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phone number

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/v2/phone_numbers?prefix={PREFIX}&quantity={QUANTITY}&offset={OFFSET}&country={COUNTRY} should return numbers, and their status. Don't know if it shows who it is assigned to. Worst case, you could loop through accounts and use GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/phone_numbers

Someone might know a better method, or you can look at how the number manager in monsterui does it.

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AFAIK, only way to do this is to use /v2/accounts/{account_id}/phone_numbers

If you set account_id to your root re-seller account, it will return all numbers for subaccounts also and you can loop through them/page through. You can also apply filters, such as "?filter_state=in_service or ?created_from=63627345744

in_service should mean that it's assigned to a callflow. avaialble should mean that it is not assigned to a callflow. You can look at the assigned_to field to see if it's assigned to a subaccount/an account other than your root re-seller account.

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