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Everything posted by Marie

  1. I was able to assign the caller id 911 information to the new number by going to the Dashboard Caller ID button. I then went to the Main Number section and Un-Assigned the old number successfully and then went to Numbers, Spare Numbers to delete she spare number as a final clean up to remove this old number from the account.
  2. unable to add 911 data to a new main number so I can un-assign an old number and delete it. I added a new number to customer's Main Number and need to un-assign and delete the old main number. Of course I get the following error but when I try to go set 911 on the new number, it does not give me the setting option to do this. See attached graphic. The only setting option available is Prepend. Error message: You need e911 set up on at least one of your Main Numbers. Please set up e911 on another Main Number before deleting this one.
  3. Here is the response I received from CounterPath Technical Support. Hello Marie, I'm sorry, but as you noted, Bria 4 is only supported for OSX 10.9+ as mentioned here. If you installed an older, unsupported version of X-Lite as a trial this may have been why it worked on a previous version of OSX. The most recent version of X-Lite has these same requirements as noted here. I'm afraid in order to use Bria 4 you'll need a supported operating system to do so. I apologize for the inconvenience. Cheers, Graham (CounterPath Technical Support )
  4. Customer says they can't install Bria 4 or Zoipher 3 sip softphone on MAC 10.8 laptops, need purchased versions for Call Transfer feature. They are able to install and use free versions but need the Call Transfer feature. Anyone else have any issues with MAC 10.8 compatibility with Bria 4 or Zoipher 3 sip softphpones? Our customer's office has all MAC 10.8 laptops and will not be able to upgrade MAC version until next year. I have asked customer if they can use a mobile sip app on their smartphones/iphones where they will be able to do call transfer in the meantime. I have contacted Bria and Zoipher customer support.
  5. Hi Michael, No, we are using 711u & 711a.  I added several other codecs but was told that having several is not a good idea.   I am waiting to hear feedback from customer after setting his iphone6 to use 3G for voice and not wi-fi. Thanks
  6. Anyone experiencing issues with iphone6?  We have a customer who has a new iphone6 with Sprint service and a voip mobile app.  He is experiencing call quality issues and calls dropping.   I had him turn of wi-fi for calls.  He is now set to use 3G for voice.  I am waiting to hear if this has resolved his issues but wanted to check with the Community to see if anyone has experience with their customers using iphone6.  I do not have an iphone6 to test with a mobile app for smartphone with the PBX. I do not have issues using my mobile app built by Acrobits on my iphone4 or my Android.  We do have one customer who had issues but he had bad cell coverage service in his area and was also using signal boosters at his home for Internet service.   Thanks, Marie
  7. How do I search for a User?  I am looking for a user name to find out which account they belong to under all of our accounts.  I tried the search feature in Accounts Manager but it does not appear to work as it is not able to find any of my users which do exist in our account and our sub-accounts.  
  8. I am unable to uncheck the option to disable Send Voicemail to Email so I can test the voicemail messages and listing in the user portal.  When I uncheck this option and press Save button, it just sets it back on the being checked and enabled to got to email.
  9. Great.  I have enabled this App and will check it out.  Some of our users will like the Voicemail list feature as they want to see a list in one place like this and be able to listen to a voicemail message selected from the list.  Looks like we may have to uncheck to turn off the Send voicemail to Email option in order to list it here in the user portal. Thanks, we'll check it out.
  10. The last Release notes mention a User Portal.  Where is it?  Does it allow PBX users to manage their own User account and user features and devices? Ref: Kazoo UI Changes UI-1459 User Portal has been successfully ported into the new UI and is available to resellers.
  11. Invalid Data error when assigning new user extensions.  The value for the field "presence_id" must be of the "string" type.  It now asks if you want to assign new as main extension and if you select it, it gives an error.  If you don't select an option, it will assign the new extension.   
  12. We did not receive notice, customer service interrupted.  Our customer ran out of credits and we did not receive the notice they were running low.  Also, I had the re-charge of credits enabled on their account but that did not seem to automatically give them more credit.  
  13. Passing along customer feedback on faxing: I believe the best and most common approach to sending fax by email is to have a list of authorized emails to send fax from, instead of just one faxbox for each user where they need a fax number.
  14. Yes, the template is enabled.  
  15. Waiting for specific call details from customer.  I will take this offline-priviate and send screen shot of customer's Smart PBX Call Log and other details.  Thank you.
  16. Hi Katie, It appears this is only happening with one account.  The call log is not logging all calls.  The only extension being logged is the 1007.
  17. We have one customer where Call Logs not logging all calls.  It's weird, there is one extension where calls are being logged to the Smart PBX Call Log.
  18. Customer asks:  Can we customize the conference call greeting?  
  19. It would be helpful if the default email address of user is displayed in the properties for the user's Voicemail Boxes-Advanced-Recipients as it does in the Users-User Features-Voicemail properties.  Customer wonders if they have to also enter an email address in Voicemail box>Advanced>Recipients. Maybe the information note could be updated as well in user feature voicemail properties. So where it shows:  If you want to change where email notifications go to, please edit the user's email address in the User Administration section .....you could add something like....  or you can add more email recipients by editing the Voicemail Box>Advanced>Recipients. Just an fyi -  Thanks!
  20. Our customer is having audio issues; can't hear callee, tons of jitter, dropped calls.  He has a micro tower in his house for his Verizon and AT & T cell service as he has bad cell coverage in his area - Manhattan Beach, CA.   Anyone have experience with using micro towers? Is there a recommended audio codec we can set on his device to clear this up? We had him try setting mobile app to prefer 3G, and also tried setting to prefer wifi but still not great results. Thanks for any help.
  21. Clearing my Chrome Browser Cache and refreshing cleared up all of these issues.  I will let our customer's know this as well.  Thank you Katie.
  22. Thanks for the release notes.  Our customers are noticing a few changes, which they are hoping can be addressed: - When logging into Monster UI, instead of opening to my default app, it starts with showing the account per minute charges etc settings screen. - UI seems slower, particularly showing images / icons - sometimes they don't show up - and the most important so far >> under users, it doesn't show if the devices are registered or not based on the icon color (does still show under devices) - noticed that the wrench icon is gone under Devices Edit column.  It's just blank but you can still click the blank cell to edit. - Under Groups, the cells for editing Phone Number and Group Features are not shown and not accessible.
  23. I have set this and will try again and update you.  Thanks.  
  24. Customer has a PBX Group called Customer Service.  This PBX Group has 2 members which is set to ring simaltaneously.  There is a Next Action Enabled - If no one answers, forward call to:  Customer Service Voicemail Box.  But when no one answers, the call is being forwarded to one of the users and not the Customer Service Voicemail Box. Tested using main line #(877) 977-0117 and testing using Group DID #(877) 977-3017 with same result.
  25. Customer says their recording is not being played after recording it.  The ICH is still using the Text to Speech Greeting.  How can we switch to the Recorded one in Monster UI?  There is no indicator working for this and we cannot change back an forth as to which on to use.
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