to email" option, you should get a copy there. This will confirm if the system is receiving the faxes. How can I send faxes from my phone? Currently there is no option to send a fax from your phone. The "sent" tab on your phone displays information and images of faxes you may have sent from your office desktop in SmartPBX. How do I save an incoming fax on my phone? Currently there is no option to "Save Fax" on your phone. We anticipate this will be one of our pending updates. In the interim, some users are taking screen shots of the fax and saving that to their phone documents. If I delete a fax from my phone is it deleted also from Smart PBX and vice-versa? Yes.
  3. 2600HZ STEP GUIDE – CallThru.us - iOS Devices NOTE: This document reflects recent updates in the iOs version of CallThru.us as downloaded from the Apple store. Please suggest any edits or ask questions in the comments tab below. What is CallThru.us? CallThru.us is an application that routes calls through your office PBX system to an iOs or Android mobile device. The app provides a familiar caller dial pad and call management options on the mobile phone, including access to local contacts, import and save contacts, and view call history. Before you start Access the account you want to enable and find the CallThru application. Make a list of the users you want to give access to for mobile phone use. Have the mobile device you are activating available for downloading the CallThru app through Google Play or the Apple App Store. Next Steps Set up CallThru.us access in Monster UI STEP 1 Find the CallThru.us app in your application window. STEP 2 Click on the icon to open the application. The Getting Started screen will display with a new User Access tab at the top. STEP 3 When the tab is open, a list of users will display. Search for the user to enable and toggle the switch on. Download and Register the CallThru App on a mobile device. STEP 1 Open the User Portal app from the desktop. STEP 2 You will see a new tab for Mobile to the right. STEP 3 Click on the tab. A prompt will ask for a mobile phone number. Once the number is verified a screen similar to below will display, prompting to download the CallThru.us app to the device. Once the app is on your phone, open it. You will be prompted to aim your phone at this code. Make sure your phone's camera setting shows it is available. NOTES: The CallThru.us app can be downloaded any time, either from the desktop or from the appropriate app. store on your phone. Remember your phone camera must be available to read the QR code generated on the desktop. Review the "downloading your app" section of this STEP guide for notes on this process. Notes on downloading the application Search for CallThru.us in your Apple App. store. You should see a screen similar to below: As you download the app, you will see the following prompts: Enter Credentials: Choose to use your phone camera to read the QR code generated from your User Portal app. NOTE: The login Username and Password referred to here are derived from the QR code and very long and cumbersome to enter. They are NOT your login and password used on your desktop PBX. Choose to Allow Access to your Contacts (or not). If you choose to not allow access to. your contacts, you can change these settings later in the app. settings screen in iOs. Accept License terms: Read the terms and choose I Agree View your home screen! Once you agree to the terms, you will see the "home screen" for CallThru.us. This is shown at the left, below. To access additional screens you can: Select the "hamburger" icon next to the Home text at the top; this will show a pop-out menu. Select one of the icons at the bottom of the screen, for Contacts or the Dial Pad. . CallThru.Us Pages Recent Calls / Call History To refresh your screen and review updates, select the circular arrow at the top right. Your screen will display recent calls made from your CallThru account. NOTE: Currently the phone number will display the number used by CallThru, not the number you actually called. This will be captured in your SmartPBX call log. Voicemail Page Click on the Voicemail area to view details and listen to your voicemail. The icons below the VM recording bar allow you to: Return a call Delete the voice mail Change the tag from Listened to New Faxes Page If your fax page shows "no faxes setup" (see left), check with your administrator, it will need to be configured and assigned to you as a user in the SmartPBX console. . Below are images that show how sent (left) and received fax information will display on your phone. You can view and delete the faxes from these pages. NOTES In this release, saving a fax is not supported; the fax can be saved from your desktop in SmartPBX however.In the interim, some of our users are "saving" these fax images by taking a screen shot with their phone. In SmartPBX you can define if you want to receive an email of your fax, and/or send a fax to another number by email. If you have turned this setting on and are not receiving your emails, please check your "Junk" mailbox. You may see notifications like below. Remember to allow incoming emails from the no_reply server your system uses. Settings Pages To access the settings page for CallThru.us, select the Settings option from the home screen, as noted below. You will then see the Settings page, also shown below. . Settings Options Enable Call Forwarding Set the phone number you want to forward the call to. Also ring my other devices. If checked, will ring all devices that are assigned to this CallThru phone #. Keep Caller ID: This will retain the caller ID from the originating call, even when forwarded. If this is not checked, the Caller ID will show your CallThru.us phone #. Send Voicemail to email Enter an email address where voice mail notifications should be sent. Do Not Disturb Select any devices that are assigned to this number to be in DND mode. This means the device will not ring, and if a voicemail is configured, it will go directly there. Dial pad and Program Settings When you select the dial pad icon at the bottom of any screen you will access your calling window, as seen below. In addition, you will see a gear at the top right. This will display the Program Settings screen, seen to the right (for reference ONLY!). NOTE: Most of this Program settings page is provided FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Check with your system administrator before resetting any of these fields. Account Setup This displays the User Name and Password generated by the QR code during setup. Delete this ONLY if you want to remove the application entirely from your phone. About At the bottom of this screen you will see a version number for your app. This can be useful during troubleshooting calls. If you have auto-update set to on in your Apple apps. settings you will likely have a current version. Reset application This may be recommended if there is inconsistencies with your SmartPBX application and/or you are changing your phone number. Making a Call using CallThru.us Go to your Dialpad and Dial a Number ! In the background, the CallThru app follows these steps when making a call: What callers will see is something like this: A quick screen that says "initializing" before the call is completed. An access number that the app is dialing. NOTE: This is not the phone number you are calling, it is the access number that the CallThru.us has allocated to relay your call. Select the access number to initiate the call. What the call recipient will see depends on your settings: The person receiving your call will see a number you have assigned as your caller ID in your PBX system. If your caller ID is not set up to be shown, then your caller ID will show as Anonymous. Receiving a call from CallThru.us and your PBX system What callers will see / hear depends on your settings in your PBX application. Your cell device is added to your user settings, and will adopt the general settings you've applied to your other devices. The caller will hear what your PBX system had defined, and a possible pause during the phone forward process. What you will see / hear When a call is forwarded to your cell phone, it will ring as a normal call. When you answer however, it will prompt you to "Press 1 to continue." This is currently what indicates the call is from your PBX system. Future releases will provide alternate preference options for identifying these calls. If you want to customize when you get calls (e.g. turn the ring off at certain times, customize a voicemail) go into the device settings for this CallThru device, and select which devices. you want to set to DND (see Settings Options, above) If you are not receiving calls Here's some troubleshooting ideas if your phone is still calling out but not receiving calls: Verify your phone has been added to you as a user in your PBX setup. It should display in Smart PBX as in the above post, as a listed phantom device (without an icon for now) it should display in User Portal under Settings & Devices. Check your settings for where your calls are sent to. By default when you set up your cell phone the calls will be treated as your other devices are treated. If you want your cell to have unique behavior, adjust the settings in Smart PBX under Find Me, Follow me, as above. If you are still not receiving calls, you may want to reconfigure the phone -- the phone number you entered may not have synched correctly as the number of your cell phone (think typo, we are adding a way to verify your input, will be available shortly). It is possible to dial out with an incorrect cell phone, but not to dial in. To reset, From the app on your phone, choose the gear at the top right of your dialpad, and select Reset Application. Go to the User Portal app on your desktop, pick the Mobile Tab From this tab, type in your number When you see the QR code screen, instead of capturing the code there, choose the "Link new phone number" arrow at the top left Enter your phone number again very carefully and double check it! Capture the new QR code This should reset your phone and your desktop NOTE: For a more detailed view of these steps -- with screen shots, refer to the CallThru FAQ. Reviewing your CallThru.us settings There are three places to check and set your CallThru Settings and preferences: From your CallThru.us settings screen From your SmartPBX and/or User Portal application on your desktop (soon also on your mobile phone) Control the ringing and routing behavior of incoming calls, e.g. voicemails, etc. Set your assigned devices and fax boxes. From your iPhone settings screen Control permissions for the CallThru mobile app related to iPhone data access, for example if CallThru can access your Contacts, Microphone and Camera. During your installation, you are asked to enable these; however if you choose not to at the time, you can through the iOS settings screen. See below Reset and/or re-couple your phone with your CallThru app. CALLTHRU.US SETTINGS FROM YOUR PHONE Settings controlled from standard iPhone settings screen These are the traditional settings that you can control through your iPhone for most applications. If you declined access to your contacts during configuration, you can override that in these settings. Your contacts will display once the setting is changed. #####
  4. Once you have registered a CallThru.us device, it will display as a device option in a number of companion applications that use the Monster UI. Below is an overview of how and where it will appear. CallThru.us in SmartPBX Once a CallThru.us is added to a specific User, that user should "find" it in SmartPBX in the following places: Users List Search for your user name Click on the Devices column, and it will display the device in the drop down Click on the User Name tab, and you will see additional settings that apply to the user for all calls and devices. NOTE: The setting for Caller-ID privacy MUST be set to either "Default" or "Hide Nothing." If it is not, then the caller ID will show "Blocked" or "Anonymous." This can cause problems with land lines, as many carriers are allowing settings where a call will not be connected if the Caller ID is not real. This is due to new laws protecting consumers from SPAM and robo-calls. Notes: You can "Un-assign" the CallThru.us device from the dropdown shown by picking the devices tab. If you do unassign it, it will be considered a "Spare Device" and can be reassigned. You cannot add a new CallThru.us device from SmartPBX; this must be accomplished using the User Portal Mobile tab to scan the code. Devices List The CallThru.us device is shown in the device list using this icon: Call Logs Your call log will display the CallThru.us device and its user if you click on the actual call. Callflows The CallThru device will display in each user's device list as shown below. NOTE: At this time you will not be able to add a CallThru.us device in this application. The device must be added using the User Portal application. The CallThru device will also display as a separate device in the device list, here:
  5. Goal You are working remotely and want to make a call that leverages your office PBX system. You do not have access to the CallThru.us app on your mobile phone. If you use CallThru.us, this behavior is a feature! You want to make sure your calls are logged in the company call logs. You want the recipient to see a Caller ID associated with your company. In techie parlance, you want to "Enable DISA (Direct Inward System Access)." NOTE: THIS FEATURE CAN RESULT IN FRAUD. You are responsible if fraud occurs on your account due to use of this feature. Please make sure to keep your password secret and optionally restrict calls to international locations for your account to be extra-safe. Overview In Advanced Callflows In your account, go to Callflows / Account Settings Set a default Caller ID Name and Number on the account for external calls Go to Callflows / Callflows Using a phone number on the account, Create a new callflow and add the DISA action. Edit the pop-up by adding a PIN # SAVE Detailed Steps Advanced Callflows 1. Access Advanced Callflows Click into the application from your desktop. If you do not see it, ask your administrator to help you. 2. Select Account Settings from the main menu 3. Set a default external Caller ID Name and Number Return to the main screen by picking the Return button to the top right. 4. Click on the Main Callflows menu item 5. Select New Callfllow. Click on the Callflow banner and add your phone number 6. Add DISA to your Callflow Flow diagram. Access the DISA app button by typing it in the search window to the right. Then drag the button into the Callflow diagram. 7. Enter an Access PIN in the dialog box Add your PIN When you do the above, you will get a pop-up like this where you can set the PIN and some options. You really just need to set the PIN (and make it something hard to guess!) NOTE: Accessing these numbers is a huge source of fraud. Make sure to use a PIN that is not easily guessed. 8. SAVE the CallflowNow you can call the phone number you assigned. When you call into this phone number follow these steps: You will hear a dialtone Enter the PIN number If your PIN is correct you will hear a second dialtone. Dial the number you wish to call. You will be connected but the Caller ID Number will match the customer's account settings. NOTE: We're working on the Caller ID Name for you as well, which currently isn't change-able). ####
  6. Steps to White Label CallThru.us User Story A reseller wants to include the 2600Hz CallThru.us application as part of a larger KAZOO-based communications package using personalized branding. What this is A “white-label CallThru.us” is a duplicate copy of the 2600Hz CallThru.us application that supports re-branding with your company logo and contact information. The rebranded look becomes the primary presence on the application, both when downloaded at the app. store and when used on your clients’ phone. Once you have agreed to the terms for either a Hosted or a Private Cloud / Global Infrastructure branding strategy, you will submit configuration and branding details to Acrobits. They embed this into a copy of the KAZOO distribution and rebuild the app. This newly branded “KAZOO Bundle” is uploaded to the App Stores for Android and/or Apple and is now available to your clients. The steps to achieve this are outlined below. Your reseller agreement with 2600Hz To implement the white-label version of CallThru.us, contact your sales rep at 2600Hz. Sales will provide you with the pricing and distribution requirements, and give you a sense of what kind of timeframe is possible. In short, your reseller agreement includes the configuration and setup efforts by both 2600Hz and Acrobits and a monthly service fee. Overview of Steps In order to add your personally branded version of CallThru.us to App Stores, you will need to complete a series of steps. An illustration of these steps is below, these steps are described in the following pages. Details of Steps Engage in a distribution agreement with 2600Hz Pricing sheet is available from your sales team. Create Apple and Google App Store Developer Accounts NOTE: There is an annual fee associated with these accounts. Recently it has been $99/year for Apple and $25/initial setup fee for Google. Apple: https://developer.apple.com/programs/enroll/ Android: https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/launch Provide back end configuration credentials to 2600Hz. You will be asked to provide the following information: Application Name | example: example.us Domain suffix | example: s.example.us Domain | example: default.s.example.us Legal Links The URL of customers EULA document if required URL to your company’s privacy policy Provisioning URL from Kazoo cluster Enter the URL for your cluster; syntax should look like this: "https://portal.example.us:8443/v2/ctu" Address Book Contact Name = name of service for calls -- can change to “business call” instead of callthru.us for example. Engage with Acrobits as a 2600Hz customer. 2600Hz will provide you with an Acrobits contact to start the process of integrating your brand and design features. Acrobits will provide you with a detailed list of image formats, resolution requirements. Some of the initial images and assets you will be asked to submit include below. NOTE: Specifications on resolution and sizing and description requirements vary between Apple and Google For the app itself Logo / icon for splash screen Logo / icon for the app name For the Store Listing App. Descriptions, short and full App. Screenshots Contact Information Notes 2600Hz and Acrobits will build and test the final implementation. There will be a window for resellers to review this before it is posted to each app. You will be notified when the apps are available and you can start selling. Add your branded icon to the Monster UI menu Once you have provided your updates to 2600Hz and Acrobits for building your custom app, you will want to enable the icon used to trigger the device activation application in Monster UI. Open your Branding application Upload the icon you wish to display in your customer application dashboard. Once this is uploaded it will replace the 2600Hz icon. Frequently Asked Questions How long does this white label process take? Initial configuration can take 4-6 weeks after your initial commitment. Timing will depend on The workload / backlog at 2600Hz and Acrobits when you commit Your availability and response time to provide requested resources including Signing up for Developer Accounts Providing correct branding images and icons ready for Acrobits. You should receive an estimate once you place your order. Does Acrobits provide any services to help with the full white label branding process? Yes. You will be working directly with Acrobits for the branding portion of the application, however, you are contracted with 2600Hz. What is the brand experience for users when they activate their phones? Users will download your branded app from the iOS and Google Play stores and will see your company name, icon, brand colors and description. How are upgrades handled? In the current implementation updates will be managed by 2600Hz and Acrobits. They will propagate to your branded version as part of your subscription. Appendices iOS App Store implementation Notes Below is an overview of the steps to take to set up an account with Apple so you can submit your branded version of CallThru.us to their store. NOTE: This can change! Create an Apple Developer Account Go to the iOS Developer center and set up your account. Since you will be distributing this app publicly, you will use the iOS Developer Program tool (the iOS Enterprise Developer Program is for internal use only at large organizations). To enroll, you will need an Apple ID with two-factor authentication turned on, and: A D-U-N-S number (Dun and Bradstreet) Be a Legal Entity and have binding authority A publicly available website with a DNS associated with your company. Here is the link to Apple’s enrollment page. NOTE: There is an annual subscription fee associated with this account, it is currently $99/year. Step Details, Android integration A detailed explanation of the steps for signing up for the Google Play can be found here Related Articles CallThru White Label - Customer Requirements CallThru White Label - Branding Design Guidelines Branding User Guide #### View full File
  7. To download a .pdf, click on the link below: 2600hz-CallThru-Design Guide-23Sept20.pdf View full File
  8. To download a .pdf, click on the link below: 2600Hz_Callthru_customer-requirements.pdf View full File
  9. Goal You are working remotely and want to make a call that leverages your office PBX system. You do not have access to the CallThru.us app on your mobile phone. If you use CallThru.us, this behavior is a feature! You want to make sure your calls are logged in the company call logs. You want the recipient to see a Caller ID associated with your company. In techie parlance, you want to "Enable DISA (Direct Inward System Access)." NOTE: THIS FEATURE CAN RESULT IN FRAUD. You are responsible if fraud occurs on your account due to use of this feature. Please make sure to keep your password secret and optionally restrict calls to international locations for your account to be extra-safe. Overview In Advanced Callflows In your account, go to Callflows / Account Settings Set a default Caller ID Name and Number on the account for external calls Go to Callflows / Callflows Using a phone number on the account, Create a new callflow and add the DISA action. Edit the pop-up by adding a PIN # SAVE Detailed Steps Advanced Callflows 1. Access Advanced Callflows Click into the application from your desktop. If you do not see it, ask your administrator to help you. 2. Select Account Settings from the main menu 3. Set a default external Caller ID Name and Number Return to the main screen by picking the Return button to the top right. 4. Click on the Main Callflows menu item 5. Select New Callfllow. Click on the Callflow banner and add your phone number 6. Add DISA to your Callflow Flow diagram. Access the DISA app button by typing it in the search window to the right. Then drag the button into the Callflow diagram. 7. Enter an Access PIN in the dialog box Add your PIN When you do the above, you will get a pop-up like this where you can set the PIN and some options. You really just need to set the PIN (and make it something hard to guess!) NOTE: Accessing these numbers is a huge source of fraud. Make sure to use a PIN that is not easily guessed. 8. SAVE the CallflowNow you can call the phone number you assigned. When you call into this phone number follow these steps: You will hear a dialtone Enter the PIN number If your PIN is correct you will hear a second dialtone. Dial the number you wish to call. You will be connected but the Caller ID Number will match the customer's account settings. NOTE: We're working on the Caller ID Name for you as well, which currently isn't change-able). #### View full File
  10. Darren CallThru Demo 03-18-20.mp4 View full File
  11. 2600HZ STEP GUIDE – CallThru.us - iOS Devices NOTE: This document reflects recent updates in the iOs version of CallThru.us as downloaded from the Apple store. Please suggest any edits or ask questions in the comments tab below. What is CallThru.us? CallThru.us is an application that routes calls through your office PBX system to an iOs or Android mobile device. The app provides a familiar caller dial pad and call management options on the mobile phone, including access to local contacts, import and save contacts, and view call history. Before you start Access the account you want to enable and find the CallThru application. Make a list of the users you want to give access to for mobile phone use. Have the mobile device you are activating available for downloading the CallThru app through Google Play or the Apple App Store. Next Steps Set up CallThru.us access in Monster UI STEP 1 Find the CallThru.us app in your application window. STEP 2 Click on the icon to open the application. The Getting Started screen will display with a new User Access tab at the top. STEP 3 When the tab is open, a list of users will display. Search for the user to enable and toggle the switch on. Download and Register the CallThru App on a mobile device. STEP 1 Open the User Portal app from the desktop. STEP 2 You will see a new tab for Mobile to the right. STEP 3 Click on the tab. A prompt will ask for a mobile phone number. Once the number is verified a screen similar to below will display, prompting to download the CallThru.us app to the device. Once the app is on your phone, open it. You will be prompted to aim your phone at this code. Make sure your phone's camera setting shows it is available. NOTES: The CallThru.us app can be downloaded any time, either from the desktop or from the appropriate app. store on your phone. Remember your phone camera must be available to read the QR code generated on the desktop. Review the "downloading your app" section of this STEP guide for notes on this process. Notes on downloading the application Search for CallThru.us in your Apple App. store. You should see a screen similar to below: As you download the app, you will see the following prompts: Enter Credentials: Choose to use your phone camera to read the QR code generated from your User Portal app. NOTE: The login Username and Password referred to here are derived from the QR code and very long and cumbersome to enter. They are NOT your login and password used on your desktop PBX. Choose to Allow Access to your Contacts (or not). If you choose to not allow access to. your contacts, you can change these settings later in the app. settings screen in iOs. Accept License terms: Read the terms and choose I Agree View your home screen! Once you agree to the terms, you will see the "home screen" for CallThru.us. This is shown at the left, below. To access additional screens you can: Select the "hamburger" icon next to the Home text at the top; this will show a pop-out menu. Select one of the icons at the bottom of the screen, for Contacts or the Dial Pad. . CallThru.Us Pages Recent Calls / Call History To refresh your screen and review updates, select the circular arrow at the top right. Your screen will display recent calls made from your CallThru account. NOTE: Currently the phone number will display the number used by CallThru, not the number you actually called. This will be captured in your SmartPBX call log. Voicemail Page Click on the Voicemail area to view details and listen to your voicemail. The icons below the VM recording bar allow you to: Return a call Delete the voice mail Change the tag from Listened to New Faxes Page If your fax page shows "no faxes setup" (see left), check with your administrator, it will need to be configured and assigned to you as a user in the SmartPBX console. . Below are images that show how sent (left) and received fax information will display on your phone. You can view and delete the faxes from these pages. NOTES In this release, saving a fax is not supported; the fax can be saved from your desktop in SmartPBX however.In the interim, some of our users are "saving" these fax images by taking a screen shot with their phone. In SmartPBX you can define if you want to receive an email of your fax, and/or send a fax to another number by email. If you have turned this setting on and are not receiving your emails, please check your "Junk" mailbox. You may see notifications like below. Remember to allow incoming emails from the no_reply server your system uses. Settings Pages To access the settings page for CallThru.us, select the Settings option from the home screen, as noted below. You will then see the Settings page, also shown below. . Settings Options Enable Call Forwarding Set the phone number you want to forward the call to. Also ring my other devices. If checked, will ring all devices that are assigned to this CallThru phone #. Keep Caller ID: This will retain the caller ID from the originating call, even when forwarded. If this is not checked, the Caller ID will show your CallThru.us phone #. Send Voicemail to email Enter an email address where voice mail notifications should be sent. Do Not Disturb Select any devices that are assigned to this number to be in DND mode. This means the device will not ring, and if a voicemail is configured, it will go directly there. Dial pad and Program Settings When you select the dial pad icon at the bottom of any screen you will access your calling window, as seen below. In addition, you will see a gear at the top right. This will display the Program Settings screen, seen to the right (for reference ONLY!). NOTE: Most of this Program settings page is provided FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Check with your system administrator before resetting any of these fields. Account Setup This displays the User Name and Password generated by the QR code during setup. Delete this ONLY if you want to remove the application entirely from your phone. About At the bottom of this screen you will see a version number for your app. This can be useful during troubleshooting calls. If you have auto-update set to on in your Apple apps. settings you will likely have a current version. Reset application This may be recommended if there is inconsistencies with your SmartPBX application and/or you are changing your phone number. Making a Call using CallThru.us Go to your Dialpad and Dial a Number ! In the background, the CallThru app follows these steps when making a call: What callers will see is something like this: A quick screen that says "initializing" before the call is completed. An access number that the app is dialing. NOTE: This is not the phone number you are calling, it is the access number that the CallThru.us has allocated to relay your call. Select the access number to initiate the call. What the call recipient will see depends on your settings: The person receiving your call will see a number you have assigned as your caller ID in your PBX system. If your caller ID is not set up to be shown, then your caller ID will show as Anonymous. Receiving a call from CallThru.us and your PBX system What callers will see / hear depends on your settings in your PBX application. Your cell device is added to your user settings, and will adopt the general settings you've applied to your other devices. The caller will hear what your PBX system had defined, and a possible pause during the phone forward process. What you will see / hear When a call is forwarded to your cell phone, it will ring as a normal call. When you answer however, it will prompt you to "Press 1 to continue." This is currently what indicates the call is from your PBX system. Future releases will provide alternate preference options for identifying these calls. If you want to customize when you get calls (e.g. turn the ring off at certain times, customize a voicemail) go into the device settings for this CallThru device, and select which devices. you want to set to DND (see Settings Options, above) If you are not receiving calls Here's some troubleshooting ideas if your phone is still calling out but not receiving calls: Verify your phone has been added to you as a user in your PBX setup. It should display in Smart PBX as in the above post, as a listed phantom device (without an icon for now) it should display in User Portal under Settings & Devices. Check your settings for where your calls are sent to. By default when you set up your cell phone the calls will be treated as your other devices are treated. If you want your cell to have unique behavior, adjust the settings in Smart PBX under Find Me, Follow me, as above. If you are still not receiving calls, you may want to reconfigure the phone -- the phone number you entered may not have synched correctly as the number of your cell phone (think typo, we are adding a way to verify your input, will be available shortly). It is possible to dial out with an incorrect cell phone, but not to dial in. To reset, From the app on your phone, choose the gear at the top right of your dialpad, and select Reset Application. Go to the User Portal app on your desktop, pick the Mobile Tab From this tab, type in your number When you see the QR code screen, instead of capturing the code there, choose the "Link new phone number" arrow at the top left Enter your phone number again very carefully and double check it! Capture the new QR code This should reset your phone and your desktop NOTE: For a more detailed view of these steps -- with screen shots, refer to the CallThru FAQ. Reviewing your CallThru.us settings There are three places to check and set your CallThru Settings and preferences: From your CallThru.us settings screen From your SmartPBX and/or User Portal application on your desktop (soon also on your mobile phone) Control the ringing and routing behavior of incoming calls, e.g. voicemails, etc. Set your assigned devices and fax boxes. From your iPhone settings screen Control permissions for the CallThru mobile app related to iPhone data access, for example if CallThru can access your Contacts, Microphone and Camera. During your installation, you are asked to enable these; however if you choose not to at the time, you can through the iOS settings screen. See below Reset and/or re-couple your phone with your CallThru app. CALLTHRU.US SETTINGS FROM YOUR PHONE Settings controlled from standard iPhone settings screen These are the traditional settings that you can control through your iPhone for most applications. If you declined access to your contacts during configuration, you can override that in these settings. Your contacts will display once the setting is changed. ##### View full File
  12. Once you have registered a CallThru.us device, it will display as a device option in a number of companion applications that use the Monster UI. Below is an overview of how and where it will appear. CallThru.us in SmartPBX Once a CallThru.us is added to a specific User, that user should "find" it in SmartPBX in the following places: Users List Search for your user name Click on the Devices column, and it will display the device in the drop down Click on the User Name tab, and you will see additional settings that apply to the user for all calls and devices. NOTE: The setting for Caller-ID privacy MUST be set to either "Default" or "Hide Nothing." If it is not, then the caller ID will show "Blocked" or "Anonymous." This can cause problems with land lines, as many carriers are allowing settings where a call will not be connected if the Caller ID is not real. This is due to new laws protecting consumers from SPAM and robo-calls. Notes: You can "Un-assign" the CallThru.us device from the dropdown shown by picking the devices tab. If you do unassign it, it will be considered a "Spare Device" and can be reassigned. You cannot add a new CallThru.us device from SmartPBX; this must be accomplished using the User Portal Mobile tab to scan the code. Devices List The CallThru.us device is shown in the device list using this icon: Call Logs Your call log will display the CallThru.us device and its user if you click on the actual call. Callflows The CallThru device will display in each user's device list as shown below. NOTE: At this time you will not be able to add a CallThru.us device in this application. The device must be added using the User Portal application. The CallThru device will also display as a separate device in the device list, here: View full File
  13. Click the link below to download a .pdf file 2600Hz-Callthru-Overview_18Nov19.pdf View full File
  14. General Information and Features What is the CallThru.us app? The CallThru.us app enables users to access their office PBX system using their Android or iOS devices. Incoming and outgoing calls can be routed through their office system and are included in the PBX system reports. Locally users can access Call histories, contacts, voice mail and recordings without needing to log in from a desktop. Can we white label CallThru.us? We have provided the option to add your branding information to the desktop version of CallThru.us. The listing agreements with Apple and Google however do not let us “white label” the mobile application and branding – each instance would require a new listing and fee. Aside from the license notes we have made minimal reference to 2600hz in the actual app to keep it as agnostic as possible for our resellers. How does the call routing work? See the diagram below for an overview of how a call is routed. Can I use this app to send and receive text messages? This is not available in the current release. We are working on this feature and hope to provide it in our next update. Is there a STEP reference guide for CallThru.us? Yes! We are working on several support documents for this application. A STEP guide has been posted for configuring both Android and iOS devices, here. Configuring devices from your desktop User Portal app. I don’t have a mobile phone associated with my App Store/Play Store to download from the link in the app. Do I need one? No, you can simply go directly into the App Store/Play Store directly on your phone to download. If I say “no” during the original setup to accessing my phone contacts, can I change my mind and allow this later? Yes, the settings are accessible from your device OS. Android devices will prompt you to allow access and change that setting anytime you try to access your address book. iOS devices If you have an iOS device, you can change the permissions under the phone settings screen. Look for the CallThru.us app in your list, and toggle Contacts on. My Call Thru device shows as “unregistered” in my User Portal currently – is this a problem? No, since your device is not a device on the account, the lack of registration on the system is not a problem. This appearance may be change in future revisions My Call Thru device does not show as a device in SmartPBX – Will my app still work? The device is listed under devices in the SmartPBX portal, however there is not yet an icon for it. Look for a blank listing under the devices column. When you click on that you will see it is tagged as a callthru.us device. Making and receiving calls with your device When I dial a phone # the app shows a different number than I am dialing. What is this? When you make a call, CallThru.us routes your call through a series of access numbers managed by your PBX. It then forwards to the number you called. So the number you see on your phone is the access number. Your call history will display the actual phone number you called. The recipient of your call will see a caller ID based on your settings in your PBX system If there is no setting then it will display as Anonymous If you have assigned a caller ID to your originating phone number that will display I can make outgoing calls but for some reason I’m not seeing incoming calls To set up incoming call routing, add a device in the Callthru.us app that is assigned to you as a user. It will ring all your devices including forwarding the call to your cell. If you are not receiving calls, check the following settings in your SmartPBX account Make sure the setting is assigned to ring the user, not the device. Check the Find Me Follow Me settings for the device. It should show the ringer unchecked. View the STEP guides for more information and troubleshooting for this. When I call a landline I get a message that the "callee is not accepting calls from numbers with Caller ID blocked" This type of message has become more common now with the SPAM filters phone carriers have implemented for land lines due to new laws protecting consumers. If you receive this message, it's likely your user Caller-ID privacy setting in SmartPBX includes a "HIDE" selection, either "Hide Number Only, Name Only, or Name and Number". To ensure your calls will be accepted by landlines, go to your SmartPBX User settings and set the privacy option to either "Default" or "Hide Nothing." See the screen shot below. Settings features on your device What settings can I control with CallThru.us from my device? This version of CallThru.us app supports the following settings: Enable Call Forwarding This allows you to identify a different phone number to forward calls to. Additionally, you can request the originating caller ID is maintained. Send Voicemail to email Here you can choose to send your voicemail notification to an email address. NOTE: Since the "from" field will show a cryptic string, your email filter may forward it automatically to Junk. If you don't receive any notices, check your Junk mailbox. Do Not Disturb If turned on, the device listed will not ring. Note all the devices listed under your user name in SmartPBX will be listed and allow being turned off. Reset Application Use this if you want to reset the application. It will delete all your data related to the app, including the associated phone number. If you are having trouble receiving incoming calls, it's possible the phone number you entered was not paired correctly with your phone. As noted below, this is a last effort to resolve this. Your CallThru.us Faxbox I am not receiving fax notices on my phone In order to receive faxes and notifications on your phone, you must have a fax box assigned to your user setting in SmartPBX. Ask your administrator to set this up and verify the fax number you wish to be a receiver for. You can check the following settings on your phone to confirm your phone is configured correctly: On the faxes page, review the phone number listed under your Faxbox Heading. Under settings, make sure the toggle for Do Not Disturb is OFF for your fax listing Check in the User Portal Faxes (on your desktop, if you don't have access ask your admin) to see if the faxes have registered there. Check your email inbox (and junk mailbox). If your settings enable the "copy to email" option, you should get a copy there. This will confirm if the system is receiving the faxes. How can I send faxes from my phone? Currently there is no option to send a fax from your phone. The "sent" tab on your phone displays information and images of faxes you may have sent from your office desktop in SmartPBX. How do I save an incoming fax on my phone? Currently there is no option to "Save Fax" on your phone. We anticipate this will be one of our pending updates. In the interim, some users are taking screen shots of the fax and saving that to their phone documents. If I delete a fax from my phone is it deleted also from Smart PBX and vice-versa? Yes. View full File
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