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Everything posted by Baze

  1. Certainly happy to be the pilot on that. We don't need anything fancy, just a simple pop up really.
  2. Very cool app! Would you guys be willing to sell or license at all?
  3. I think that is to reset BLF if it is broken. This is what we use to set manual presence: https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/...
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/09/tec... Always up for beer - will email.
  5. Ha! Uber is great, except the first time I used it was in France, so all of the emails I get from them are all in French. Good to see that Airbnb didn't discriminate against you. ;)
  6. I wish! 2 hour flight delay...so far. Are you staying near the theater?
  7. We also use them for term - works great, but like Darren says you do have to tweak things a bit to get it perfect. Only issues we've had are with toll free since they route themselves so you can't control that or troubleshoot well. Good diagnostics tools and good support. We are testing them out on origination and LCR toll free as well, so far so good. Essentially they just use broadvox so the inventory is a bit limited.
  8. This had been implemented in version .59.  Not sure if on hosted yet (if that is where you guys are at!), but here is the code so you can see how it should work: https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/commit/da21a410904204e3e61e38ebd47baeeb1a3f27f0
  9. We have noticed that under certain conditions like teletype not being started for example, it will auto failover and just deliver to the phone mailbox if set to delete, but agreed on above.  Nothing worse than the call from a client when their voicemail is gone and it's because you typo'd their email address. ;)
  10. Hey Darren, Thanks so much for the reply!  We gave the phone thing some thought, but had decided it would be better to head down the path of figuring out how to add a feature to the backend instead since each phone was different.  Glad to hear you guys might be interested in doing this as well. :)  Couple of thoughts we had while talking about this that might help FWIW (if I manage to find the feature request on jira I'll try to comment there as well) 1. Find me Follow me UI - would probably want something called "Don't Nag me" or similar (that is what we've started referring to it as, anyways). 2. Initially we thought we would just simply check BLF state, and if user was busy, just go to the end of the callflow.  Then we realized that the minute we did that, someone would say "but I want to be able to see the person calling so that I can get off the phone faster or switch over.  I just don't want it to ring my desk phone AND then my cell, AND then my soft phone" 3. So then we figured maybe we check BLF state, and if user is busy, we send to the device they are currently talking on (if that information is available).  If we get a no_answer, then we check if no-nag is on and go to the end of the callflow (usually VM) if so.   4. if option 3 is possible, this eliminates the whole issue of "what if i want my phones to ring at the same time instead of sequentially" and then figuring that out.  If it was always sequential you could make it easy and just stop after the first device if the user is busy as you mentioned above. It would also be useful to add to the actual ring group module  (and the group settings in smartpbx) in advanced call flow, but you would likely want more options since those are used not just for find me - follow me, but also sales ring groups.  Something like  "skip busy users" which just rings users that aren't busy instead of ringing all. Anyways, hope that helps, and thanks again for your response!
  11. Hey everyone, We've had a few requests for this and I thought I would see if anyone else out there has figured something out.  Essentially looking for the ability to disable "call waiting" for a user with multiple devices.  As an example, they have a desk phone and a cell phone set to ring desk first, and then 10 second delay to the cell phone.  Now, if you are currently on a call (on desk phone), what happens is despite you ignoring the call or otherwise, it will fail to your cell phone.  Bit of a distraction for the user to have the cell phone ringing at the same time.  Anyone seen this?  Any workarounds? Thanks in advance!
  12. Yeah, we did same.  Here is the article we finally confirmed with (very bottom there is a little callout) https://2600hz.atlassian.net/wiki/display/docs/Time+of+Day+Routing
  13. We go through this every holiday season. ;)
  14. Hey Rick - I'm pretty sure that in this case the order DOES matter.  It will read from left to right, so in your first example, it will check office hours first.  Therefore, you always want to have the holiday on the left side.  
  15. We switched over to teletype yesterday (love it!) and there is a macro for {{voicemail.box}}, but did see that this is the actual box number, not the "friendly" one.  There is also a macro for owner.first_name and owner.last_name that could be called in a template, though.
  16. Just following up here.  We ended up writing a pivot function with ruby to do this which worked out pretty well.  Basically just toggles back and forth, but we also chained BLF and TTS so that you can program a button on your phone for this.  When you hit the button it checks the time, enables or disables based on the current state, and then lights the BLF up for all phones subscribing.  We use TTS to simply state enabled or disabled as a further confirmation. We wrote it so that the Pivot string includes the temporal ID as well as an ID to set for BLF, therefore making fairly easy to extend to any clients or situations.  Here is the logic for anyone if it helps!  Good to know it is possible - well, that's the great thing: Anything is possible with kazoo. ;) def toggle_time if params[:timeset] && params['AccountSid'] && params[:presence_id] puts params[:timeset] puts params['AccountSid'] require 'company/company' new_state = company.new.toggle_time_condition(params['AccountSid'], params[:timeset]) case new_state when 'enabled' status = "busy" text = "enabled" else status = "idle" text = "disabled" end flow = { module: "manual_presence", data: { presence_id: params[:presence_id], status: status }, children: { _: { module: "tts", data: { text: text } } } } render json:flow, content_type: 'application/json', status: 200 else render nothing: true, status: 404 end end
  17. Thanks, Luis
  18. JSON+Curl.  Got it - time to go break the dev server. :)
  19. Glad you asked, Karl. In the same boat with you on this - mission today is to finally figure out how to build these callflows out sans portal.  Let me know if you figure it out?  ;)
  20. Just looked at that snom - yes, way better!  Please for your sake don't try my second method with the ATA.  ATA=Headache
  21. Hey there - yeah, we've used either Valcom SIP pagers before (nice thing there is they automatically do pick up and can be either 1 way or 2 way paging), but in a pinch you could probably use a cisco SPA adapter or something.  Trick will (probably) be that they will want to have the ATA automatically answer the call when it comes in, so you will have to make sure that works - pepto-bismol recommended. ;)
  22. es: I think those things are possible: 1. go into the advanced callflow, and click on the device in your callflow that is being forwarded to: 2. Yes, you can send it off to a device, but you need to make sure that you have "require key press" DISABLED.  Otherwise it will just time out:
  23. No problem!  I totally forgot to respond to the follow up it looks like. Just thinking out loud here, but I wonder if you could combine the manual presence to make that work?  Probably not because there isn't a toggle, but I bet you could do it with pivot and some code at least!
  24. Hi there!  I'm not sure if our answer is 100% correct as it may depend on whether you are hosted or not, but the way we do this is by: 1. Setting up the cell phone as a device. 2. Disabling the "confirm call" feature so that voicemail is handled by the cellphone rather than being pulled back to 2600hz 3. Send calls to the cell phone device after hours. 4. Go into the advanced callflow application, and create a new call flow using the "time conditions" callflow widgets and you can set a code to override the time condition.  This way, if you dial the code, it will override the business hours and the calls will forward to the cell phone even during the day.   5. to really get fancy, you could then even set this as a shortcut on your phone (assuming you have extra buttons) so that you can just have a button on the phone to press to toggle back and forth. Hope that is helpful!
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