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Rally IP Admin

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Everything posted by Rally IP Admin

  1. I think Panasonic also has HTTP actions triggered by incoming call, answer, hangup, etc...
  2. Maybe you can use PBX Connector and use Authentication.
  3. SCA is Bsft service. But you can create almost the same feature using blf and call pick up feature in Kazoo.
  4. working on script to create CSV from bsft group. :-) . bulk export -> csv -> bulk import -> done
  5. not sure about the provisioner configuration...
  6. download from grandtstream web site.
  7. Shout out to all 2600hz staffs and much thanks for the upgrade. All efforts are much appreciated.
  8. http://community.polycom.com/t5/VoIP/SoundPointIP-450-with-4-0-1-13681-blf-working-but-direct-call/t...
  9. You can do 99.99999% up time, because it does... :-)
  10. NOTIFY check-sync!  Thank you 2600hz.
  11. Amazon Echo and Voice Service ring any ideas with Kazoo?   https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-voice-service
  12. I noticed the same behavior with other APIs. Need to include exiting data when modifying one or few selected attributes / parameters. I also think it would be great to have SEARCH API - rather than retrieving complete list of items (i.e. full list of devices) and then look for a specific items in your own app. 
  13. Sorry. If it's the conf on the phone, it depends on the phone. Grandstream 22xx support up to 6. Polycom =3. 
  14. I think we had about 20 people one time.
  15. Is there BLIND transfer option for BRIA client?  Using my devices (Grandstream, Panasonic), consulted transfer will replace the CLID but BLIND transfer will keep the original caller's number.
  16. I detect a bit of discrepancies. Do I create a ticket at help.2600hz.com or a new thread in here?
  17. https://2600hz.atlassian.net/wiki/display/APIs/Realtime+Call+Control
  18. We used Pivot to block calls based on CallerID and I think you can also use it for routing calls to different call flows.  But there is no UI for it.  Not sure how we can make an "APP" on Monster to create nice UI.  Example pivot url: <?php header('content-type:application/json'); $callerID = $_REQUEST['Caller-ID-Number']; $callerID = trim($callerID, "+"); $callerID = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $callerID); $callerID = substr($callerID,-10); if(strcmp(strleft($callerID,3),"415")==0) {  echo '{"module":"response"            ,"data":{                "code":"486"                ,"message":"User Busy"                ,"media":"id_or_url"                 }            }'; }else    { echo '{"module":"callflow"        ,"data":{"id":"somecallFlowID"}             }';    } ?>
  19. hmm.. The UI password is also used for device.auth.localAdminPassword by default.
  20. When I went to buy a new number with preferred area code, the list keeps on updating with repeated same number list.  Maybe a bug on UI?
  21. Ok. The transmission in plain text config file which contains SIP auth will not be allowed in some installation customers. Another thing I noticed.  If you create a device from Advanced Provisioner App, the default SIP Username and pwd are the same as kazoo / monster UI web log in credentials.  I tried to change them but I get "Account is not reseller" error.  
  22. Advanced Provisioner -> Account -> device Hold Alert  I think Delay is mis-spelled as Dalay. Or is there another definition for Dalay?
  23. Although Provisioner is a nice tool, it's too easy for someone to retrieve credentials. The config files are in plain text (at least for Polycom I tested) and no authentication with HTTP.  Too easy to scan through MAC address to obtain SIP credentials and more.  Config files need to be encrypted or need HTTP authentication or HTTPS with authentication.
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