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If I go to add a new user (for any PBX) the timezone for the user under the "Options" tab shows "America/Havana" and we have to change it on each user we create. Sometimes we have to go back and change it after the user is created too as if it doesn't want to change to Eastern and keeps going back to Havana (see Zendesk ticket #13889)
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2600Hz Employees
Mark, when you create these users/devices/etc., the UI will default that timezone to that of the computer. If these properties are left blank, then it would use the account level timezone. 
  • 2600Hz Employees
Are you sure your browser isn't set to this timezone? Very technical way to check is to go in the developer console of your browser with Monster started and type: "jstz.determine_timezone().name()" and press Enter, this should return the default timezone used by Monster-UI.
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