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Everything posted by FASTDEVICE

  1. in lieu of a fix, which was discussed, this message was added to warn about streaming media. If your team is willing to undertake changing the functionality with MoH to eliminate any risks, that would be much appreciated. As for the call park issue, I submitted ticket number #KAZOO-5797 on 24/Dec/17
  2. We use the streaming property with our streaming music-on-hold. It has huge advantages and some disadvantages that I hope 2600hz will correct in the future. When used with MoH there is no fail-back capability and if a stream is not available (even for a short time, say server reboot or stream server fail-over) there is a possibility your calls will fail. We have also found that the call Park feature can break. When used in a callflow you can simply add a TTS or other media file after the streamable media. This way if the stream is ever unavailable, it will drop to the next element in the callflow which can be an error message or substitute media and the callflow exits without issue.
  3. Does that hold the same for files stored on my server where the play media module is referencing a URL? It appears that when using this method Kazoo uploads the file anyway and caches it. I may want to put a rather large file out on my server. I'm thinking isn't that the purpose of having the file elsewhere?
  4. Are there any size limitations to what can be uploaded?
  5. When I play media using the URL option http://mydomain.com/file.mp3 and replace the file with a new recording of the same name, the recording 'may' not change. In many cases, after say five minutes, the recoding changes but in just as many cases the system plays an older version of the file that appears to be cached. Is there a way to flush the media cache before updating the recording?
  6. Didn't realize you can change the menu option to a value greater than 9 but gave it a try and it worked great. Thanks @mc_ for the recommendation.
  7. @Rick Guyton good suggestion and much simpler and more elegant than what I'm about to propose. I was thinking more on the lines of wrapping the user with one assigned device and an orphaned (not assigned to a user) device within a Ring Group. I've been doing it that way because devices assigned to users have a single ring strategy--all at once. Wrapping the user and additional devices within Ring Groups allows a user to call themselves and provides all the ring strategies of a Ring Group.
  8. Curious as to what the difference is between: "ringtones": { "internal": "<http://localhost>;info=Internal", "external": "<http://localhost>;info=External" }, and this method: "sip":{ "custom_sip_headers": { "in":{ "Alert-Info":"<http://localhost>;info=Special1", "X-device-header-in": "" }, "out":{ "Alert-Info":"<http://localhost>;info=Special2", "X-device-outbound": "" } } } And I see all the documentation falls under Callflow, so can this be written to a callflow element instead of a device?
  9. This mobile app sounds great. What are the dependencies keeping you from using it on the hosted platform? You will soon be able to submit Erlang in conjunction with JS to develop Monster apps. on the hosted platform. Keep up the great work!
  10. This may be useful to accomplish the task using MS Outlook. It enables the use of the fax integration within Outlook to add cover pages and send faxes via email. Create a file named "fax.reg" copy, save and run the contents below. Mileage will vary, so if you are having difficulty, Google is your friend. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Services\Fax] "FSPName"="zswitch.net" "FSPHome"="zswitch.net" "FaxAddress"="%D <%F@realm.fax.zswitch.net>" "NoFax"=dword:00000000 "TicketOptions"=dword:00000001 "CostButton"=dword:00000000 "DoNotConvertMailBody"=dword:00000000 "UseCoverSheet"=dword:00000000
  11. I was talking to a general contractor, whos day consisted of being on the road and hands on with many construction projects. This meant he lived on his mobile and RingCentral's mobile app. It appeared to give him access to voicemails, SMS, and other things but he didn't have time to show me it all. I was wondering if anyone has this app and can do a breakdown of what it does? Suffice it to say I couldn't move him to our service without a similar app.
  12. Is there a way to exclude certain users from appearing in Operator Console? As an MSP there are times we create users that don't have any associated device for the purpose of logging into that account for testing and other purposes. Id rather them not appear in the OpCon.
  13. @tomas_ oddly enough, it didn't work on Josh's account using the user id. However, It did work on mine. Once we switched to using the group id, it worked perfectly for him. That's the right approach anyway for security reasons, but I'm uncertain why the behavior is different between reseller accounts. My only thought is he subscribes to Qubicle and I don't.
  14. @Tuly The issue is when calling from the outside, Kazoo doesn't know the "User-ID" that you want forwarded. You would have to first specify who you are and then update the call forward details.
  15. We offer that solution now as a Pivot app, but hopefully going to offer it as a monster app as well.
  16. Well, in short, it's a monthly cost to procure a DID and I need to bridge accounts. I don't need BLF, just the same functionality if it were a DID bridging the account.
  17. I'm on the 2600hz hosted environment, how do I create an internal-to-kazoo DID?
  18. I believe @mc_ is alluding that it can be done, but the number must have an internal DID that can be tracked. However, I don't know what the attribute "track" means.
  19. Would you please elaborate more on what you are calling "Internal DIDs?" Do I need 2600hz support to set one up, or simply place any 10-digit E.164 format number as the extension of the callflow?
  20. I will take a look at this. Thank you very much!
  21. Would you mind pointing me to the documentation? The one stated is for Qubicle.
  22. @tomas_ Does the feature only work with queues and agents? I have a basic need for it to work with any device in an active call.
  23. Is it possible to bridge across accounts programmatically using Pivot by returning the other accounts resources: main callflow, a callflow extension/ pattern, userID, or deviceID directly? I don't want to bridge via DID.
  24. @esoare those are good alternatives as well, but I initially mentioned the Monster User Portal, where most would make that type of change as system users, not admins.
  25. The feature code *72 updates the User JSON doc, therefore, you can adjust these settings in the User Portal. The exact setting is "Settings & Devices" | Enable Call Forward | Keep Caller ID. For those that want to directly change the user doc: { "data": { "call_forward": { "substitute": false, "require_keypress": true, "keep_caller_id": true, "ignore_early_media": true, "failover": false, "enabled": true, "direct_calls_only": false, "number": "2125551212" } } }
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