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Everything posted by FASTDEVICE

  1. Big Thanks for jumping on this issue. Sent my developer's update via email. My clients have been without CRM integration for 2 days and they are starting to get restless.
  2. @Darren, please have a developer review "clicktocall." I am certain that it's issuing the account's callerID for <contact_number> when it should be the other way around. Also, please have them review the entire "clicktocall" process as there is something else going wrong that my developers can't pinpoint. Prior to the upgrade "clicktocall" has worked for us flawlessly for two years and we haven't made any code changes on our part, but now our CRM integration app is broken.  
  3. This appears to be a side effect of the url length. Long urls break reporting.  
  4. Webhooks, list of attempts log is not working.
  5. Yes, they are working now. Thank you. And, as usual, I get two for every one. Someone should look into if duplicate hooks are a bug.  
  6. Yes, the hooks are enabled and my test hook "channel_answer" is set to be received at http://requestb.in/14hja8g1
  7. Webhooks are not working. This is a high severity issue for my clients as they depend on our Harmony CRM integration app that is triggered by a Webhook. 
  8. @Darren, are you aware that "auth_token" is returning a much longer string than usual?
  9. I'm wondering if this is a bug, as the "call_id" is identical? The real issue is preventing duplicate async hooks as the code can get rather involved. It would be preferable to only receive one hook per leg of the call.
  10. https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/doc/blacklists.md
  11. We are having internal discussions regarding providing this version of Harmony for free. There are four requirements to using Harmony;Setup Webhooks on the account  Requires a device (softphone SIP connection) per user  Registration to our license server.Create a Callflow for the Harmony extensionAlthough Harmony requires a SIP connection, it does not have an interface to make or receive calls. The SIP connection is strictly used to process caller ID information. Our future desktop integration, Harmony v2.0 will no longer require a SIP connection, but uses WebSockets and a messaging queue. It will also have extended features and be sold per license.  
  12. Do you have an example that doesn't require Pivot? I'm looking for something I can POST using say cURL.
  13. The API for manipulating presence outlined in "presence.md" appears to be incomplete. POST /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/presence/{EXTENSION} All that is specified is {"data": {"reset": true }.  Shouldn't we be able to send something like, { "data" : { "status" : "ringing" } } etc. Am I missing something?
  14. Aaron, How does this differ from what I posted? The Alert-Info is already exposed in the UI.
  15. Using schema callflows.resources.json, would it be possible to add something like to_sip_url ? This way we can configure: From account to account {"module":"resources" ,"data":{ "to_sip_url":"xxx@realm.com" ,"use_local_resources":true } }<br id="null"><br id="null">// external (global)<br id="null">{"module":"resources" ,"data":{ "to_did":"xxx@domain.com" ,"use_local_resources":false } }
  16. My team developed a Windows desktop application for CRM integration that pops-up a screen for inbound and outbound calls. The product is called "Harmony." It's been in production for two years now and works great. http://www.fastdeviceusa.com/harmony  
  17. here is another comment from that ticket that gives further detail: The outbound proxy server must be an IP address or I get a, “403 Forbidden” message. 
  18. I looked back on my support tickets for the GXP2160 and found one from March 2015 v1.0.4.16... Thanks for reaching out. Arthur suggested we look into Grandstream and to evaluate the GXP2160 as a potential replacement  for our go-to workhorse the Yealink t2xp series that is starting to look aged in the workplace. My team conducted interop and quality testing, but the device failed on all accounts. The firmware was not compatible with our SIP proxy from 2600hz.com, the phone buzzed using PoE. and voice quality was scratchy and distorted on the receive side. Perhaps the latter was due to a defective phone, but GrandStream forum users state otherwise. They never did resolve the SIP proxy problem and we returned the phones.
  19. Grandstream has many templates on their support site, but according to their tech support team, they suggest to factory reset the phone, configure as needed, then export the config file. This should give you a default working set of parameters in .cfg format. However, you will need .xml to download to the phone. That said, they have a bash script (tool found on support site) to convert the config file to proper XML for provisioning. After which, I suggest replacing key parameters with say, "%ext%, %passwd%, %realm%, %proxy%, %prv%, %firmware%" and then use sed/ perl/ php to find and replace them with client information. I've broken the config file into two; cfgMAC.xml and cfggxpMODELNUMBER.xml. If you choose to encrypt, you can request a GAPS template that gives you an encryption key option. They recommend using openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc for encryption.  
  20. This expression may work for you: 1\d{2}[^8]
  21. What would be nice is to add an extra level of security to DISA by limiting inbound access by callerID.
  22. A rep from "thinq" gave me a demo of their carrier (LCR) service and it seemed very impressive with a lot of features and granular capability within the feature sets. What caught my eye was Peerless was on their carrier list along with many big names. I was wondering if anyone has experience using them? Something like this would be an interesting choice for when Darren reveals his updated billing model.  
  23. Route Inbound Calls based on CallerID/ CNAM using Regex and/or Dial Plan. This would create the logic necessary to route calls based on area code etc. This would also work as an extra level of protection to control who has access to DISA, so calls can appear to be coming from the office.
  24. @Maire are you making sure the client is using a preferred resolution and scan quality for faxing? Here is what I have found works best: If you are scanning documents, your scanner software should allow you to set the resolution (measured in DPI or “Dots Per Inch”) of the scanned image. Fine mode fax is 204 x 196 dpi and Standard mode is 204 x 98 dpi, so 200 DPI is adequate for both Fine and Standard resolution faxes. We recommend you scan your documents in “black & white” to produce a crisp, high contrast image. The key to getting clean looking faxes from a scanner is to make sure the brightness and contrast settings of your scanning software produce “crisp” images so there is as little grayscale in your image as possible. The text and any line art should be as dark as possible and the whitespace should be completely white and free of any “haze” or grayscale. However, sometimes you will intentionally want detailed grayscale images if you are faxing a detailed photo or image.
  25. There is no magic bullet. Where do your clients want to click these numbers? Please read my original response.
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