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Karl Stallknecht

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Everything posted by Karl Stallknecht

  1. Yep, I think this is all suppose to be part of pivot.
  2. Ohh I see, you just mean to block automated calls, not actual pre-defined numbers. We actually did this for a client who was having the issue and surprisingly some of the automated calls still manage to make it through.
  3. @Raj: I think they talked about this at KazooCon last year. I believe they plan to integrate it with Pivot. I agree though, the lack of it can be annoying since we have no way to block callers.
  4. Hmm, can you explain more? I don't really understand what you mean...
  5. See https://getsatisfaction.com/2600hz/topics/moving-dids-between-accounts-odd-behavior In this scenario I was moving from our master account to a sub-account and experienced this odd behavior. I haven't tried moving from a sub account to our master account though.
  6. I could be wrong but I don't think Monster is affecting the developer APIs that they make available.
  7. FYI I tried email forwarding out of curiosity but their servers rejected it. CNAME didn't work either. I am guessing they will have to configure it on their end as well.
  8. I would absolutely love if we could have the following options added to provider and account settings in the advanced provisioner. They are currently only options when provisioning individual devices and aren't available to apply account or partner/provider wide: - Show Missed Calls Enable/Disable (listed under advanced on the lines tab) - PC Port Enable/Disable (listed under ports on the network tab) - All of the options on the feature keys tab - All of the options on the preferences tab
  9. It's not a huge deal, it just makes initial troubleshooting difficult if there are problems. As long as we force clients to test it immediately when we set it up or if we change email addresses then it'll be fine.
  10. I understand what backscatter is just fine. What I was referring to was something different and I don't think you interpreted my response correctly, but the bottom line is that you're working on it so it doesn't matter at this point.
  11. Hi Katie - I think it would be great if we could customize it "provider wide" or across all of our clients, similar to how voicemail notifications and our CNAME are setup. I can see though how it might also be helpful to be able to configure it on a per-account basis as well so a company could use fax.company.com instead of having to use fax.slable.com - I don't think any of our clients care, but some of 2600hz's other partners might want that flexibility.
  12. That's what I figured, I was just intrigued by the different behavior on the VVX series phones versus the older SoundPoint IP series phones.
  13. When setting to automata, you can't tell what the caller ID is since the screen goes back to the home screen. The BLF key will light up, but that is it. This behavior holds true for both the SoundPoint IP and VVX phones. When setting to normal, the VVX series phones will say incoming call on the entire screen. The SoundPoint IP phones will say something else (can't remember entirely) that is clearly not an incoming call, and that box will show the caller ID.
  14. Sorry, I was not clear. I do indeed understand that as that is the nature of bounce messages. What I meant was is there a reason why you don't accept it and then generate your own error? For example if non-clients attempt to email our support ticketing system, our own system generates an email and sends it back to them stating that they are not a registered client and therefore cannot email us. I do realize though that this could become very resource intensive if a lot of non-clients were emailing us, but I assume you don't have nearly enough volume for that to become an issue with faxboxes.
  15. I figured this was the case, thanks!  Why not just change the email to something less technical and more along the lines of a simply one line reply? (e.g. "Sorry, but you are not authorized to use this resource")
  16. On the Polycom VVX series phones, BLF keys for parking spots will still cause the phone to display "incoming call" on the screen if a call is in any of the parking spots. This is confusing to end users. This behavior was previously present on Polycom SoundPoint IP series phones as well, but was resolved about a month ago when you released a new update.
  17. If I intentionally send a fax email to one of my faxboxes from an unauthorized Gmail account, no bounce message or response is ever sent back to the Gmail account. On Hotmail and Yahoo though it returns a bounce error. Not sure if this has to do with some sort of email authentication checking on Google's part or what. Also though, the bounce messages that are returned are very vague and don't explicitly state "this user/email is not authorized to send faxes" - is this vagueness intentional or not?
  18. How do we configure custom email domains for outbound faxing? Right now inbound faxes show up as our account-wide default, but I'm curious how we can have our customers use something such as faxnumber@nogj32.fax.slable.com rather than use fax.zswitch.net
  19. I assume "Provider Settings" in advanced provisioner is how you set the customer-wide provisioner defaults? Is there a way to do it on the account level and not apply it to all of your sub-accounts? In addition, is there a reason why the "Preferences" tab is missing? This tab contains common things we would want to configure account-wide or customer-wide.
  20. The picture for the Polycom 430 is incorrect in advanced provisioner. The 430 is not backlit and is smaller but the picture shows a backlit phone.
  21. Thanks for asking this...I meant to as well and forgot! Sincerely the OTHER Karl :-)
  22. Oh, I didn't even know that was released yet! :-) Thanks!
  23. Would this be all or nothing though account wide? I was picturing a system where we could create a template such as one for a specific model that we could then apply to the devices we wanted. Here's a use case: Customer A has 10 phones in their sales department and 10 phones in their finance department. The finance department all needs the same 4 BLF keys and the sales department all needs the same 6 BLF keys, but the two departments should have a different set of BLF keys and not overlap. With what I am describing, using advanced provisioner we could use a dropdown for example to select that it was a "finance" phone so that it would automatically fill out all of the BLF keys for finance's BLF keys. The idea I had was creating custom provisioning templates in an account.
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