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Everything posted by esoare

  1. I posted this in another thread. "https://helpcenter.2600hz.com/2600hz/..." Looking to spread the idea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wonder if a record then play option would work? (then they wouldn't notice the delay) There are devices out there, that are made specifically to cancel out screaching of speakers, when a phone is next to one. So the Idea is. Hit Page. Hear a Tone. Record the message. Hang Up. The Kazoo platform "pages all the phones" The recorded message Play's across all the phones Kazoo hangs up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. I wonder if a record then play option would work? (then they wouldn't notice the delay) There are devices out there, that are made specifically to cancel out screaching of speakers, when a phone is next to one. So the Idea is. Hit Page. Hear a Tone. Record the message. Hang Up. The Kazoo platform "pages all the phones" The recorded message Play's across all the phones Kazoo hangs up.
  3. Under IRONIC. Have an account that some phone registrations show the Internal IP and others show the external IP address. Will stand by on this one. as a side note: Thanks for posting the Known Issues!
  4. How about costs for Operator Console?
  5. Does the Dec. 2nd stuff have anything to do with BLF? Please say yes! and that it will fix everything once and for all!...Please!
  6. anyone use the W56P's yet? Ordering a couple. Hopefully the Advanced provisioner structure for the W52p will work :) Seem to have better battery's.
  7. BLF issues again.... Ran a flush on a bunch of the presence...will see if it fixes it.
  8. Rick, Do you use Advanced Provisioner yet? you could make that change there...but be careful if you have Combo Key's programmed...
  9. Karl, my only customer that uses this, has had increased stability, since I removed a console at my office. (the router I have is some kinda Zyxel PK501 router) they have had increase reliability! (other than this glitch). I believe that there was an issue with a: the blf's going to two different IP's b: my crummy zyxel dsl modem c: the dsl service itself do you guys know what type of router's your customers are using?
  10. Yeah, It's not the greatest thing when you have confirmed that a system issue was the cause, versus some reliability/configuration issue was the problem, but in this case, I actually think we were happy that it was an outage problem! lol, at least it came up quickly!
  11. I think this was a system wide issue. My clients called me about it also. it was Park BLF's as well as Extension BLF's on the consoles... One of the Park BLF's kept the flashing up and I had to "Flush" that from the Debug Portal under Presence... It is very frustrating!
  12. That is what I call amazin! Very cool. Thanks Mads!
  13. I'm guessing I'll have to wait till after Kazoocon :( It's all good in the NW...at least until tomorrow when the storm hits
  14. Very nice Mads! Look forward to seeing it in act-syon (say it in french)
  15. Darren is wondering if your modules could point to the Hosted Cluster that 2600hz runs. In other words, your CRM module, could it point to the 2600hz cluster, instead of your own cluster? Thereby allowing Hosted Resellers, to have access to your apps. It would allow you to put your "Apps" into the "App Store", and make revenue that way. :) (sorry for putting words in your mouth Darren! Feel free to correct.)
  16. Mads: you have your own cluster?
  17. Thanks for sharing your work!
  18. Wow, those are some modifications!
  19. Rick Guyton: I had to revert back to Disabled last night. It seemed to get worse for the site (BLF issues were happening every 24 hour period) I am going to see how it goes over the next 48 hours, and let you know. I am wondering, does anyone open up their firewall to allow any/any from the 2600hz data center IP's? I don't think it's necessary, but thought I would ask. esoare
  20. Would love to see the recording, I missed it also!
  21. Too bad the BLF's can't be TCP, so the message always gets through...if that is the problem.
  22. I gave it a shot at a site that is having issues... Did this yesterday at 2:30pm not sure when they went down, but i am rebooting again..
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