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Everything posted by mc_

  1. No, CDRs are read-only via API.
  2. Because I linked it over there, here's a presentation from 2016 on pivot
  3. @esoare I gave a presentation at KazooCon 2016. Any programming language that can receive an HTTP request and respond appropriately will work.
  4. You can create directories that sort by first or last name. Assign the ID returned by Crossbar to the directory callflow action and it should sort accordingly
  5. I think this is a great suggestion! I've been using Couch 2 (well, the master branch that I update every week or so) to good effect. We'll have to wait and see how operations feels about migrating existing installations from BigCouch to Couch 2. I think that's the main holdup at this point. Would love to hear experiences others have with migrations and with running Couch 2 vs BigCouch.
  6. When the local cluster creates the MODb at the beginning of the month, no replication job will exist for it. You'll need to start one to replicate from the local cluster to your hosted cluster. Anyway, I'm sure there are dragons lurking in this setup so tread carefully, have lots of monitoring, etc.
  7. I believe it allows you to retry the ring group if no one answers in the allotted timeout before progressing to the next callflow action. So if you set it to 2, it would ring the group, timeout, ring the group again, then continue the callflow.
  8. I want to play with the idea of federated clusters more, to make this a more supported setup. In the meantime, I think the best you can do is setup HTTP replication in couch from their cluster to yours with the same account database. You'll have to go in each month to setup the MODB replication as well. There may be fancier ways to do it as well, but I haven't thought too hard about it.
  9. mc_

    sup help

    I'm confused; bash auto-completion helps with exactly that. Consider: james@pdx:~/local/git/2600hz/kazoo/core/sup$ sup acdc_agent_maintenance doodle_maintenance kapps_config kazoo_modb_maintenance kazoo_voicemail_maintenance tasks_maintenance acdc_maintenance ecallmgr_config kapps_controller kazoo_modb_migrate_maintenance konami_maintenance teletype_maintenance blackhole_maintenance ecallmgr_maintenance kapps_maintenance kazoo_number_manager_maintenance media_mgr_maintenance trunkstore_maintenance callflow_maintenance fax_maintenance kazoo_amqp_maintenance kazoo_oauth_maintenance notify_maintenance webhooks_maintenance call_inspector_maintenance frontier_maintenance kazoo_auth_maintenance kazoo_perf_maintenance notify_resend_maintenance cb_apps_maintenance hangups_maintenance kazoo_data_maintenance kazoo_proper_maintenance omnipresence_maintenance conference_maintenance hotornot_maintenance kazoo_ips_maintenance kazoo_services_maintenance pusher_maintenance crossbar_bindings jonny5_maintenance kazoo_maintenance kazoo_speech_maintenance registrar_maintenance crossbar_maintenance kapps_account_config kazoo_media_maintenance kazoo_transactions_maintenance stepswitch_maintenance james@pdx:~/local/git/2600hz/kazoo/core/sup$ sup ecallmgr_ ecallmgr_config ecallmgr_maintenance james@pdx:~/local/git/2600hz/kazoo/core/sup$ sup ecallmgr_maintenance acl_summary channel_summary disable_authz flush_node_channels limit_channel_uptime registrar_sync show_channels add_fs_node check_sync disable_local_resource_authz flush_node_conferences list_fs_nodes reload_acls sync_channels allow_carrier conference_details enable_authz flush_registrar node_details remove_acl sync_conferences allow_sbc conference_summary enable_local_resource_authz flush_util node_summary remove_fs_node test_carrier_ip carrier_acls deny_carrier flush_acls get_fs_nodes registrar_details sbc_acls test_sbc_ip channel_details deny_sbc flush_authn hangup_long_running_channels registrar_summary show_calls james@pdx:~/local/git/2600hz/kazoo/core/sup$ sup ecallmgr_maintenance flush_ flush_acls flush_authn flush_node_channels flush_node_conferences flush_registrar flush_util I think the -h flag is preventing bash auto-completion for you.
  10. Probably the best place to start is in the sysadmin docs while you get familiar with how Kazoo operates. Check out the CentOS 7 install guide and the quickstart API guide. If you find places in the docs that are unclear, click the edit link and submit a PR. The appendix is a pile of docs poorly migrated from the old wiki. There may still be some nuggets of wisdom that are worth cleaning up and moving to the main nav. Please use the forums to search for answers then pose questions if you don't find the help you need. The community is quite knowledge-able!
  11. I can't say definitively but I believe this cause can be added to ignored hangup causes. I know Kazoo has plumbing in ecallmgr the explicitly handles the case where the hangup cause is REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DESTINATION. I can't imagine why a system operator would want alerts about this (but I'm not a typical system operator so hopefully someone else can chime in with a good reason to keep the alerts for this hangup cause). Regarding Erlang, I would welcome you to pick it up just for general learning as well as being able to hack on Kazoo itself. Probably the best way to help the community is looking at the different doc sites and improve the docs. Each page should have an edit link taking you to the git repo backing the content. PRs welcome! Feel free to ask Erlang questions here as well, if you decide to pursue that avenue. Love to help folks get up to speed there!
  12. Hi! and welcome! If you want to remove this hangup cause from the ones that generate alerts, I think you need to edit the "hangups" document in the "system_config" database. There should be a key "ignore_hangup_causes" that will contain a list of hangup causes that Kazoo considers "normal" or expected. You can add this redirection cause to that list, flush the cache "sup kapps_config flush" on the VM, and see if that does the trick. See here for more about monitoring hangup causes.
  13. mc_

    ACD queues

    Hi Lance, There is a commercial offering called Qubicle. You'd have to talk to the sales team to find out more, get a demo, etc. ACDc is community-supported and has several companies using it and occasionally submitting pull requests with updates.
  14. Hard to know what "does not work" means in this case? What errors do you see? Does using 'curl' on the command line work? Maybe its an issue with Fauxton? Can you supply some more details around what you're experiencing?
  15. Where are you putting this media? Most places that take a media_id of some sort will also accept the "shout://" URL as well. FreeSWITCH will need mod_shout enabled as well, by the by.
  16. I don't think there's anything restricting the URL from being "shout://...". ecallmgr explicitly checks for shout:// and passes it direct to FreeSWITCH. Give it a shot and let us know!
  17. To add, this will be on the latest and 3.20 builds when those jobs are run.
  18. Hi Alex, I've patched the relevant code to support multi-nested keys in the querystring filters. The relevant commit if you care is here
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