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Everything posted by safarov

  1. I have prepared AWS CloudFormation stack. This allow make requred configration. Just need upload text file in the AWS CloudFormation and then generate tocken in IAM app. CloudFormation stack Description: >- Stack creates an S3 bucket for Kazoo recordings and configures access permission Resources: ################################################ # IAM Users ################################################ UserKazoo: Type: AWS::IAM::User Properties: UserName: kazoo ################################################ # S3 Bucket ################################################ S3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: 278544129100-kazoo PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: true BlockPublicPolicy: true IgnorePublicAcls: true RestrictPublicBuckets: true LifecycleConfiguration: Rules: - Id: DefaultRule Status: Enabled ExpirationInDays: 40 Transitions: - TransitionInDays: 10 StorageClass: GLACIER # - Id: Tenant-XXX # Status: Enabled # Prefix: 'subfolder' # ExpirationInDays: 40 # Transitions: # - TransitionInDays: 10 # StorageClass: GLACIER ################################################ # S3 Policy ################################################ PolicyKazoo: Type: 'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy' Properties: Bucket: !Ref S3Bucket PolicyDocument: Id: S3ForKazoo Statement: - Action: - 's3:ListBucket' - 's3:PutObject' - 's3:GetObject' Effect: Allow Resource: - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${S3Bucket} - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${S3Bucket}/* Principal: AWS: - !GetAtt UserKazoo.Arn
  2. @fmateo05 could you create pull request for new media files addition on 2600hz/kazoo-sounds repo.
  3. Is kazoo 5.x will use CentOS 8?
  4. To create and use advanced callflow 1) need create new callflow with any number ("1111" as example); 2) mark callflow as can used for main (in callflow application); 3) in smart PBX you can now select advanced callflow.
  5. why not create user and auth app using user account?
  6. Looks as you have half of couchdb nodes down. Cluster have configured 6 nodes and only 3 is online.
  7. Error 488 Not Acceptable Here is related to used codec and encryption. Not IP used on caller side (private or public). Please paste INVITE here and codec related variables from "freeswitch.xml"
  8. Think you can create `911` callflow and add cf_notification.erl and then cf_offnet.erl module This will allow send email.
  9. you can prepend caller name, not number. As example "hotdesk-", "sales-" and etc.
  10. Also check you PC for viruses. May be installed key logger. That recognise credit card number and send to third part. As options, you can boot from Fedora live USB stick and safely add credit card to monster-ui.
  11. How about create dedicated cart to pay only important services like 2600hz? In this case credit cart cannot be copied by third party and you can safely use service.
  12. They can force on or off time of day rule.
  13. You can configure voice mailbox with same creating message. Try rewrite greeting message from voice mailbox. I expect this will replace menu media.
  14. On client equipment may be used any password. This will not requested when used IP auth.
  15. Thin is easiest way - update kamailio config to add ACL check on REGISTER logic. I checked PCAP files. Yalink phones and other not send MAC during registration. But you can check MAC at provisioning state.
  16. I think root if issue is broken DTLS encription on FreeSwitch side when RTCP-MUX is disabled. You can try fix this https://freeswitch.org/jira/browse/FS-10981
  17. Think this must be done on kazoo-app side as "Accept: application/pdf" of http request Then you easy request required content type.
  18. Hello @DinkyDonkey @Darren Schreiber @Logicwrath Could you describe some more info how this works. 1) phone request location info from connected switch and then send this with INVITE message; 2) kazoo must have access to LLDP enabled switch end request info by MAC/IP of called device. Could you make reference to docs where this described.
  19. I think this may be done using formaters When caller is have national/international number format, then need to set Aler-Info sip header
  20. I want to caution against using CouchDB Unable to replicate database #745, #1125 Many errors when using the docker image #1073, #1119
  21. @esoare homer use RTCP stat to count MOS. But same functionality not implemented on FS side. You may use HOMER reports to import MOS statistic to kazoo CDR. Or need to implement similar functionality on FS side.
  22. If peer host is supports, then FS daemon can receive RTP statistics from remote end. This will allow you get RTP statistic for both direction. For inbound RTP stream FS count statistic by self. For outbound RTP stream FS use statistic from remote end. You can get RTCP statistic by catching channel reporting FS event. Part of example of RTCP FS stat (used mod_format_cdr) <call-stats> <audio> <inbound> <raw_bytes>219128</raw_bytes> <media_bytes>219128</media_bytes> <packet_count>1274</packet_count> <media_packet_count>1274</media_packet_count> <skip_packet_count>2</skip_packet_count> <jitter_packet_count>0</jitter_packet_count> <dtmf_packet_count>0</dtmf_packet_count> <cng_packet_count>0</cng_packet_count> <flush_packet_count>0</flush_packet_count> <largest_jb_size>0</largest_jb_size> <jitter_min_variance>0.99</jitter_min_variance> <jitter_max_variance>2.15</jitter_max_variance> <jitter_loss_rate>0.00</jitter_loss_rate> <jitter_burst_rate>0.00</jitter_burst_rate> <mean_interval>20.00</mean_interval> <flaw_total>0</flaw_total> <quality_percentage>100.00</quality_percentage> <mos>4.50</mos> </inbound> <outbound> <raw_bytes>219300</raw_bytes> <media_bytes>219300</media_bytes> <packet_count>1275</packet_count> <media_packet_count>1275</media_packet_count> <skip_packet_count>0</skip_packet_count> <dtmf_packet_count>0</dtmf_packet_count> <cng_packet_count>0</cng_packet_count> <rtcp_packet_count>11528</rtcp_packet_count> <rtcp_octet_count>1844480</rtcp_octet_count> </outbound> </audio> </call-stats> But I think this report have mistake and need to fix it. Look to rtcp_packet_count and packet_count.
  23. you can try docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/safarov/couchdb/
  24. Problem in Faxton interface. Please test latest (git master) faxton.
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