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Everything posted by Marie

  1. We are wondering if there is a way to COPY a call flow already created to save time on creating additional call flows with similar actions. Is there a way to copy/paste call flows to create new callflows?
  2. I was able to use streaming audio Music on Hold option via Advanced Callflows>Misc>Account's Music on Hold. Selected the Stream URL option and entered the link as shout://icstream01.thepleaseholdgroup.com:8000/phgteststream Just had to replace http:// with shout:// on the link. Tested successfully with calls on hold, parked calls and call transfers!
  3. Is the file size limit for MOH different than the limit for audio greetings? We tell out customer's that the audio file specifications are mp3 format less than 3MB in size Royalty Free
  4. Thought I'd try uploading a .m4a audio file today but this is still not an option. Will 2600Hz be allowing the latest audio files in the future, soon? Oops! Something went wrong! Invalid Data: "content_type": Value not found in enumerated list of values More Information Request ID: 527db12654d8ca63a52294da7b2bee48 POST //ui.zswitch.net/v2/accounts/52f6f2a22319f46160fec6aeaf41e785/media/29e3e71b8737af790c456f32b2775806/raw Date: Tue Jan 12 2021 10:47:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) | URL: POST //ui.zswitch.net/v2/accounts/52f6f2a22319f46160fec6aeaf41e785/media/29e3e71b8737af790c456f32b2775806/raw | Message: Invalid Data:<br/>"content_type": Value not found in enumerated list of values | API Response { "version": "5.0.43", "timestamp": "2021-01-12T16:44:19Z", "node": "MOMi6ODR9aqwFBiNlZYxgQ", "request_id": "527db12654d8ca63a52294da7b2bee48", "tokens": { "consumed": 1, "remaining": 100 }, "auth_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImM2M2I1NjY5YmE0NTQzZWVmMTE5OTc3ZTUyNDYxYzRlIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJrYXpvbyIsImlkZW50aXR5X3NpZyI6IlFFc3BrSlVXYmNaYlI4aldHRWNrdUZscnhwam9oSlhLMG5wb2ZrUXA3MWsiLCJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoiODJhYjM2MGEwY2MyOTE5MTBhMTU2ZmEzMzlhNDRmMmYiLCJvd25lcl9pZCI6ImQ2NTgxZDAwMDE3MGRjZjFhMjFhMTg4MDY3YzExZDdmIiwibWV0aG9kIjoiY2JfdXNlcl9hdXRoIiwiZXhwIjoxNjEwNDc1NzMwfQ.cpSH7zp3OAuH1sVc4oqYVvPHA1RU7oriU0vTe-ORCG-Tdqy2NKYQPjC4HdvJOaCIx1ANmtPlU5d5O_sssmntrLhpTzU873dr8RU46eQIOS4u_9otVVcRIaX3sY9xxmzBa1P2EwJd6NTzqi1__lVfIBDJF_SO9Fn_U0dCqmQ-ZCeX5UrbKgBfxDM_PWJtzVyyLqnuUX2cwrj-EQMfHYnYEa8vkuX0KekqqtDR-KwCRXFnV73bMF311Ac_zMjCk--Uimp8JLTGUHtfn48gr0IQ1jlA0Eo63NecQbxJ2LrfcjyVi3YEPICInfH_KdweFeEU80JIdK444bPKRmG8aNavSg", "data": { "content_type": { "enum": { "message": "Value not found in enumerated list of values", "target": [ "audio/mp3", "audio/mpeg", "audio/mpeg3", "audio/x-wav", "audio/wav", "audio/ogg", "video/x-flv", "video/h264", "video/mpeg", "video/quicktime", "video/mp4", "video/webm" ], "value": "audio/x-m4a" } } }, "error": "400", "message": "validation error", "status": "error" }
  5. Hello 2600Hz, Are you planning to allow audio upload of MPEG 4 audio file format .m4a in the near future? Most of our customers continue to send us .m4a audio files as this seems to be the norm these day and we end up having to convert them for upload to PBX even though we ask them to send .mp3 files. Thanks for your attention.
  6. I tested this yesterday and it's not working for me either.
  7. These links are not working. Now it seems some of them are working. Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0
  8. How do we go about impersonating a user in Monster UI SmartPBX? REF: System admins can now “impersonate” any user on the system they have access to, so that debugging is easier, from Monster UI.
  9. We are able to control this on our provisioning server cfg file(s) using the following. Set to 0 to disable. attendant.behaviors.display.spontaneousCallAppearances.normal="1" attendant.behaviors.display.spontaneousCallAppearances.automata="1"
  10. Thanks FASTDEVICE! We had to use this today as we found that the Feature Code, Directed Extension Pickup *87, is not working where it was in the past. Note: We use Polycom VVX phones with hosted 2600Hz PBX. We also use our own provisioning server for custom additions; background logos, Company Directories and user saved settings etc. Here's what we configured and successfully tested. Added line buttons via Advanced Provisioner>Device>Feature Keys. (entered line Label, Address extension number and used Normal Type. Ex Jon Doe 1001, 1001, Normal) Added these line parameters to our site.cfg file on our provisioning server. attendant.behaviors.display.spontaneousCallAppearances.normal="1" attendant.behaviors.display.spontaneousCallAppearances.automata="1" call.directedCallPickupMethod="native" call.directedCallPickupString="" voIpProt.SIP.strictReplacesHeader="0" dialplan.removeEndOfDial="0" dialplan.digitmap="*xxT|xxxxT|[2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxT|x.T|*xx.T|**xx.T" Restarted phones and tested successfully. Sent the following instructions to our customer. Call Pick Up via phone line buttons on your phone - Instructions for picking up an incoming call to another user’s extension Call Pick Up feature is available for those users who have line buttons configured on their phones. This allows user phone presence, call pickup and speed dialing. When call rings in to one of these user’s extensions, line button will light up blinking red. User will also see screen pop up of Incoming Call to extension number from a number. Press the Pickup soft key displayed on phone to answer, then pickup handset or leave on speaker.
  11. Mc, Thanks, the Operator Console issues were resolved by 2600Hz team.
  12. Our customers are reporting issue with Operator Console Pro app this morning. They are unable to transfer calls, drop down does not work within the app. One customer could no longer open the app, nothing happens when they click on it. They have troubleshooted by restarting pc's, trying other browsers and clearing browser cache but no luck. I am setting their user rights from User to Admin to see if this will work for now as this has helped in the past after updates/upgrades.
  13. Thanks for the update Chris! We look forward to checking this out.
  14. Anything new on providing Barge feature? We have many customers requesting Barge feature. We also use Barge on a daily basis on our legacy phones.
  15. We are receiving many (30+) email notices of accounts running out of credit, however these accounts do have existing credit with good credit balances.  Email Example: The account "ABC" has less than $5.00 of credit remaining. Current Balance: $50.00 If the account runs out of credit it will not be able to make or receive per-minute calls. Same thing occurred on Jan 1, 2017 and now, on Jan 31, 2017. Looks like we can safely ignore these email notices.   Will this be addressed?
  16. Forward a voice mail message via phone We have had several customer requests for the feature, just had another one today.  Some customers are used to having the feature to forward a voicemail message while they are listening to them from their phone.  Of course, we explain that this can be done via their email when they have vm to email set. Just wanted to let you guys know as I believe I saw that this is coming in the future and maybe this info will help gage where to place this feature on the roadmap. Thanks!
  17. Hello Isaac, Yes, customer is still having issues.  We are learning that they do a heavy volume of faxing, sometimes up to 250 pages a day.  They are a law firm.  They are shopping around for another fax solution. We do offer another platform for faxing to our clients but we acquired this client and they would of course like to avoid paying for faxing.  
  18. faxes being sent are blurry, recipient unable to read fax We have a customer who notified us that they are having issues with blurry faxes.  Anyone else experience this with Monster Faxbox?  Seems the more pages, the blurrier each page gets. First I've heard of this.
  19. Automate Call Forwarding when Customer's Internet is Down? Our customer is asking us to set auto call forwarding if their internet is down.  They want to have calls to their main number automatically transfer to another number if their internet is down. Is this possible?  Anyone doing this? Thanks for any input. Marie
  20. Just reaching out to see if anyone in the community is using or has a customer using Voicemail to Text.  We have a customer who would like to have this option in the future.  Any plans for 2600hz to add feature in the future? Thanks all, Marie
  21. Hi Darren, Thanks for the response.  We appreciate it! Marie
  22. Google error:  "the number cannot be used for verification" for Google My Business We have a customer who has obtained a new phone number from us which is a 2600hz number.  They are building a new branding site and are having to enter the phone number for verification.  Apparently they cannot use just any number as I've asked them if they can use their main line number or cell number to complete verification process.  This number verification process has to be for the number listed on the site so they can verify all data is accurate.  They can't even process a postcard verification as you need to start with accurate address and phone data. How do we go about getting this verification to work?  Does the carrier need to do something? Anyone else run into this?   Thanks! Marie
  23. Customer has notified us that this is now working fine.
  24. Hold Music volume issue - custom mp3 file - volume creeps, too loud Customer has uploaded an mp3 file of marketing information on hold which was professionally recorded by an audio marketing production company. On Hold music is experiencing volume creeps. When on hold for 2 to 3 minutes, the music volume gets too loud, has consistent spikes in volume. mp3 file is 2,290 KB I have noticed this in the past when I first tested this. When I put my mp3 file in place and listened to it while testing it myself, it was fine. But a customer alerted me to the fact that the on hold music got really loud. Anyone else experience this? We need a solution for our customer. Thanks, Marie
  25. When using custom Hold Music, when transferring a call, other music is being played. Customer is using custom hold music, (mp3 file of company information with background music). They say that sometimes they hear other music being played while transferring calls etc. Is it possible to have either have silence or use their custom music while doing call transfers and such? Probably makes sense to just have silence for this short period of time during transfers. Thanks in advance!
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