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Everything posted by esoare

  1. so www.na.com is a real domain. na@na.com I received a bounce back on. Hopefully they never activate that user/email address! lol but what if you don't want the "Fake user" to have voicemail at all! What do you do? Your message to na@na.com couldn't be delivered. na wasn't found at na.com. e Office 365 na Action Required Recipient Unknown To address How to Fix It The address may be misspelled or may not exist. Try one or more of the following: Send the message again following these steps: In Outlook, open this non-delivery report (NDR) and choose Send Again from the Report ribbon. In Outlook on the web, select this NDR, then select the link "To send this message again, click here." Then delete and retype the entire recipient address. If prompted with an Auto-Complete List suggestion don't select it. After typing the complete address, click Send. Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) to check that the address exists and is correct. The recipient may have set up email forwarding to an incorrect address. Ask them to check that any forwarding they've set up is working correctly. Clear the recipient Auto-Complete List in Outlook or Outlook on the web by following the steps in this article: Fix email delivery issues for error code 5.1.10 in Office 365, and then send the message again. Retype the entire recipient address before selecting Send.
  2. What about phones that you want to BLF with Main Number, but don't want a voicemail?
  3. I have a client (Chiropractic office) and they want traditional phone stuff for their voicemail. No voicemail to email, and no real logging into the UI interface at all. Is there a way to create a User without email addresses? I could use advanced call flows to do extentions to devices, but voicemail boxes are associated with users. (usually), and the "Main Extension" is an important piece to the client for them to see who is on the phone. Also, some of the phones (which I want to have a "Main Extension" on as well) are in patient areas, do I just create a "fake user" for those locations? Kill the Voicemail box? Anyone else have this problem? How do you get around it? I already though of creating fake email addresses to one of my domains, but that seems a touch "crazy"!
  4. So here is the belated "writeup", it turned into a video with screen shots, etc. https://youtu.be/npSSZyavlzw It's branded a bit, but should be usable for any sysadmins to figure it out.
  5. Just filed. KAZOO-4624 (this is for User Portal normal users...maybe should have been filed under UIUI?) UIUI-2093 (this is for Admin's that get access to the Main Fax, having the ability to see the Main Fax in their User Portal, or a seperate Admin/Workgroup portal) esoare
  6. I believe FastDevice would be interested :) And I would be interested in using that for my customers. esoare
  7. I agree. Did you know that the SNOM PA1 has an amp in it? you can hook up 8ohm speakers to it! (how many, i don't know) But the ideal thing, is to have a device, that integrates with existing systems... perhaps if an ATA was auto provisioned properly, that would meet the needs of the "paging integration".
  8. So I deployed a site with 7 phones using Yealink T42G's Firmware Had 5 combo key's programmed through Advance Provisioner, and everything seemed good. Keys 1 | Account 1 | Line 1 2 | Value *3107 | Label Hold 1 3 | Value *3108 | Label Hold 2 4 | Value *3109 | Label Hold 3 Everything seems to be working, except that Advanced Provisioner shows up with the default settings. I Thought this might be due to a firmware issue, but I shipped out 3 phones to another site (in the same account) with Firmware and these also are showing up defaulted. I believe the phones are fine, with their BLF's / Park keys, because I haven't received any "complaints". So I think it might be a Monster GUI issue, not keeping the information?... Anyone one else experiencing this? esoare p.s. I'll open up a ticket, but thought I would check with others, since you may not have noticed. I'm Monster UI & hosted.
  9. Karl, I did break it so that it wouldn't show the Dynamic CID that I entered. Make sure the DISA doesn't have the "Use Account Caller ID" box "Checked". Save after changing. If that doesn't fix it, not sure...
  10. I would love to see this to!
  11. OK. Just another thought, if you want to sell some side cars and program them up. :) On the Yealinks you can set a DSS Button for DTMF (which I would figure you could do on other phones to). Setup DSS buttons for each of their clients DTMF with the 10 digit number for the client. Put the name of the client as the "Label". Then, when the "Enter your number..." comes up from the system, the agent can press a button to put in the proper phone number, based on the client. Perhaps your client would be willing to pay for that, since it would alleviate errors.
  12. Travis. So the outgoing call flow is a Prepend? + DISA or a Dynamic-CLID? +DISA Checkout the link below, it may be of interest. https://helpcenter.2600hz.com/2600hz/... esoare
  13. Created Bug Report JIRA-Kazoo-4600 (That one has a good number, so maybe it will be fixed:) ) Create a Advanced - CallFlow with an Extension Create a Prepend In Caller-ID Number Prefix: place a 10 digit phone number Create a DISA In Pin enter PIN CODE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USE: User calls the CallFlow. System asks for the System Pin Code. User enter system Pin Code. They hear Dial tone. User dials number to call. Call Completes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The First Time that Caller ID to the receiving party shows the Prepend number in the Call Flow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bug: After 1 use of the CallFlow. All other calls, show 919-692-6062 or "Unknown", i/e no Number provided. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. Nope Your effort is different than what Raj was talking about...This is not call forwarding, but calling out from a phone and wanting to show one of your "other" lines, instead of a) your main number, b) the users number, c) the device's number! If you made the call flow a Dynamic CLID, u would need to enter number then # (though, if you do a full 10 digits, it doesn't require the #) on the phone pad, I setup the yealink to do a DTMF with the 10 digits of the Caller ID wanting to be shown. Then user puts in a "1 digit + #" DISA code. User hears Dial Tone, dials 10 digits out, and the Call gets placed using the Dynamic Caller ID of the "second line" This works Consistently. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I placed a ten digit cell number off of Verizon in the pictured Pre-Pend above. It was showing that cell phone number when I called from that T42G phone the first time. The pictures above with the Pre-Pend and digits entered in, then the DISA. Has an interesting bug. If you build the callflow. The first time you use it, the CLID displays properly. But after that first try, the number 919-692-6062 shows up afterwords, or "UNKNOWN"...consistently... which if you search that, bots use it. :) Not sure why that happens... I'll open up a support case on this. Esoare
  15. Have an SPA1 on the way. Will do a short write up after. esoare
  16. So I figured out another way of doing this. It adds one more step for the user. But it adds some customization on the phones WEB-GUI (at least the Yealinks) because Auto Provisioner doesn't have the option to do Combo-Keys as DTMF. Not pretty, but it does make it possible for a user to use their phones and change their caller ID. IF it's just 1 other line, then it will be programming three buttons, and they just press the 3 buttons, then enter the number they want to call. 1) Create a call flow with an internal extension a. Put a Prepend with the number the customer wants to show b. Go to DISA (enter an arbritrary code) c. Save. 2) Go to the Phone WEB-GUI a. Create a button with Speed Dial to the Internal Extension (Name whatever) b. Create a button with DTMF with the DISA CODE + # (Name PIN CODE) User Presses Speedial They Hear "Please enter you code...." They press the PIN CODE button They Hear Dial Tone They enter the phone number they want to call. Wallah! All that without creating another Device! WHEN / IF, DTMF is added as an option in Advanced Provisioner, you won't need to do the Phone Web GUI. Hope that helps...and yes, I did take 1.25 hours out of my day to do this, pics, and type up the how to! :) esoare out
  17. Logicwrath, is that only on the T46G's or is that option on the T42G's... and what page is that under? I could not find it on a T42G.
  18. Couldn't send u an email through your profile. Check my profile and see if my email shows? esoare
  19. The question is, is it an app yet? :) For us hosted reseller's it's harder to put capital out / setup servers / etc.. (Though Anthony Goss, will) but we support 2600hz by keeping our clients with you, versus, going with another provider.
  20. What about adding it to the USER PORTAL for the other 30 percent? When uploading it automatically checks to make sure it's the right file type. You would have to enter the number properly. And you could have confirmation that the fax went through. Also, the incoming faxes won't go outside the System, into email, hacko-sphere... just some thoughts. :)
  21. Same here, using Yealinks...always had to use HTTP:// @ Karl Stallknecht I informed 2600hz that it was a "Typo" when it said https://! lol Rather than make a debate of which one to use , it shows neither http or https, therefore, you can use either one!! :D
  22. @ MD . I use Audacity to bump up or down the DB levels on files. It's a touch technical, but a couple of hours banging your head at it / google searches, should get you rolling.
  23. I was looking at the datasheet. http://www.thetelecomspot.com/downloa... Anthony: Just noticed your full comment on connecting to the AMP's. How do you connect it to the Amplifier if the customer has a 70V speaker system? or. Did everyone just use the Multicast to the phones for paging?
  24. I have a client who is using paging amps to speakers in a store. Anyone else doing this? I am thinking either FXS or FXO (not sure which) to integrate to the AMP, then using a Advanced call flow to point to that device (maybe, if it's busy do a message to try again...or just let it give a busy tone). The Quandry of course, is the fact that I can't control the devices through Advanced Provisioner, and making sure they are programmed properly, before being dispersed to the 11 locations, will be...fun :) May need to break out that bottle of Pepto-Bismol.
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