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Everything posted by esoare

  1. I wonder if that is what is happening on the Hosted 2600hz side of things... David Durik, your running your own cluster?
  2. I am coming to that conclusion as well.... I have Yealinks at a customer site, 16 phones, with ParkSlot BLF's *3(101-105) + 2 Attendant Consoles with BLF's for each user presence. Last time it happened (3 days ago) I added a phone to the customer + changed the Combo keys on the attendant consoles to add that User's Presence... Not sure if it was co-incidence with timing, but I ended up "restarting" the phone from the Advanced Provisioner module, and everything came up to snuff... Can that Global File be modified Through the RPS configs?
  3. Totally agree. I wonder how hard it is to add DTMF to the Combo Key in Advanced Provisioner... I would figure there may be different terminology/setttings based on different manufacturers... In any case, good for you on persevering.
  4. I know it's not API based, and you do have to have Yealinks (unless Polycom does DTMF's on Keys) Using a CallFlow with -> Dynamic CLID -> Disa. You should be able to get 100% results. Hope you get it working the other way though! Example above.
  5. Would love to help test also!! esoare
  6. That was the Best!!!
  7. Super Duper!
  8. This post should be on the 2600hz-users list. Please check out the Google Groups site. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!for...
  9. Do you run your own? Or do you use a "hosted" Ftp Service? Is it secured? SFTP?
  10. I did this for a new client with 15 phones. I wonder if there is a Hosted LDAP service, so the Admin for the customer just has 1 location to update, versus the group on all the phones individually. I guess I could search, eh?
  11. Any news on if this is in Beta???
  12. question! Is this report coming from your own customer? I had a client report this to me, but it turned out that it was an employees mother, and she had programmed the main number in the phones contacts, with her daughters name. At least that what I told them, since it was only the mom's... maybe she had T-mobile though :( I'll have to keep an eye open on that. es
  13. lol! High Five to the Sponsor!!
  14. A client has plain voicemail boxes. (no voicemail to email). Is there a way if a voicemail comes into their "main" mailbox, for the user, to xfer that voicemail message to another mailbox/user that the message was intended for?
  15. Try building another phone. I doubt it would add the option to existing phones.
  16. Can I test this to? :) I just rolled a site of 15 phones out, and the changes that I am making aren't being applied, because the server url isn't populated during the initial Auto Provision... The phone I have on that account in the office shows a blank in the "Server URL" section of the phone.
  17. So I am going to have to create those 13 users with fake emails. :( I thought I had it figured out, because I could (In Advanced Call Flows) create a Device with a "PresenceID". (I think that is the "Main Number" for BLF use) But I couldn't figure out, how to make the voicemail box, turn on the message waiting on the device, without the user. Therefore, here comes the bouncebacks. I'm going to use my own domain though, none of this na@na.com stuff. :) Link to Question I created. : https://helpcenter.2600hz.com/2600hz/...
  18. Is there a way (Advance CallFlows) to create a Voicemail box that will turn on a "Device" Message Waiting Notification light on a phone? I want to avoid creating 13 "dummy users", just to turn the notification on, if possible... if not, then I'll create those "dummy users"
  19. Gave it a go! It Rocks my socks off!
  20. I would be fine with an admin only retrieving the call recording.
  21. I have clients that the admin is "IT", I end up doing hands on training, and they "poke" around... Other clients will always call me... = Different prices for different clients.
  22. Let us know when this roles! This along with " https://helpcenter.2600hz.com/2600hz/... " having the Local SIP port being changed properly in higher firmware of the Yealinks, would "seem" to fix everything that would allow for proper deployment using RPS..
  23. I meant to say "Main Extension Number" which is a field that handles the BLF lights, and is associated with a "User". If I want to have a BLF on the receptionist phone that shows when someone uses the Lunch Room phone. I need to create a User with "Main Extension Number" programmed, so that can happen, but that get's me into the following issues / problems. 1. Need to create a Fake User so that I can utilize the "Main Extension Number" 2. Need to create a Fake email address, because I can't create my Fake User without an email address. 3. Need to change the ringing to 40 seconds, just so people hangup before being hung up on. 4. Need to Delete the voicemail box associated with that Fake User, because I don't want a black hole voicemail box I apologize for muddying the waters by asking multiple things in the same thread. For me right now (because I can create fake emails to my domain, and I won't mark them as SPAM) I can do the scenario above for the Lunch room, etc... But not do numbers 3 and 4 in the list for the Real Users, that need voicemail, but don't need/want emails associated with the User. esoare
  24. I agree with the whole bounce back, that is why I tried that email. :) It's a difficult scenario, due to the requirement of a User, for the BLF "Main Extension Number" being tied to the User, and the User requiring an "email address" and the User automatically building a Voicemail Box (even if one isn't necessary...see KAZOO-4666) I went ahead and created 3 requests. I apologize ahead of time for putting them in the wrong area! Really, I am sorry! They are somewhat similar, but different , reasons are associated with each requests. User without email address (Because some clients don't have emails for all users) https://2600hz.atlassian.net/browse/K... Allow for Main Extension Number to be associated with a Device (Because BLF works only with Main Extension Number, and we may want BLF in a Lunch Room) https://2600hz.atlassian.net/browse/K... Create a User without a Voicemail box, or email address - In Monster UI (We may want BLF for a Lunch Room Phone) https://2600hz.atlassian.net/browse/K... esoare
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