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Everything posted by fmateo05

  1. Watching the thread over here.. just in case...
  2. until

    The link is not working for much time; Is there any update? or does it not exist anymore?
  3. From discord : In an effort to try and make things easier for people to test I've uploaded pre-built releases: kazoo-4.4: https://github.com/kageds/kazoo_applications/releases/download/0.1/kazoo-4.4.tar.gz and Freeswitch: https://github.com/kageds/freeswitch/releases/download/0.1/freeswitch.TGZ
  4. I am available here to contribute (IF you want!).
  5. Yes it is, and also assigned to the trunkstore
  6. Currently having issues with Kazoo with CouchDB 3 when using trunkstore / PBX Connector; It returns 686 PICNIC (FreeSWITCH) and behaves like the Number is not assigned to trunkstore. I am going to locate and post some kazoo logs regarding this. UPDATE: More below...
  7. Good to know... Currently doing an install for a customer.
  8. docs.2600hz.com looks down. going to check if cluster install is include on the github documentation
  9. Tried that before and no feedback/reply from the moderators.
  10. Excuse me about this off-topic It is possible carry out my user account? I decided to not continue with new posts and contributions here on this forum. What do you need from my end?
  11. After browsing the rpm repository i found some rocky 8 and 9 packages; but with the core not yet released https://packages.2600hz.com/rockylinux/8/
  12. The hyperlink is giving 404 error.
  13. Check with Doodle kazoo app : sup kapps_controller start_app doodle.
  14. Where did they previously cloned the monster-ui source on those clusters?
  15. Do you refer to this??
  16. With that ITSP they provide a lot of numbers in stock , also their support (phone or email) is very good so far. I have not had any issues with them.
  17. Hello. I have it currently configured on my cluster install.
  18. Did you exec another sup command for check ?. tell me the outputs of hostname and hostname -f commands
  19. As explained in the early replies on this topic. Please use a kind of US based proxy to perform yum install without issues like these (timeout more than 30 seconds). That is if your server/VPS IP is located outside US. Mine is ProxyChains (with a previous search kind of proxy list) https://hidemyna.me/en/proxy-list/?country=US&type=s#list [root@test-kz-rpm ~]# proxychains yum install -y https://packages.2600hz.com/centos/7/stable/2600hz-release/4.3/2600hz-release-4.3-0.el7.centos.noarch.rpm [root@test-kz-rpm ~]# yum --disablerepo="2600hz-stable,freeswitch" install yum-utils [root@test-kz-rpm ~]# proxychains yum-config-manager --disable freeswitch [root@test-kz-rpm ~]# proxychains yum install -y kazoo-rabbitmq
  20. There is an open source carrier app from Baloeng, on github: https://github.com/baloeng/monster-ui-resources
  21. Let them to take their time, in my case I did expose my thoughts about it, some of them frequently happen with other Open Source projects that tends to go in similar situations, will not provide details as they are some on internet. In most cases my goal is and has been to bring asterisk users to explore and migrate them to Kazoo/2600hz, have some success. Some integrations made together with other componets, made the install go more efficient.
  22. I saw the edit history.. Nevermind.. I agree with this.. Just simply be clear, and then we understand.
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