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Everything posted by FASTDEVICE

  1. We re-sell srfax, great analog service for mission critical applications and includes an API.
  2. The definitive answer from 2600hz is: The Realm Suffix : *.s.yourdomain.xyz DNS Helper : remove the default in the field and replace w/ yourdomain.xyz
  3. as an update, in advanced callflows, creating a FaxBox auto creates the fax email as xxx.fax.zswitch.net. Using SmartPBX, FaxBox auto creates the fax email address using the realm. There is no way to configure what I want Monster to auto create for me.    
  4. Also, when I create a FaxBox the SMTP address created is xxx.fax.zswitch.net. Shouldn't that now become: *.s.yourdomain.xxx ?
  5. I'm using the branding app and would like to know how to properly configure the "Realm Suffix." My understanding has been, from prior branding, that it is preferred to have the realms created in this format: *s.yourdomain.xxx" The DNS helper even shows the MX and proxy fallback in that format. However, if you configure "s.yourdomain.xxx" as the Realm Suffix, the DNS helper shows the format as: *.s.s.yourdomain.xxx"  and all the A and CNAME records get an 's' inserted as well. I ask what is correct, s.yourdomain.xxx or yourdomain.com for the Realm Suffix? 
  6. Thanks, I need to do more research on why a channel hangup would require a metaflow and I don't see the option in konami (hold, move, resume, transfer).
  7. Has anyone tested the channel actions to confirm they work? Maybe it's just me, but I can't get "hangup" to work. It returns saying initiated and successful, but the action never takes place against the UUID.    
  8. Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this, but my team was working to deliver our new user portal. We have tested the fax detect callflow and IT WORKS!
  9. @Darren, interesting reply as my developers are telling me that an email account is now required to create a user. We have been using "account_ext@fastdevice.net" as the username to create the user's account. However, the email account for sending vm and fax is separate. We also don't expect these types of users to be logging into the monster portal. Is there any issue (besides logging in) with making a bogus email account name for the username? 
  10. @lazedo - awesome recommendation. I've been playing with Postman for about an hour and easily recreated a collection similar to the developer API in the prior Kazoo UI. Thanks! 
  11. @Darren - perhaps this needs to be incorporated as part of a callflow element(s) (those that answer/ listen). I don't think most people on this board are going to write the callflow JSON necessary to configure the two child callflows for fax or voice.  
  12. Through the API would work for me.
  13. Good question and point (as I understand why), so let me float it by my team.
  14. Most of our clients have dedicated fax lines, but we are discussing a low-cost forwarding service for consultants and freelancers that includes having a single DID with fax detection as a compelling feature.  
  15. Is there the ability to detect an incoming call is a fax and handle it as such, and if not, move through the callflow to handle as a call? 
  16. Darren, on a side note...at some point your business model is to support 3rd party applications through an apps store of sorts. Where can resellers that develop these apps or layered services that extend 2600hz offerings appropriately begin discussions? I'd like to get feedback on what my team is building and perhaps have the community drive some of the direction.  
  17. sales@fastdevice.net
  18. My development team has already build desktop integration that hooks to Web and Window's apps to pop contact information screens for CRMs or launch applications. This has been deployed for about 1.5 years and working flawlessly. This month we are deploying a full admin/ user portal with call analytics that provides reporting on extensions and phone numbers.  
  19. Already in the works with most features in Beta. If anyone is interested please email. 
  20. Aaron, just getting around to this, as it would be nice to have the ability to share/ forward emails to other users. This is a typical feature in a business environment.
  21. There is an alternative way that doesn't need to traverse the cloud  and responds instantly. In many brand IP Phones, (Yealink my favorite) there is a config section for Multicast Listening. In that section, there is usually 10 groups that you can assign. My preference is to assign: as Page 1 as Page 2 Then, program a DSS key as type "Multicast Paging" with one of the IP page addresses as the value.   
  22. If you want stakeholder input on prioritizing the backlog (now that you brought up money), the most requested feature, from my client base, is call queues. I'm sure that's a different thread.
  23. Darren, I'm thinking it's not an edge case for me. A number of prospects and current clients have multiple businesses under one roof with a central admin answering calls and routing. I'd like to keep the businesses separate and in this case don't need extensions calling one another, but need the admin to route the calls to their extensions. And, I need the system to grow with this "rental" business model beyond the capacity of a multi-account SIP phone. However, I have multi-locations as the dominate request.
  24. I guess I'm going off the premise that I can accomplish the same using DIDs. However, BLFs are a different matter, but not something I need out of the gate.
  25. Yes, exactly. Office A would have extensions in the 100 range and office B would have extensions in the 200 range, etc. etc.
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