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Darren Schreiber

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Everything posted by Darren Schreiber

  1. Unfortunately, I still have no idea what you're asking :-/
  2. You can use PRIs with Kazoo. But I don't know what you mean by "linking" two PRIs?
  3. Found the setting and changed it! You should now be able to edit.
  4. There should be an edit button, no?
  5. Yes, there is a Caller ID option for specifying which Caller ID to send when using a trunk. Its' specific for this purpose. Set it to "Internal" when configuring your carriers/resources.
  6. I'm confused, you can already select the firmwares. Are you saying when a new one becomes available, you want to manually set it beforehand?
  7. That makes sense. What if we add a special newsletter you can sign up for that is solely for sandbox updates?
  8. I agree with that completely. We'd LOVE to have the public feedback. Frankly we've also been struggling with how to get people to actually test. I know ya'all are busy, but honestly we can't think of everything to test and it drives the costs way up if 100% of the testing is on us. I am debating whether people get "bug hunter" credits that they can cash in as incentives or something for participating in the testing. We've been pretty religious at this point about pushing ALL updates to sandbox WEEKS before pushing to production, and that includes provisioner. But we're only seeing two or three people actually use sandbox to pre-test regularly.
  9. Thanks, feel free to add some feedback on what topics you'd love covered this year! We're trying very hard to ensure it's engaging and there are demos you can try - from your computer during the conference!
  10. The call recording app and features are now in beta on sandbox. We are still working out some kinks on it. We are also deploying it to the folks who sponsored part of the feature first. Once they approve it and testing is complete, we'll roll to production. I think it will roll out for testing this weekend and next weekend. After that, I can post another update and ETA here.
  11. Well the beta strategy I listed above would likely give enough time to find any huge bugs. To roll-back I suspect we could just remove the bad firmware which would change the default/Current one. However frankly the problems have been amplified not by a need to roll back (the manufacturers have been pretty good with fixing actual bugs quickly) but more with an inability to quickly release & move forward without being disruptive. So I feel a bit of this nervousness is from being burned in the past in ways that may not happen in the future.
  12. I don't think we'll do that, that's kind of "black magic" that gets us in trouble. Though creative :-) I can imagine our poor support staff trying to tell some super picky client to point their firmware server to their own server (they'll freak) and then tell them to manage and host their own firmware files and if they don't like a firmware to just not host it. They will not like it.
  13. Also, yes, the current firmware should be listed in addition to the "Current" option, I'll note that with @Peter Lau
  14. Perhaps then we simply add an "Beta (vXXX)" category. Then you can set some phones to Beta, watch for the announcements, and test. We'll leave a week in between before we promote a firmware after announcing it (minimum).
  15. We do not allow email signatures or profile signatures. The resources you are using here are paid for by 2600Hz and 2600Hz customers and too many people try to use email signatures, in my opinion from past forums, to advertise their services who don't contribute to the project. So they should be getting stripped or will be removed manually by moderators.
  16. As noted via emails and forum announcements we are now trying to post with a few days notice prior to updates. That will include firmware updates.
  17. Yes, this was actually a community contribution. Someone wanted a simple ability to ring groups of people repeatedly, up to a limited number of times. It's kind of a poor-man's call center.
  18. Miss the old Google Groups "email only" format of communicating? With the help of ninja engineer @Bret Truchan, we're bringing it back! You can now reply by email to notifications you receive from the forum. Read https://forums.2600hz.com/forums/announcement/5-post-to-forums-via-email-now-available/ for more details. (We're working on a simple way to email all posts to you as well. Stay tuned for that)
  19. Moderator's note: The Forum Rules section was supposed to be locked to only have forum rules. My apologies. I am moving this post. The poster did nothing wrong, I screwed up the system setup to allow posts here.
  20. Rules and Guidelines For the 2600Hz Community: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content These guidelines apply to all places in the 2600Hz Community Forums and Documentation areas where users can post content. This includes, but is not limited to: discussions, comments, guides, product reviews, screenshots, artwork, videos, tags, etc. When providing feedback, posting information, or discussing a product in the 2600Hz Community, whether it’s negative or positive, please make sure you are being relevant, constructive and polite. Developers take feedback from all kinds of sources into account, even though they may not have the time to respond to every post or question. Please note that Administrators/Moderators reserve the right to change/edit/delete/move/merge any content at any time if they feel it is inappropriate, abusive, or incorrectly categorized. General Rules Do NOT do any of the following: Flame or insult other members Post personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.) Post advertisements or add advertisements to your signature, or attempt to solicit other members via the forum in any way Post links or attempt to covertly promote outside services Bump threads Derail a thread's topic Post spam or links to phishing sites or Re-post Closed, Modified, Deleted Content Repetitively post in the incorrect forum (example: VoIP device provisioning settings in the product feedback section) Openly argue with a moderator Artificially manipulate the User Review system or voting/rating systems Content Rules Do not post any content on the 2600Hz Community containing the following: Porn, inappropriate or offensive content, leaked content or anything else not safe for work (NSFW) Any discussion of piracy will result in a permanent ban from the 2600Hz Community including, but not limited to: Cracks Key generators Console emulators Cheating, hacking, game exploits Threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke Posted copyright materials Soliciting, auctioning, raffling, selling, advertising, referrals Racism, discrimination or slander Abusive language, including swearing Drugs and alcohol Religious, political, and other “prone to major arguments” threads No Backseat Moderating Let the moderators, moderate. Backseat moderating is when people who are not moderators try to enforce the forum rules. If you see a person breaking the rules, take advantage of the Report button or simply ignore the offensive content Report Posts to Moderators Should you observe a fellow Community member breaking these rules please report the post or item by clicking the Report button located on every item, post, and review. Repeated Offenders Repeated offenders of the above rules and guidelines will be banned from the 2600Hz Community. A moderator has the ability to ban a user for violating the rules at their discretion. Enforcing the Rules We have a variety of methods we use to enforce our rules, including, but not limited to Asking nicely to stop the negative contributions Asking you less nicely the next time Suspension of accounts (temporary or permanent) Removal of privileges, or added restrictions to account Adding restrictions to the 2600Hz communities, such as adding NSFW tags Removal of content Banishment from 2600Hz Community
  21. This is GREAT, thank you, hold onto this, we're gathering a list now that we finally have a damn tool that allows peer reviews (that is what has taken so long).
  22. @Ivan Tazelaar We're putting together a group of folks to help with docs, would you consider joining? It's just a small commitment to touchbase once a week. We'll divy up the biggest needs and split the work but also coach people on it. You get the added benefit that you can interact with our staff directly and get answers to, well, whatever you want!
  23. That's what the option requiring pressing 1 on answer is for. Nobody likes it, of course, but that's why it exists.
  24. Nope, I did the same thing I just mentioned - just followed all sections.
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