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Hi all.


I have a customer with Polycom phones, VVX.

We set a ring tone for internal and another ringtone for external, via the device settings in the callflows, and uploading the a CFG file




But  a call transferred blindly, has a ring tone as external.

The customer, wants a blind transfer to have a ring tone as internal, or a separate ring tone.

How can we set this up?







Curious as to what the difference is between:

"ringtones": {
            "internal": "<http://localhost>;info=Internal",
            "external": "<http://localhost>;info=External"

and this method:

         "custom_sip_headers": {
                  "X-device-header-in": ""
                    "X-device-outbound": ""

And I see all the documentation falls under Callflow, so can this be written to a callflow element instead of a device?

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